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Asshole Cop caught on video
Posted by: Mofo3 ()
Date: September 11, 2007 04:35PM

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Re: Asshole Cop caught on video
Posted by: G-Man ()
Date: September 11, 2007 05:01PM

Wow, I would love to know the outcome of this.. I hope this was reported and turned over to PD supervisors and the cop was delt with.


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Re: Asshole Cop caught on video
Posted by: inkahootz ()
Date: September 11, 2007 05:14PM

The cop was out of line, but the driver (Brett) goes around getting pulled over on purpose in st. george and driving up to check points in st.louis counties. Each time he smarts off to the cops by not wanting to tell them where he is going and what he is doing. That sets off red flags w/ the cops, who find him insolent and suspicious and then go off on him. The cops are out of line and draconian as shit, but he is a little prick going around looking for trouble.

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Re: Asshole Cop caught on video
Posted by: joe ()
Date: September 11, 2007 08:32PM

I'm going to bring a copy of the code of virginia and the constitution when I get my license, incase I get pulled over.

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Re: Asshole Cop caught on video
Posted by: TheMeeper ()
Date: September 11, 2007 10:29PM

FOX 5 News aired this story around 10:20 tonite. Hopefully that asshole spends some time in jail, and gets out to realize he'll be working retail jobs the rest of his life.

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Re: Asshole Cop caught on video
Posted by: no wonder ()
Date: September 11, 2007 10:55PM

No wonder people don't like police officers. Thank God these police cars have cameras and recording devices. Who knows how many citizens had to put up with this with zero recourse.

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Re: Asshole Cop caught on video
Posted by: yeah but ()
Date: September 11, 2007 10:57PM

inkahootz Wrote:
> The cop was out of line, but the driver (Brett)
> goes around getting pulled over on purpose in st.
> george and driving up to check points in st.louis
> counties. Each time he smarts off to the cops by
> not wanting to tell them where he is going and
> what he is doing. That sets off red flags w/ the
> cops, who find him insolent and suspicious and
> then go off on him. The cops are out of line and
> draconian as shit, but he is a little prick going
> around looking for trouble.

Not telling a police officer where you are going if you are sitting in a public parking lot is no reason at all to cuff someone and hail them off to jail. I agree with Meeper, this cop deserves some serious butt fucking in jail to set his view of "the law" straight.

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Re: Asshole Cop caught on video
Posted by: stinkypoon ()
Date: September 12, 2007 12:58PM

inkahootz, while I know that is a red flag for cops, it does not entitle them to violate somebody's rights. That guy is in no way whatsoever obliged to tell the cop where he's going or what he is doing. We have a rule of law for a reason, and cops are not above it. Welcome to the USA, jerk.

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Re: Asshole Cop caught on video
Posted by: :burpgun: ()
Date: September 12, 2007 02:50PM

The kid set the cop up - cops would call it a sting. I have a feeling what he's done is begin a long and eventful relationship with the boys in blue... I hope this short, self-righteousness victory was worth it.

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Re: Asshole Cop caught on video
Posted by: joe ()
Date: September 12, 2007 03:15PM

:burpgun: Wrote:
> The kid set the cop up - cops would call it a
> sting.

Oh yeah, because cops never do that.

If you are not going to commit a crime, then just tell the cop the truth. If you are going to commit a crime, then tell the cop that you are going to 7-11 because you are out of milk.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/12/2007 03:15PM by joe.

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Re: Asshole Cop caught on video
Posted by: Dr Z ()
Date: September 12, 2007 09:49PM

The Post reported more of this case. This puke was out to piss off a cop. I am pretty sure he called the cops on himself just to get a cop to come to where he was.

I give the cop a break as it is 2 a.m. so he is probably already pissed he has to be out when others are home in bed. The parking lot was already the location of break ins. Then he has to deal with this dirtbag who admits he has had "run ins" with the police before. I translate that into he is always in some kind of trouble. I hope the cops go back and check the commuter lot to see if there are no trespassing signs and charge this guy.He should find more productive ways to spend his time.

In my opinion he is a just a spoiled brat whose parents needed to kick his ass a few times. Anyone who has the time and energy to set up the camera and drive around at 2 a.m. looking for trouble with the police is an asshole in my book.
Cops got enough work to do without some halfass punk running around doing his own sting type operation. He may be a hero to the small group of cop haters but to me he is just a small time prick who is wasting the cops time. I hope the cop gets a slap on the wrist and someday when this punk is getting his ass kicked, which I am sure will happen due to his arrogance, the cops take their time coming to his rescue.

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Re: Asshole Cop caught on video
Posted by: G-Man ()
Date: September 13, 2007 03:32AM

Got a link to the posts report?


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