NPR link Wrote:
> As much as $100 million in profit according to
> lls-washington-hotel
> Fucking dummies
Read the fine print. "
Sources close to the deal demanding
anonymity to discuss the private transaction have said that the price was $375 million, handing the Trump family business
perhaps as much as $100 million in profit."
This was wishful thinking and obviously the author didn't deduct the $378 million that Trump spent on remodeling the hotel. I guess maybe Trump might have some how of listed the remodeled of the hotel as a "Campaign expense" or tax write-off, but clearly the money was spent.
One the reasons Trump was able to purchase the property was because nobody else wanted to pay for the repairs needed.
"The hotel is the former Old Post Office building, and its still formally owned by the federal government. The Trump Organization won rights to fix up the building and run it as a hotel in exchange for paying the government annual rent and a cut of profit upon a sale."