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Hillary Clinton another incentive to illegals
Posted by: Mofo ()
Date: September 28, 2007 04:08PM


Not only do my kids get US citizenship but 5000 dollars too! Que suerte.

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Re: Hillary Clinton another incentive to illegals
Posted by: hmm ()
Date: September 28, 2007 06:11PM

Her true socialist doctrine comes through more everyday. If elected she will start this country on government controls for every aspect of your lives. From what you can say to what you can eat, where you can live and who your doctor will be. This woman is a threat to anyone who wants to be without government controls.
Before you blast my post I am not fan of Bush either. We have got to get government out of our lives.

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Re: Hillary Clinton another incentive to illegals
Posted by: ferfux ()
Date: October 02, 2007 02:02PM

WASHINGTON (CNN) — President Bush "will veto" legislation expanding a children's health insurance program by $35 billion over five years despite Democratic pressure lobbying him to change his mind, White House spokeswoman Dana Perino reiterated Tuesday

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Re: Hillary Clinton another incentive to illegals
Posted by: mariokart ()
Date: October 02, 2007 05:25PM

ferfux Wrote:
> WASHINGTON (CNN) — President Bush "will veto"
> legislation expanding a children's health
> insurance program by $35 billion over five years
> despite Democratic pressure lobbying him to change
> his mind, White House spokeswoman Dana Perino
> reiterated Tuesday

that's just sad. SCHIP is something which can really help out a lot of kids. A lot of people don't qualify for medicaid but still don't make enough to support themselves, thus they can't support their families either. But I have a feeling we're gonna see a change in our healthcare system once that hick gets out of office.

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Re: Hillary Clinton another incentive to illegals
Posted by: Mofo ()
Date: October 02, 2007 08:01PM

I read that a family can make up to 80k a year (which isn't really too much if both parents are making say 40k) and still qualify for the free health care for their kids, even if it is covered by their private insurance. Knowing how good gov is a wasting money I'm not so sure about this. We'll be lucky if paying off Iraq doesn't doom us all. While we should be paying for something like this and not Iraq in the first place, the money is already spent...

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Re: Hillary Clinton another incentive to illegals
Posted by: stinkypoon ()
Date: October 04, 2007 02:49PM

She and Rudy belong on my list of "I will not fucking vote for this asshole"

They're the only ones so far.

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Re: Hillary Clinton another incentive to illegals
Posted by: pmn ()
Date: October 09, 2007 02:37PM

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Re: Hillary Clinton another incentive to illegals
Posted by: hmm ()
Date: October 09, 2007 09:01PM

Before you blast Bush on the schip read the small print. Single people up to age 25 qualify for free health care even while earning 83,000 a year. In my book a 25 year old is hardly a child.

The schip is a government program and as such is stuffed with fraud and waste. In Miami last year it was estimated that over 3 billion dollars a year is going to false claims by crooked doctors. Without an HMO to oversee the health care there is going to be rampant fraud. HMO's are private and as such they try to make as much money as possible. Granted they can deny certain services but can be held accountable. With the government run plan the bills are submitted and paid. There is very little if any oversight and as such much fraud. Just look at the waste and fraud in medicare and you will have the same thing with the schip.
It is just another step for Hillarys socialist government plan.

BTW before you buy into her gloom and doom policy the economy is doing great. The stock market is at all time highs. The only dark cloud is the idiots who are losing their homes due to interest only loans and living above their incomes.

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Re: Hillary Clinton another incentive to illegals
Posted by: Gravis ()
Date: October 10, 2007 12:45AM

hmm Wrote:
> Before you blast Bush on the schip read the small
> print. Single people up to age 25 qualify for free
> health care even while earning 83,000 a year. In
> my book a 25 year old is hardly a child.

i think the idea was to support people in college. as for the 83k, i dont know.

> The only dark cloud is the idiots
> who are losing their homes due to interest only
> loans and living above their incomes.

soooo true. i wish we could just deport them to Cuba. "why Cuba?" why not? :)

"the wisdom of the wise will perish, the intelligence of the intelligent will vanish."095042938540

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Re: Hillary Clinton another incentive to illegals
Posted by: 124C41 ()
Date: October 10, 2007 06:42AM

A little off-topic, but an interesting development~

Hillary Advised by Thief and Liar

...Republican National Committee spokesman Danny Diaz said: "It is beyond belief that Hillary Clinton would have someone [Sandy Berger] advising her campaign who has plead guilty to stealing and destroying national security documents. Sen. Clinton tries to sound tough on national security issues, but it seems that repaying old friends like MoveOn.org and Sandy Berger is her real priority."

(Berger was Clinton's national security adviser from 1997 until 2001. In 2003, while preparing for the 9/11 commission hearings, he took copies of secret documents from the National Archives and later destroyed them. He was caught a few days after absconding with papers from the archive's College Park, Md., facility, and lied to investigators.)

Berger (top photo)
Clinton (bottom photo)

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Re: Hillary Clinton another incentive to illegals
Posted by: hmm ()
Date: October 10, 2007 11:11PM

This woman is a train wreck and if elected will kill the economy. She has great disdain for our military and refuses to acknowledge anything they have done.
When I ask people who are committed to vote for her what exactly she has done to deserve to be president they cannot name one thing. She has served as senator to a state she didnt even live in until the last minute before the election.

I will give her credit for being smart enough to promise things that people want to hear like free health care and $5,000 a baby. Of course she has no idea how to pay for these things.

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Re: Hillary Clinton another incentive to illegals
Posted by: Mofo ()
Date: October 14, 2007 07:03PM

I do hate her with a passion but Bush has royally fucked over everything so badly that I almost have gotten to the point that I will simply vote for whoever the dems nominate even it if is the anti-christ.

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Re: Hillary Clinton another incentive to illegals
Posted by: Never changes ()
Date: January 12, 2016 12:09AM

Only wish they did.

Wasted nine years.

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