When spiders talk to ants
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Keynote Speaker
Date: September 28, 2007 04:43PM
I've had an interesting day. This morning I was running late for work. I was sitting at a traffic light almost there, waiting to take a left hand turn, and got this idea. I was going to sync motion.
There were approximately 6 cars in front of me waiting for the green turn arrow. I approached the cars and motioned for each driver to roll down their window. Simple concept, I said, -- we're going to sync our motion. When this light turns green, I want to you to count to 3. At precisely 3 seconds after the light turns, gently accelerate. What?, they said -- just do what I ask because I am late for work I replied.
The light turned green. I counted to 3, and gently accelerated. Just as I had anticipated, the line of cars moved like a train. Gliding forward in perfect unison. It required strict obedience to direction but these folks were simply outstanding. I will probably try it again.
So, I park in the parking garage and hop in the elevator with 4 other people. We get to the 10th floor and I hear a monstrous snap which apparently was the cable breaking sending our elevator plummeting to the ground. Though I was prepared to die, I had a split second thought, an idea, and my natural survival instinct took over. Moments before the elevator crashed to the ground, I leaped in the air as high as I possibly could. While in the air, for maybe a matter of one second, the elevator smashed into the ground killing everyone inside -- that is except for me. I avoided disaster, and death, by suspending myself in mid-air during the moment of impact. I emerged unscathed. Everyone else died.
For lunch, I went to an abandoned parking lot and had a staring competition with a freshly planted, but dying tree. It was held up by metal wires anchored to spikes of wood buried in the mulch.
Thanks everyone. Make it a great day.