No Cardio??? Wrote:
> Not sure what the hell Meade is talking about when
> he says cardio will take off the weight but you'll
> gain it back.
> I was at 260 pounds. I did a lot of cardio for
> one year and watched my diet. I got down to 175
> and I kept the weight off now for over 10 years.
> I'm now in the habit of doing the cardio and eat
> kinda healthy.
> And why does Meade think weight lifting builds
> muscle and cardio doesn't? Cardio is better for
> muscle building than weight lifting has ever
> been.
> My guess is it's just Meade making excuses because
> cardio is difficult for a fat person and weight
> lifting doesn't require much effort.
> Jump rope for 30 minutes EVERY DAY and run 2
> miles. The pounds will fall off faster than
> sitting on a bench moving your arms.
Meade believes what he wants to believe and nothing else at all.