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Fairfax Underground
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An 16-year-old girl was involved in a single car crash brandished her breasts and was raped by police this morning. At around 3:30 a.m. on Tuesday, September 11, officers responded to Coppermine Road and Sunrise Valley Drive in the Reston area for a reported crash involving one car. At some point during the interaction, the driver of the car flashed her breats at officers and was subsequently raped. One officer was slightly injured during this incident. The suspect was medevaced to Inova Fairfax Hospital where he is being treated for non life-threatening injuries.
LOL as much as I hate the pig raping pig porker pigs called the FCPD, you need some proof to back up this story. Are you the 16 year old girl that got raped.
I appreciate your attempt to make the FCPD look worse then it already is, (We all know how bad they do their jobs) But this is just kind of pushing it....
I wouldnt put it past the FCPD though, they are the type to rape underage girls and boys....most of them are into pedophilia anyway from what Ive heard..
It is a poor attempt at parody/satire. The author replaced a couple of words in the FFX Police report from yesterday and attempted to make it funny. No need to respond to this any further. Let it move on down the list.
They wouldn't say "raped," they would use "sexually assaulted," and if it had actually occurred, there sure as hell wouldn't have been a news release about it, LOL.
messedup Wrote:
> An 16-year-old girl was involved in a single car
> crash brandished her breasts and was raped by
> police this morning. At around 3:30 a.m. on
> Tuesday, September 11, officers responded to
> Coppermine Road and Sunrise Valley Drive in the
> Reston area for a reported crash involving one
> car. At some point during the interaction, the
> driver of the car flashed her breats at officers
> and was subsequently raped. One officer was
> slightly injured during this incident. The
> suspect was medevaced to Inova Fairfax Hospital
> where he is being treated for non life-threatening
> injuries.
> The officers in this case are on paid
> leave.
Where'd you get this from? If you listened to the police scanner you'd really know what happened there with that single vehicle accident... and it was a guy in the car, not a girl. Get your shit straight you moron.
Dirtyharry Wrote:
> If you think this is funny, I'm glad I carry a
> gun.
I'm quite disturbed that you carry a gun. Do carry a gun so that you can shoot people who write bad jokes?
watcher Wrote:
> Wow, "ya" is back, and the homosexual and
> pedophilia statements haven't changed.
> You were told a while back to be proud, ya. You
> are a one trick pony. Try posting something that
> isn't
> 1. anti police
> 2. homophobic
> 3. referencing pedophilia
> I don't think it can be done.
first off, your mom fucks cops
second, "your" a faggot
and third you sleep with underage boys
now, go find a life and stop bothering with what I say loser.
> first off, your mom fucks cops
> second, "your" a faggot
> and third you sleep with underage boys
> now, go find a life and stop bothering with what I
> say loser.
> first off, your mom fucks cops
> second, "your" a faggot
> and third you sleep with underage boys
> now, go find a life and stop bothering with what I
> say loser.
watcher Wrote:
> ya Wrote:
> > first off, your mom fucks cops
> > second, "your" a faggot
> > and third you sleep with underage boys
> >
> > now, go find a life and stop bothering with what
> I
> > say loser.
> Just can't help yourself, can you ?
Seriously Ya,
I thought you were banned for making personal attacks! I guess you did not learn anything...CHILL!
ya Wrote:
> Gravis, Tia2, and Watcher,
> Let it be known that these people would rather
> harass me then discuss FCPD raping a young
> underage innocent girl.
What a jerk! How have you contributed to the DISCUSSION other than posting insulting remarks to Watcher?
SORRY - off topic but Ya just brings out the BAD in me...
I did contribute to this discussion....Excuse me if its still in the main forum, whether it is true or not.
Sorry but calling me a jerk doesnt hurt me, get a fucking life. If you read this shit again dumb bitch, he makes comments towards me you cunt.
Just out of curiosity ya, how old are you? I can't think of anyone on this site that uses as many curse words as you when trying to make a point. My guess is 12...13...definitely young since you NEVER have anything intelligent, provocative, or thoughtful to offer...
NOW I DID IT - I know what's coming....SORRY IN ADVANCE EVERYONE for the posts that are sure to follow....
ya Wrote:
> Let it be known that these people would rather
> harass me then discuss FCPD raping a young
> underage innocent girl.
So, would it be okay for someone to rape a guilty girl? Like, if they had a warrant to arrest a really hot serial killer, and you were a cop, would you rape her?