Good Sound Advice Wrote:
> Why are bullys getting all this bad press lately?
> Sometimes bullying is healthy- it teaches kids not
> to dress stupidly or throw like fags. And for
> those who bully, it's a healthy outlet, a good way
> to channel energy.
> If you are willing to jump on this media driven
> bandwagon that singles out bullies and makes them
> to be second class citizens- ask yourself this:
> where would YOU be without bullying?
You know why kids were so much thinner in the 70s than now? The fear of getting your ass kicked by a bully and the necessity to go the long way home to avoid an ass-kicking were good cardio-vascular exercises. Today, bullies aren't allowed to do their job. Now they have to fucking hug kids they should be pounding the shit out of.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/01/2010 12:48PM by WashingTone-Locian.