Morning Joe has to be the worst. It's juvenile and treats it's audience like a kindergarten class. First it is "News You Can't Use" then at the end it is "What did we learn today"? They could actually combine the two "What did we learn today from our news you can't use"?
It really gets on my nerves when someone on the show ribs a former or upcoming guest or guest host in the slightest manner then Mika , Joe or both immediately recoil and go into their "Oh we love so and so he/she is wonderful and smart and we love them on our show"!! Fuck that shit. They're idiots.
Then every damn show does the same pop culture interest story until you want to puke.
This mornings story was Katy Perry on Sesame Street. Every fucking network! Wow! That is some enthralling fucking shit man. I hope some of these producers get cancer. I really do. They suck as producers and human beings in general and should just die a painful death.
Fox seems to always go the sex sells route. This morning I think it was the Victoria Secret models or something. At 8:00 AM.? Of course the male hosts are playing their usual shrug their shoulders "gee my job is hard role" fake bullshit while mugging sarcastically at the camera. The stupid blonde left in the studio of course is playing her sarcastic "awe I feel sorry for you guys" role too. I'm serious . How many times are they going to go to that well? Useless drivel.
What I really can't understand is MSNBC giving Larry O'Donnell a show to run against Greta Van Susteren. This guy oozes arrogance out of every orifice.

He wrote for "The West Wing". Not the White House. I guess there use to be a T.V. show or something.
I'm sure this is the brainchild of none other then Jeff Zucker.Under Zucker NBC fell from being the number one rated network to the lowest rated of the four broadcast networks and often beaten in the ratings by programming on some of the more popular cable channels.

Anyone with a brain in their skull knows O'Donnell won't beat Olbermann reruns.
It is pretty sad when Don Imus on FOX Business is the most entertaining morning show on major and cable networks. What the fuck.