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University of Texas Shooting
Posted by: eesh ()
Date: September 28, 2010 11:08AM

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Re: University of Texas Shooting
Posted by: Need more gun control ()
Date: September 28, 2010 11:14AM

The guns at school,
are big and cool,
*clap* *clap**clap**clap*
Deep in the heart of Texas!

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Re: University of Texas Shooting
Posted by: ITRADE ()
Date: September 28, 2010 11:17AM

He did not meet the Charles Whitman standard.

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Re: University of Texas Shooting
Posted by: Troll@AOL ()
Date: September 28, 2010 11:28AM

Guns in the hands of criminals
and NOT law abiders,
the Constituion this goes against.
Move to another country
with the other communists,
because gun controll makes no sense.


"Why don't you LOSERS just pack your flower print DOUCHE BAGS
and get your stoopid @$$#$ THE FUCK OFF MY INTERNETZ!"

- 'philscamms' (the YT Watchdog) ; internet & YouTube® extraordinaire.

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Re: University of Texas Shooting
Posted by: Britdrnva~ ()
Date: September 28, 2010 12:18PM

The Constitution says a well regulated militia. Militia is plural...though the courts disagree with me so I should just stfu but still - the Constitution makes no overt right to bear arms for individuals be they criminals or law abiders.

Having such a predominance of guns in this country and it's only bound to happen that unstable people will easily acquire them and use them. More guns in a country does not mean less crime. I've never understood this corollary.

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Re: University of Texas Shooting
Posted by: MrMephisto ()
Date: September 28, 2010 12:24PM

Britdrnva~ Wrote:
> The Constitution says a well regulated militia.
> Militia is plural...though the courts disagree
> with me so I should just stfu but still - the
> Constitution makes no overt right to bear arms for
> individuals be they criminals or law abiders.
> Having such a predominance of guns in this country
> and it's only bound to happen that unstable people
> will easily acquire them and use them. More guns
> in a country does not mean less crime. I've never
> understood this corollary.

How about this corollary:

Guns a fucking cool, so we should have the right to own them.

13 4826 0948 82695 25847. Yes.

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Re: University of Texas Shooting
Posted by: ITRADE ()
Date: September 28, 2010 12:25PM

Britdrnva~ Wrote:
> The Constitution says a well regulated militia.
> Militia is plural...though the courts disagree
> with me so I should just stfu but still - the
> Constitution makes no overt right to bear arms for
> individuals be they criminals or law abiders.
Each amendment to the Bill of Rights refers to individual rights and the rights of that individual with respect to the State. Why would the Framers then designate a right to the "state" when every other one of the Amendments confers an individual right.

Your assessment makes NO sense.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/28/2010 12:25PM by ITRADE.

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Re: University of Texas Shooting
Posted by: WingNut ()
Date: September 28, 2010 12:26PM

Gun ownership is a freedom that obviously comes with a price. Like the death penalty ( which I oppose), guns serve as a deterent- an invisible deterent which can never be measured or gauged.

Few are calling for completely unrestricted firearm access, but don't the examples of total handgun bans in DC and Chicago show you something about how armed robbers will have their wayif there is nothing for them to fear?


Edited 21 time(s). Last edit at 5/31/1967 05:57AM by WingNut.

Last edit at 11/30/2015 01:37PM Last edit at 5/14/2015 03:52PM Last edit at 1/28/2014 05:57AM Last edit at 11/29/2015 01:10PM Last edit at 3/14/2011 11:52PM Last edit at 7/20/2012 04:07AM
Last edit at 6/29/2013 11:18PM Last edit at 3/19/2011 01:02PM Last edit at 3/26/2012 09:07PM

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Re: University of Texas Shooting
Posted by: Troll@AOL ()
Date: September 28, 2010 12:28PM

Pay no attention to these spineless socialist conformist anti-gun nuts.

"Why don't you LOSERS just pack your flower print DOUCHE BAGS
and get your stoopid @$$#$ THE FUCK OFF MY INTERNETZ!"

- 'philscamms' (the YT Watchdog) ; internet & YouTube® extraordinaire.

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Re: University of Texas Shooting
Posted by: eesh ()
Date: September 28, 2010 12:30PM

British Doctor N Virginia should enlighten us on the knife crime that has saturated English cities and towns.

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Re: University of Texas Shooting
Posted by: ITRADE ()
Date: September 28, 2010 12:48PM

Pudding Cups
Stick of dynamite

Which of the aforementioned doesn't go with the rest? That's how Britdrnva wants you to read the consistency of the 2d Amendment vis-a-vis the rest of the Bill of Rights.

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Re: University of Texas Shooting
Posted by: Troll@AOL ()
Date: September 28, 2010 12:56PM

It's okay.

Not all of us can have a set of BALLS.


"Why don't you LOSERS just pack your flower print DOUCHE BAGS
and get your stoopid @$$#$ THE FUCK OFF MY INTERNETZ!"

- 'philscamms' (the YT Watchdog) ; internet & YouTube® extraordinaire.

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Re: University of Texas Shooting
Posted by: Britdrnva~ ()
Date: September 28, 2010 02:05PM

iTrade wrote:
"Your assessment makes NO sense."

I disagree - it has been a contentious issue in the US for a long time just exactly what the meaning of a well regulated militia means in the right to bear arms.

If the framers had meant individual right to bear arms then that is what they would have written. This is the amendment we're talking about:

"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

The people in question are those of the well regulated militia. It was written ambiguously and that is the reason there has been so much contention over it's true meaning for so long. I think my assessment makes perfect sense in this regard.

Wingnut wrote:
"Few are calling for completely unrestricted firearm access, but don't the examples of total handgun bans in DC and Chicago show you something about how armed robbers will have their wayif there is nothing for them to fear?"

I agree with you to a point Wingnut - DC/Chicago had a ban on handguns but it does little good if you one can easily acquire weapons by driving 10-15miles. It was mostly just a paper-tiger law. Supposing the entire country had a ban on certain types of weapons (say for example flame-throwers) it would be much more difficult (not impossible) to acquire and use those weapons.

And lastly, Eesh wrote:
" British Doctor N Virginia should enlighten us on the knife crime that has saturated English cities and towns."

Guns are very difficult to acquire in England - they are there (see previous paragraph) but they are difficult for the average person to procure. That said, violence isn't unknown and the method by which it is carried out tends to be via knives instead of guns. Guns have the affect of killing someone fairly quickly and instantly. The murders in the US as expressed by a ratio p/100k = 5.0. In England it's 1.43. I have never said that England is a violence free nation, but in comparison to gun-rich America there is a direct correlation to homicides and guns.

The more liberal the gun laws in a nation (or just the availability to acquire guns easily) the more likely the homicide rate is very high compared to countries with the opposite (strict laws, difficulty in acquisition of fire-arms). This isn't rocket science and most anyone can draw the same parallel.

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Re: University of Texas Shooting
Posted by: itchy ()
Date: September 28, 2010 02:58PM

Guns don't kill people, I kill people. Take away guns, knives and whatever you wish. Humans will still find away to kill.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/28/2010 03:02PM by itchy.

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Re: University of Texas Shooting
Posted by: justsayin ()
Date: September 28, 2010 03:04PM

Britdrnva~ Wrote:
> The more liberal the gun laws in a nation (or just
> the availability to acquire guns easily) the more
> likely the homicide rate is very high compared to
> countries with the opposite (strict laws,
> difficulty in acquisition of fire-arms). This
> isn't rocket science and most anyone can draw the
> same parallel.

To the simple-minded that is true.

Northern Virginia: In the next thirty minutes I could legally buy a new handgun, holster it, and walk around in public with it if I wanted to. Twenty minutes of that is driving to a gun shop. Liberal enough?

PG County and DC: cannot legally buy a handgun in DC, more difficult in MD and you can't carry it around lawfully concealed or openly. Strict enough?

Now explain why the easily-acquired and carried guns area has an infinitesimally small homicide rate compared to the stricter one.


"She looks pretty good for 12, admit it." - WingNut, 04/24/2012

"I'm racist too. So what?" - Ellipsis 9/16/2011

"If you only knew who I was, and what I was working to do you would...have the decency to tell me I hated my nation and the way of life. I may not agree with...the government...I hate the "government"......" - Firrat 9/1/10

"there seems to be a queer...why? To try and further demean a defeated... dumb Tea party... I think we need more... far left folks on a regular basis - Louis Farakhan, Jesse Jackson...Al Sharpton" - Registered Voter, 8/19/2011

"If your computer is running slow, or you have any other problems, email me at with the problem and i am willing to fix it, for a price of course" - Taylor, spamming FFU on 04/12/2006. "N****rs as slaves again? I think so..." - Taylor, 09/20/2009

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Re: University of Texas Shooting
Posted by: Iben Yanknoff ()
Date: September 28, 2010 03:35PM

itchy Wrote:
> Guns don't kill people, I kill people. Take away
> guns, knives and whatever you wish. Humans will
> still find away to kill.

Let me guess....? Happy Gilmore. Chill out essay, Mexicans kill people too

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Re: University of Texas Shooting
Posted by: itchy ()
Date: September 28, 2010 04:21PM

Bite me "Ben Chokin'onacock".

I was simply inferring that it's the human's choice to kill so regardless they will kill by whatever means necessary.

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Re: University of Texas Shooting
Posted by: Johnny Walker ()
Date: September 28, 2010 04:31PM

justsayin Wrote:
> To the simple-minded that is true.
> Northern Virginia: In the next thirty minutes I
> could legally buy a new handgun, holster it, and
> walk around in public with it if I wanted to.
> Twenty minutes of that is driving to a gun shop.
> Liberal enough?
> PG County and DC: cannot legally buy a handgun in
> DC, more difficult in MD and you can't carry it
> around lawfully concealed or openly. Strict
> enough?
> Now explain why the easily-acquired and carried
> guns area has an infinitesimally small homicide
> rate compared to the stricter one.

I'm not so sure they're exactly connected, as I don't think there's a large portion of the NoVa population that is concealed-carrying at any given time, and certainly not open carrying, which really if you want a deterrent then if everywhere you look you see an armed dude that's probably more effective than concealed. Also, many of those guns used in crimes in those areas were purchased here. There are many factors that contribute to higher violent crime in different areas. After all, I don't think there's more violent crime than here in other areas of MD that have the same types of gun-control laws that PG does.

That said, while I don't believe in gun bans--you can't put the toothpaste back in the tube, guns are a part of life in this country, just accept it--I do believe there can be reasonable laws and regulations put into place and (here's the important part) enforced.

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Re: University of Texas Shooting
Posted by: eesh ()
Date: September 28, 2010 05:36PM

Britdrnva~ Wrote:

> Guns are very difficult to acquire in England -
> they are there (see previous paragraph) but they
> are difficult for the average person to procure.
> That said, violence isn't unknown and the method
> by which it is carried out tends to be via knives
> instead of guns. Guns have the affect of killing
> someone fairly quickly and instantly. The murders
> in the US as expressed by a ratio p/100k = 5.0.
> In England it's 1.43. I have never said that
> England is a violence free nation, but in
> comparison to gun-rich America there is a direct
> correlation to homicides and guns.
> The more liberal the gun laws in a nation (or just
> the availability to acquire guns easily) the more
> likely the homicide rate is very high compared to
> countries with the opposite (strict laws,
> difficulty in acquisition of fire-arms). This
> isn't rocket science and most anyone can draw the
> same parallel.

While a hunting knife will not kill a mass number of people like a firearm is capable of, there is a pervasive problem in England, especially London with crimes committed with knives. Hell, even kids are going to school with stab vests on. Even your unarmed police wear vests on a daily basis. People will find ways to kill and maim each other with or without access to firearms.

Now tell us about bombings in England and Ireland (similar gun laws.)

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/28/2010 05:37PM by eesh.

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Re: University of Texas Shooting
Posted by: IRA ()
Date: September 28, 2010 05:58PM

Well there my little curious friend, you make a great point!

There's well over 500 items between your local hardware, pharmacy and grocery store, farm supply co-op etc. that can make very volatile explosive components.

As we say in Ireland, "Why shoot a few Protestants, when you can explode many?"

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Re: University of Texas Shooting
Posted by: ThePackLeader ()
Date: September 28, 2010 07:01PM

Britdrnva~ Wrote:
> The Constitution says a well regulated militia.
> Militia is plural...though the courts disagree
> with me so I should just stfu but still - the
> Constitution makes no overt right to bear arms for
> individuals be they criminals or law abiders.
> Having such a predominance of guns in this country
> and it's only bound to happen that unstable people
> will easily acquire them and use them. More guns
> in a country does not mean less crime. I've never
> understood this corollary.

Oh Gawd, typical British attitude towards guns. You don't have enough knifings in England, do ya'?

"And if any women or children get their legs torn off, or faces caved in, well, it's tough shit for them." -2LT. Bert Stiles, 505th, 339th (On Berlin Bombardier Mission, 1944).

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