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Do you think Fairfax women are better drivers than RIchmond women?
Posted by: Robert ()
Date: August 28, 2007 12:53AM

Well I don't know, but I notice Fairfax women drive a lot faster than Richmond women, but at the same time they don't talk on their cell phones as much . Also Richmond women like to do their hair and makeup at stop lights. Fairfax women seem to have given up on that area so they're not fumbling with a tube of maybeline whilst at a stop sign.

There was this one Fairfax woman who almost hit my brother and I head on. She was going about 40 in a 25? But we just let her pass because she seemed in a hurry. That was on the Georgetown Pike near Great Falls

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Re: Do you think Fairfax women are better drivers than RIchmond women?
Posted by: Gravis ()
Date: August 28, 2007 08:42PM

Robert Wrote:
> There was this one Fairfax woman who almost hit my
> brother and I head on. She was going about 40 in a
> 25?

she was trying to hit you.

"the wisdom of the wise will perish, the intelligence of the intelligent will vanish."095042938540

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Re: Do you think Fairfax women are better drivers than RIchmond women?
Posted by: Robert ()
Date: August 28, 2007 10:20PM

I think she was simply a Fairfaxian Hoochie Mama who had too much to drink.

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