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Why are Conservatards so scared of electric vehicles?
Posted by: Ted Britt's taint ()
Date: December 25, 2023 02:17PM

I work with a few conservatards and it seems like they get all worked up on the topic of electric vehicles. I try to tell them that if they don't like EV's they should not buy one. I think it might have something to with their limited education and weak minds. Can anyone else here figure them out?

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Re: Why are Conservatards so scared of electric vehicles?
Posted by: Because they burn your house dow ()
Date: December 25, 2023 02:23PM

AFter their batteries start on fire they cost too much take to long to charge use expensive batteries that if they were made in the hundreds of millions will pose serious risk to the enviroment

And we don't need to be stranded with the POS runs down the battery

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Re: Why are Conservatards so scared of electric vehicles?
Posted by: 34thj54 ()
Date: December 25, 2023 02:32PM



AND THEY AREN'T GREEN - THEY WEIGH 1 TON MORE and cost more and ...

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Re: Why are Conservatards so scared of electric vehicles?
Posted by: Voltage please ()
Date: December 25, 2023 02:40PM

Since Tesla has replaced Toyota as the wealthiest car company in the world it is kind of hard to believe that EV's are a attack from Asia.

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Re: Why are Conservatards so scared of electric vehicles?
Posted by: Mazda 1 ()
Date: December 25, 2023 03:16PM

Because they burn your house dow Wrote:
> AFter their batteries start on fire they cost too
> much take to long to charge use expensive
> batteries that if they were made in the hundreds
> of millions will pose serious risk to the
> enviroment
> And we don't need to be stranded with the POS runs
> down the battery

Most car fires come from liquid fueled vehicles. Liquid fueled vehicles run out of fuel every day.

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Re: Why are Conservatards so scared of electric vehicles?
Posted by: Doctor 7 up ()
Date: December 25, 2023 03:47PM

Ted Britt's taint Wrote:
> I work with a few conservatards and it seems like
> they get all worked up on the topic of electric
> vehicles. I try to tell them that if they don't
> like EV's they should not buy one. I think it
> might have something to with their limited
> education and weak minds. Can anyone else here
> figure them out?

They were born cowards.

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Re: Why are Conservatards so scared of electric vehicles?
Posted by: Any More Democrat Propaganda ()
Date: December 25, 2023 03:48PM

From you today as a wannibee leftist stand up comic . Now how about a nice hot electric car battery fire for your audiences amusement


Torched were thousands of cars

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Re: Why are Conservatards so scared of electric vehicles?
Posted by: My Dem Neighbors EV ()
Date: December 25, 2023 03:53PM

IT roasted faster then a quarter pound chicken in a 450 f oven when his garage caught fire ! The EV huge battery caught fire !

It burned his garage and most of his house to cinders in minutes

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Re: Why are Conservatards so scared of electric vehicles?
Posted by: Scotty Fucking Kilmer ()
Date: December 25, 2023 03:54PM

LFV's (liquid fueled vehicles) are far more likely to catch fire than EV's.

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Re: Why are Conservatards so scared of electric vehicles?
Posted by: No EV For Me ()
Date: December 25, 2023 04:45PM

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Re: Why are Conservatards so scared of electric vehicles?
Posted by: Registered Democrat EV Guy ()
Date: December 25, 2023 04:58PM

As fat pimply faced kids we loved ghost riding younger weaker kids bikes off cliffs and into brick walls or trees for kicks !

After all the older stronger kids did it to us when we were younger to toughen us up

Now today we can ghost ride in our expensive EVs while pigging out on pizza and beer in the backseat because our EV "is so smart it drives itself "

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Re: Why are Conservatards so scared of electric vehicles?
Posted by: FJB ()
Date: December 25, 2023 05:44PM

Conservatives being much smarter than libshits, put EVs in the same junk drawer as diversity is strenth, clot shots and face masks.

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Re: Why are Conservatards so scared of electric vehicles?
Posted by: Dems don't push crap on us ()
Date: December 25, 2023 07:35PM

F expensive EV car taxes battery replacements and getting stranded

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Re: Why are Conservatards so scared of electric vehicles?
Posted by: Bold Man. ()
Date: December 26, 2023 03:57AM

Dems don't push crap on us Wrote:
> F expensive EV car taxes battery replacements and
> getting stranded

Im so sorry that you have to live in fear all the time.

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Re: Why are Conservatards so scared of electric vehicles?
Posted by: Studies prove..... ()
Date: December 26, 2023 10:07AM

In reality EV's are 37% safer than LFV's .

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Re: Why are Conservatards so scared of electric vehicles?
Posted by: I've read the thread ()
Date: December 26, 2023 10:48AM

Yup, they are petrified of electric vehicles. Best guess is that they believe smelling like gasoline is the sign of a manly man. Which is pretty pathetic, if you ask me, but when you listen to them, about any subject at all, you realize how sexually insecure they really are.

Remember, these are the people who think wearing a piece of cloth over your face somehow robs you of your manhood.

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Re: Why are Conservatards so scared of electric vehicles?
Posted by: ya damn skippy ()
Date: December 26, 2023 12:11PM

I've read the thread Wrote:
> Yup, they are petrified of electric vehicles.
> Best guess is that they believe smelling like
> gasoline is the sign of a manly man. Which is
> pretty pathetic, if you ask me, but when you
> listen to them, about any subject at all, you
> realize how sexually insecure they really are.
> Remember, these are the people who think wearing a
> piece of cloth over your face somehow robs you of
> your manhood.

Oh good the faggot has chimed in.

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Re: Why are Conservatards so scared of electric vehicles?
Posted by: Too Much Science ()
Date: December 26, 2023 12:26PM

Electric cars are clean, efficient and don't make a lot of noise. That terrifies conservatives.

Conservatives like breathing the exhaust from gas vehicles and having to stop at gas stations.

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Re: Why are Conservatards so scared of electric vehicles?
Posted by: LOL Can't Wait For The End ()
Date: December 26, 2023 12:50PM

The end of the far left race pandering open border drug infested nation that liberal weakness and immorality has groomed half this country to be

Once Democrats self destroy themselves as one one the two political parties that wins elections in the USA

Destroyed by woke being pushed far to much upon the people untill they rebel by voting Republican who are much more reasonable to their liberty then today's Democrats

There is abortion up until reasonable term limits in almost all Red states

Even here in Virginia Gov Youngkin only asked for a 15 week term limit almost three months to allow more babies to live , shot down in flames by women angry they could not keep their excessive 26 week or 6 month abortions marking a increase in weakness and immorality in the people of Virgina voting Democrat

But when Democrats push their woke agenda of EV E stoves and E heat only with gas of all types being banned or restrictions on use or fees or insurance schemes being forced to use gas not electricity then the people who are not the pompous ass well off white liberal leftist elites will turn aginst the Democrats with political hate toward them at the polls far worse then what Democrats have been able to orchestrate toward President Trump

The smug well off pompous ass white liberal leftist elite has no concepts of reality in life

All in their lives has been gifted to them in the huge majority by their white privledge of having well off or rich parents who gave them summers in day camps swimming or soccer teams nice expensive vacations good dentists and doctors tutors and music lessons then allowed them to loaf and play at leisure as they groomed them to be Democrat voting liberals

Only few who are actually pompous ass liberal elites ever have bootstrapped themselves up from abject poverty to being well off to rich bleeding heart liberals who follow the Democrats as it was a religion

These well off to rich pompous ass white priviliged elites are the ones in the majority who scream the loudest and push the hardest for " climate change renewable electrical energy" for the EV the E stove the E heat

But the common American can not afford the EV cost nor the repairs and battery replacement cost then in states like Virginia the oppresive yearly tax on personal property that even rights supressive Democrat Maryland does not have

In addition there are multipul millions of Americans of all political parties who hate electric stove as well as any real commerical chefs of 3 real stars from France's Michelin guide of the best chefs on earth

And equal numbers of haters of heat pumps or any electric heat when natural gas is aviailble or already installed in their home furnace or gas stove

The seeds of Democrat defeat are being planted in so many ways due to miserable policy's of Democrats who must have feelings of control over others to force them against their free will of liberty to use things the Democrat want without a Democratic vote on the exact issue on election days which still can be a unconstituional act depending what others in this country are allowed to have

Watch as the well off white privileged pompous ass liberal leftist elites destroy the Democrat party as time passes on

Because of their self guilted white privilege that can not accept reality

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Re: Why are Conservatards so scared of electric vehicles?
Posted by: Put Down the Pipe ()
Date: December 26, 2023 12:51PM

Wtf was that last post rambling about? Put down the meth pipe dude!

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Re: Why are Conservatards so scared of electric vehicles?
Posted by: Phil McCrackin ()
Date: December 26, 2023 12:52PM

No one is "scared" of anything except libtards.

Real Americans won't waste their money on bullshit EVs.

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Re: Why are Conservatards so scared of electric vehicles?
Posted by: All Electric By 2030 ()
Date: December 26, 2023 12:58PM

Phil McCrackin Wrote:
> No one is "scared" of anything except libtards.
> Real Americans won't waste their money on bullshit
> EVs.

Considering all of Europe and Asia will be electric by 2030 and American car manufacture have said they will be all EV by 2030, gas lovers are going to face a stark reality in the next 5 years.

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Re: Why are Conservatards so scared of electric vehicles?
Posted by: LOL @ The Real Ones Scared ()
Date: December 26, 2023 01:59PM

The ones scared here and across Democrat America are the smug "educated" pampered darlings of white privlidge who are the well off liberals and lefty elites in this country

These are the people who are harming and dividing our people to weaken us

These are the people of name changes race pandering and baiting open borders allowances to vicious criminals with lies and distortions to get their ways of weakness and immorality

These are the ones who can not accept reality in the USA and the world

WHo can only push for their oppressive wants as long as this nation is financially solvent

Which their very self serving failed suppressive Democrat far leftist agenda has put brought this nation to the brink of financial collapse as we saw the highest US fuel prices just two years ago due to financial mismanagement and failed policies on US energy

One way or another they will either destroy themselves as a political power or they will destroy this country by their weak and immoral acts

In a nation of free people there is a choice all may make

To protect and preserve their liberty which provides them the choice in life to be who they want to be for the better or worse

Or to chose to fall into the horrors of poverty and crime with oppression of human rights by allowing this country to fall into the hands of those who will not allow others any liberties at all replacing freedom with oppression leading to death and destruction if people do not confirm to their ways

It's not going to happen the modest income to middle income America's will vote these angry elites out of power as they overstep the boundaries of reason anddecency American Liberty and personal choice freedoms

Watch as Democrat try to ban gas cars stoves and furnaces here in Virginia lol !

And see this "purple to blue " state go bright red as millions reject the well off pompous ass white privileged pampered darlings of the lefts political policy agenda ! in a non violent fair Democratic way of voting these reality deniers out of office ! Which is the only "real American way "

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Re: Why are Conservatards so scared of electric vehicles?
Posted by: Response ()
Date: December 26, 2023 02:26PM

Conservatives can't comprehend that cars move on only electricity. It's very scary to them. Plus they lose all they have to learn their manhood all over again.

You see conservative men pride themselves on knowing every inch of a gas motor and that's how they project their manhood.

Now liberals, on the other hand, can easily learn new technologies, are secure in their manhood, and don't base their manhood on physical objects they own.

It should also be noted that the first cars were electric, not gas. Now that electric cars are feasible and fast charging stations are popping up in parking lots, it just makes sense to have electric cars.

IF YOU WANT THE FASTEST CAR ON THE ROAD YOU HAVE TO BUY ELECTRIC. Insane mode on a Tesla will beat any Charger, Hellcat or Lambo every time.

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Re: Why are Conservatards so scared of electric vehicles?
Posted by: LIbs Are So "Secure" THAT THEY ()
Date: December 26, 2023 04:05PM

For the first time in US History liberals and leftys groom young children to be gay bi or change the sex God created them to be

Democrats call that "our values "

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Re: Why are Conservatards so scared of electric vehicles?
Posted by: It's Fine To Offer EV ()
Date: December 26, 2023 04:31PM















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Re: Why are Conservatards so scared of electric vehicles?
Posted by: trumps a nazi ()
Date: December 26, 2023 04:37PM

Your a Nazi who hates the future of love our Chinese friends will give us

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Re: Why are Conservatards so scared of electric vehicles?
Posted by: Libtard Extra ()
Date: December 26, 2023 05:10PM

When I get dumber I'm gonna vote for Biden, but an EV and put a mask on while driving.

Remember - only you can stop a libtard

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Re: Why are Conservatards so scared of electric vehicles?
Posted by: Libtard Extra ()
Date: December 26, 2023 05:12PM

I can't even spell "buy" correctly in my last post..

I must be part of the DEI posse

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Re: Why are Conservatards so scared of electric vehicles?
Posted by: constant fear ()
Date: December 27, 2023 04:46AM

Ted Britt's taint Wrote:
> I work with a few conservatards and it seems like
> they get all worked up on the topic of electric
> vehicles. I try to tell them that if they don't
> like EV's they should not buy one. I think it
> might have something to with their limited
> education and weak minds. Can anyone else here
> figure them out?

Fear is a huge thing for the conservatives. They were taught to live in fear by their parents and fear rules their lives. It is a sad thing.

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Re: Why are Conservatards so scared of electric vehicles?
Posted by: Get paid ()
Date: December 27, 2023 04:57AM

constant fear Wrote:
> Ted Britt's taint Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > I work with a few conservatards and it seems
> like
> > they get all worked up on the topic of electric
> > vehicles. I try to tell them that if they don't
> > like EV's they should not buy one. I think it
> > might have something to with their limited
> > education and weak minds. Can anyone else here
> > figure them out?
> Fear is a huge thing for the conservatives. They
> were taught to live in fear by their parents and
> fear rules their lives. It is a sad thing.

I fled my country to be taken care of in America, I don’t fear shit anymore

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Re: Why are Conservatards so scared of electric vehicles?
Posted by: dat nigga trippin ()
Date: December 27, 2023 07:18AM

Nobody wants those stupid fucking EVs. Sales have cratered.

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Re: Why are Conservatards so scared of electric vehicles?
Posted by: Pratap Lal Bheel ()
Date: December 27, 2023 07:27AM

dat nigga trippin Wrote:
> Nobody wants those stupid fucking EVs. Sales have
> cratered.

You right bro, I dont want one neither but I don't get all triggered with fear like the republicans do over this shit.

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Re: Why are Conservatards so scared of electric vehicles?
Posted by: Shove ur ev up it ass ()
Date: December 27, 2023 07:36AM

Pratap Lal Bheel Wrote:
> dat nigga trippin Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Nobody wants those stupid fucking EVs. Sales
> have
> > cratered.
> You right bro, I dont want one neither but I don't
> get all triggered with fear like the republicans
> do over this shit.

Electric cars should be a choice. Not forced upon anyone

Let’s compare triggeredness
The option to buy an EV
Forcing them upon us
Or ending abortion


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Re: Why are Conservatards so scared of electric vehicles?
Posted by: wiffle ()
Date: December 27, 2023 07:39AM

Ted Britt's taint Wrote:
> I work with a few conservatards and it seems like
> they get all worked up on the topic of electric
> vehicles. I try to tell them that if they don't
> like EV's they should not buy one. I think it
> might have something to with their limited
> education and weak minds. Can anyone else here
> figure them out?

Because they don't believe in Capitalism...unless their fucking priest,favorite podcaster,influencer approves of it...Hell they're like Stalins secret police now...they want to tell you what you can or cannot wear,what you can or cannot read,what can and cannot buy...The republcans party doesn't represent freedom or free trade anymore....They're secretly embracing communism and they're too fucking retarded to see it.Putin has and still is...mind fucking Republicans...

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Re: Why are Conservatards so scared of electric vehicles?
Posted by: Akdd ()
Date: December 27, 2023 07:56AM

wiffle Wrote:
> Ted Britt's taint Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > I work with a few conservatards and it seems
> like
> > they get all worked up on the topic of electric
> > vehicles. I try to tell them that if they don't
> > like EV's they should not buy one. I think it
> > might have something to with their limited
> > education and weak minds. Can anyone else here
> > figure them out?
> Because they don't believe in Capitalism...unless
> their fucking priest,favorite podcaster,influencer
> approves of it...Hell they're like Stalins secret
> police now...they want to tell you what you can or
> cannot wear,what you can or cannot read,what can
> and cannot buy...The republcans party doesn't
> represent freedom or free trade anymore....They're
> secretly embracing communism and they're too
> fucking retarded to see it.Putin has and still
> is...mind fucking Republicans...

We don’t have influencers, you/they are losers, fake famous wannabes. How many percentage of them die doing stupid shit.
Who watches social media to be influenced by attention seeking idiots
U want to influence us, fight for America, show us that on ur social media

No one cares about ho’s and idiots on instagram, unless ur a libtard

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Re: Why are Conservatards so scared of electric vehicles?
Posted by: Nail it ()
Date: December 27, 2023 10:30AM

wiffle Wrote:
> Ted Britt's taint Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > I work with a few conservatards and it seems
> like
> > they get all worked up on the topic of electric
> > vehicles. I try to tell them that if they don't
> > like EV's they should not buy one. I think it
> > might have something to with their limited
> > education and weak minds. Can anyone else here
> > figure them out?
> Because they don't believe in Capitalism...unless
> their fucking priest,favorite podcaster,influencer
> approves of it...Hell they're like Stalins secret
> police now...they want to tell you what you can or
> cannot wear,what you can or cannot read,what can
> and cannot buy...The republcans party doesn't
> represent freedom or free trade anymore....They're
> secretly embracing communism and they're too
> fucking retarded to see it.Putin has and still
> is...mind fucking Republicans...

Exactly. Yelling freedom and then telling people that Christianity is the only religion for Americans, abortion is illegal, people can't be gay, etc... That's not practicing FREEDOM.

Freedom is allowing many religions and letting people decide for themselves how live their lives.

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Re: Why are Conservatards so scared of electric vehicles?
Posted by: More faggotry here ()
Date: December 27, 2023 10:43AM

Nail it Wrote:
> wiffle Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Ted Britt's taint Wrote:
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> > -----
> > > I work with a few conservatards and it seems
> > like
> > > they get all worked up on the topic of
> electric
> > > vehicles. I try to tell them that if they
> don't
> > > like EV's they should not buy one. I think it
> > > might have something to with their limited
> > > education and weak minds. Can anyone else
> here
> > > figure them out?
> >
> > Because they don't believe in
> Capitalism...unless
> > their fucking priest,favorite
> podcaster,influencer
> > approves of it...Hell they're like Stalins
> secret
> > police now...they want to tell you what you can
> or
> > cannot wear,what you can or cannot read,what
> can
> > and cannot buy...The republcans party doesn't
> > represent freedom or free trade
> anymore....They're
> > secretly embracing communism and they're too
> > fucking retarded to see it.Putin has and still
> > is...mind fucking Republicans...
> Exactly. Yelling freedom and then telling people
> that Christianity is the only religion for
> Americans, abortion is illegal, people can't be
> gay, etc... That's not practicing FREEDOM.
> Freedom is allowing many religions and letting
> people decide for themselves how live their lives.

Abortion is for straight up whores, where was our decision to not have healthcare

Take cock in all holes, but don’t force ur bullshit on others

U want an EV who cares, we dont

U want ur boy to be a bitc boy and act like he can have a period and get pregnant, that’s on u, don’t forget ur bullshit on others

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Re: Why are Conservatards so scared of electric vehicles?
Posted by: cowbell12 ()
Date: December 27, 2023 10:47AM

Nail it Wrote:
> wiffle Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Ted Britt's taint Wrote:
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> > -----
> > > I work with a few conservatards and it seems
> > like
> > > they get all worked up on the topic of
> electric
> > > vehicles. I try to tell them that if they
> don't
> > > like EV's they should not buy one. I think it
> > > might have something to with their limited
> > > education and weak minds. Can anyone else
> here
> > > figure them out?
> >
> > Because they don't believe in
> Capitalism...unless
> > their fucking priest,favorite
> podcaster,influencer
> > approves of it...Hell they're like Stalins
> secret
> > police now...they want to tell you what you can
> or
> > cannot wear,what you can or cannot read,what
> can
> > and cannot buy...The republcans party doesn't
> > represent freedom or free trade
> anymore....They're
> > secretly embracing communism and they're too
> > fucking retarded to see it.Putin has and still
> > is...mind fucking Republicans...
> Exactly. Yelling freedom and then telling people
> that Christianity is the only religion for
> Americans, abortion is illegal, people can't be
> gay, etc... That's not practicing FREEDOM.
> Freedom is allowing many religions and letting
> people decide for themselves how live their lives.

My favorite is freedom of speech.

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Re: Why are Conservatards so scared of electric vehicles?
Posted by: thanks4theinputRANDY ()
Date: December 27, 2023 10:54AM

More faggotry here Wrote:
> Nail it Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > wiffle Wrote:
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> > -----
> > > Ted Britt's taint Wrote:
> > >
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> >
> > > -----
> > > > I work with a few conservatards and it
> seems
> > > like
> > > > they get all worked up on the topic of
> > electric
> > > > vehicles. I try to tell them that if they
> > don't
> > > > like EV's they should not buy one. I think
> it
> > > > might have something to with their limited
> > > > education and weak minds. Can anyone else
> > here
> > > > figure them out?
> > >
> > > Because they don't believe in
> > Capitalism...unless
> > > their fucking priest,favorite
> > podcaster,influencer
> > > approves of it...Hell they're like Stalins
> > secret
> > > police now...they want to tell you what you
> can
> > or
> > > cannot wear,what you can or cannot read,what
> > can
> > > and cannot buy...The republcans party doesn't
> > > represent freedom or free trade
> > anymore....They're
> > > secretly embracing communism and they're too
> > > fucking retarded to see it.Putin has and
> still
> > > is...mind fucking Republicans...
> >
> > Exactly. Yelling freedom and then telling
> people
> > that Christianity is the only religion for
> > Americans, abortion is illegal, people can't be
> > gay, etc... That's not practicing FREEDOM.
> >
> > Freedom is allowing many religions and letting
> > people decide for themselves how live their
> lives.
> Abortion is for straight up whores, where was our
> decision to not have healthcare
> Take cock in all holes, but don’t force ur
> bullshit on others
> U want an EV who cares, we dont
> U want ur boy to be a bitc boy and act like he can
> have a period and get pregnant, that’s on u,
> don’t forget ur bullshit on others

So the 10 year old who had to travel to Indiana for an abortion after she was raped is a "Whore"?Dude,nobody is forcing your stupid worthless ass to buy a fucking EV...your sorry trailer trash ass couldn't even fucking afford an EV...now go jerk off to joe rogan and shut the fuck up

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Re: Why are Conservatards so scared of electric vehicles?
Posted by: 5 trumpers aborted ()
Date: December 27, 2023 11:03AM

thanks4theinputRANDY Wrote:
> More faggotry here Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Nail it Wrote:
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> > -----
> > > wiffle Wrote:
> > >
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> >
> > > -----
> > > > Ted Britt's taint Wrote:
> > > >
> > >
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> >
> > >
> > > > -----
> > > > > I work with a few conservatards and it
> > seems
> > > > like
> > > > > they get all worked up on the topic of
> > > electric
> > > > > vehicles. I try to tell them that if they
> > > don't
> > > > > like EV's they should not buy one. I
> think
> > it
> > > > > might have something to with their
> limited
> > > > > education and weak minds. Can anyone else
> > > here
> > > > > figure them out?
> > > >
> > > > Because they don't believe in
> > > Capitalism...unless
> > > > their fucking priest,favorite
> > > podcaster,influencer
> > > > approves of it...Hell they're like Stalins
> > > secret
> > > > police now...they want to tell you what you
> > can
> > > or
> > > > cannot wear,what you can or cannot
> read,what
> > > can
> > > > and cannot buy...The republcans party
> doesn't
> > > > represent freedom or free trade
> > > anymore....They're
> > > > secretly embracing communism and they're
> too
> > > > fucking retarded to see it.Putin has and
> > still
> > > > is...mind fucking Republicans...
> > >
> > > Exactly. Yelling freedom and then telling
> > people
> > > that Christianity is the only religion for
> > > Americans, abortion is illegal, people can't
> be
> > > gay, etc... That's not practicing FREEDOM.
> > >
> > > Freedom is allowing many religions and
> letting
> > > people decide for themselves how live their
> > lives.
> >
> > Abortion is for straight up whores, where was
> our
> > decision to not have healthcare
> >
> > Take cock in all holes, but don’t force ur
> > bullshit on others
> >
> > U want an EV who cares, we dont
> >
> > U want ur boy to be a bitc boy and act like he
> can
> > have a period and get pregnant, that’s on u,
> > don’t forget ur bullshit on others
> So the 10 year old who had to travel to Indiana
> for an abortion after she was raped is a
> "Whore"?Dude,nobody is forcing your stupid
> worthless ass to buy a fucking EV...your sorry
> trailer trash ass couldn't even fucking afford an
> EV...now go jerk off to joe rogan and shut the
> fuck up
Liberals love rape.
U see all those Israeli girls that got raped and killed?

Don’t be an idiot, most people want common sense abortion
Be happy there’s abortion, I had 2 twins abortifacient and another
Or there’d be 5 more trumpers threats to democracy out there

YOU FUCK, u take care of it asap, and don’t be a stupid lazy uncaring libtard and get that abortion done asap

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Re: Why are Conservatards so scared of electric vehicles?
Posted by: 2facedlarry ()
Date: December 27, 2023 11:29AM

5 trumpers aborted Wrote:
> thanks4theinputRANDY Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > More faggotry here Wrote:
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> > -----
> > > Nail it Wrote:
> > >
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> >
> > > -----
> > > > wiffle Wrote:
> > > >
> > >
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> >
> > >
> > > > -----
> > > > > Ted Britt's taint Wrote:
> > > > >
> > > >
> > >
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> >
> > >
> > > >
> > > > > -----
> > > > > > I work with a few conservatards and it
> > > seems
> > > > > like
> > > > > > they get all worked up on the topic of
> > > > electric
> > > > > > vehicles. I try to tell them that if
> they
> > > > don't
> > > > > > like EV's they should not buy one. I
> > think
> > > it
> > > > > > might have something to with their
> > limited
> > > > > > education and weak minds. Can anyone
> else
> > > > here
> > > > > > figure them out?
> > > > >
> > > > > Because they don't believe in
> > > > Capitalism...unless
> > > > > their fucking priest,favorite
> > > > podcaster,influencer
> > > > > approves of it...Hell they're like
> Stalins
> > > > secret
> > > > > police now...they want to tell you what
> you
> > > can
> > > > or
> > > > > cannot wear,what you can or cannot
> > read,what
> > > > can
> > > > > and cannot buy...The republcans party
> > doesn't
> > > > > represent freedom or free trade
> > > > anymore....They're
> > > > > secretly embracing communism and they're
> > too
> > > > > fucking retarded to see it.Putin has and
> > > still
> > > > > is...mind fucking Republicans...
> > > >
> > > > Exactly. Yelling freedom and then telling
> > > people
> > > > that Christianity is the only religion for
> > > > Americans, abortion is illegal, people
> can't
> > be
> > > > gay, etc... That's not practicing FREEDOM.
> > > >
> > > > Freedom is allowing many religions and
> > letting
> > > > people decide for themselves how live their
> > > lives.
> > >
> > > Abortion is for straight up whores, where was
> > our
> > > decision to not have healthcare
> > >
> > > Take cock in all holes, but don’t force ur
> > > bullshit on others
> > >
> > > U want an EV who cares, we dont
> > >
> > > U want ur boy to be a bitc boy and act like
> he
> > can
> > > have a period and get pregnant, that’s on
> u,
> > > don’t forget ur bullshit on others
> >
> > So the 10 year old who had to travel to Indiana
> > for an abortion after she was raped is a
> > "Whore"?Dude,nobody is forcing your stupid
> > worthless ass to buy a fucking EV...your sorry
> > trailer trash ass couldn't even fucking afford
> an
> > EV...now go jerk off to joe rogan and shut the
> > fuck up
> Liberals love rape.
> U see all those Israeli girls that got raped and
> killed?
> Don’t be an idiot, most people want common sense
> abortion
> Be happy there’s abortion, I had 2 twins
> abortifacient and another
> Or there’d be 5 more trumpers threats to
> democracy out there
> YOU FUCK, u take care of it asap, and don’t be a
> stupid lazy uncaring libtard and get that abortion
> done asap

> U see all those Israeli girls that got raped

You watched that shit?Did your dick get hard when they were underage?...fucking kids,man...but you watched it?You're Fucking Sick!!!!

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Re: Why are Conservatards so scared of electric vehicles?
Posted by: jk765yk76k6 ()
Date: December 27, 2023 03:35PM

FORD GM TESLA have been steering USA investor money TO CHINA

giving china billions even trillions to "reseach EV" that aren't even sold in USA. the CHINESE ev are 1 ton lighter than gas, the USA ev are 1 ton HEAVIER.

we saw also, san fran, chinese removed AIR BRAKES from municiple busses and people were injured as a result; which is HUGELY CRIMINAL, as in blood spilling crime, in the USA. tampering with public vehicles to remove critical safety devices to "save china money".

THEN THERE'S TESLA, that promised USA GOV to produce cars in USA and next thing we know after BILLIONS in investment - immense chinese lots of Telsla BUILT IN CHINA, NOT USA are seen in not a few evidential photos

THE Quetion on EV currently isn't about efficiency


MAKING CHINESE PROFITEERING THE LAW IN USA, forcing usa to buy a wretched country breaking product

IT'S ABOUT A COMING WAR WITH CHINA, it's about china "forcing USA at gun point using USA's police to buy products that are terrible for USA"

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Re: Why are Conservatards so scared of electric vehicles?
Posted by: 223334 ()
Date: December 27, 2023 03:37PM

i'm not afraid of chinese law banning gas motors


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Re: Why are Conservatards so scared of electric vehicles?
Posted by: just think what would happen ()
Date: December 27, 2023 05:01PM

You are driving in a terrible thunder storm and a bolt of lightning hits your electric vehicle? No thank you! Electric hitting electric is never good, different polarities. Not like magnets.

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Re: Why are Conservatards so scared of electric vehicles?
Posted by: LIB ON STUPID RANT ()
Date: December 27, 2023 09:12PM

>...they want to tell you what you can or cannot wear,what you can or cannot read,what can and cannot buy..

Like Democrats banning everyday gas cars trucks mowers weed wackers stoves or furnaces and guns

Your brain is so pitifully weed soaked your confusing Democrats for Republicans

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Re: Why are Conservatards so scared of electric vehicles?
Posted by: exxon mobiles little nigger boy ()
Date: December 27, 2023 10:03PM

> >...they want to tell you what you can or cannot
> wear,what you can or cannot read,what can and
> cannot buy..
> Like Democrats banning everyday gas cars trucks
> mowers weed wackers stoves or furnaces and guns
> Your brain is so pitifully weed soaked your
> confusing Democrats for Republicans

Uhm yeah,you see when new technology comes along the old technology gets shoved out of the way...its kind of like how people had give up riding horses in favor of a new technological breakthrough called "the automobile"...understand?I even did you a favor and dumbed it down for your retarded ass.

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Re: Why are Conservatards so scared of electric vehicles?
Posted by: Autoput A 4 ()
Date: December 27, 2023 10:17PM

Pratap Lal Bheel Wrote:
> dat nigga trippin Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Nobody wants those stupid fucking EVs. Sales
> have
> > cratered.
> You right bro, I dont want one neither but I don't
> get all triggered with fear like the republicans
> do over this shit.

Republicans sit around for multiple hours every day and try to think up things that they can be scared of.

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Re: Why are Conservatards so scared of electric vehicles?
Posted by: Because Democrats Fear Objects ()
Date: December 27, 2023 10:34PM

Like guns which Democrats hate and fear so badly they will violate the peoples right to keep and bear arms with impunity

Thus its only natural to Democrats that people that simply dont want to pay a fortune for a POS they dont like and dont want that these free Americans are cowards that fear the EV

Show me a ultra reliable EV that is easy to repair preforms like a 1.8 L gas car and will last 300k and get 500 miles per charge because it takes so long to charge for less then 23k in price and does not use a huge enviro unfriendly battery that can catch fire and Im in

Does not exist so leave me the hell alone Democrats and stop charging me road tax and huge inflated car tax after Democrat JOE Bidens inflation raised used cars up so high in price because I drive a 36 mpg small Japanese car

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Why are Conservatards so scared of electric vehicles?
Posted by: not really market is it ()
Date: December 27, 2023 10:50PM

thats free trade,capitalism....you see,when consumers want,companies deliver,so they can have happy customers and make some money.Are you following?EV's are being made because there is a demand for them.But your little entitled ass thinks you can just tell people what they can or cannot buy.That's their investment,that's their fucking money...not yours.

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Re: Why are Conservatards so scared of electric vehicles?
Posted by: Gry Nergard ()
Date: December 27, 2023 11:30PM

I am tired of breathing all this polluted air caused by gas burning cars. EV's have limitations but everyone is just going to have to deal with it. We need to start with huge tax increases on gas along with huge tax breaks for EV owners. At some point we will just make owning a liquid fueled vehicle a crime.

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Re: Why are Conservatards so scared of electric vehicles?
Posted by: Dalton Pine ()
Date: December 28, 2023 12:34AM

Conservatives have always been afraid of change. I am old enough to remember when lead was removed from gasoline. All the conservatives were crying about that, trying to tell everyone how bad that was going to be and how your car engine would fail at 20,000 miles. The thing about conservatives is that they are always wrong.

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Re: Why are Conservatards so scared of electric vehicles?
Posted by: E-Mustang owner ()
Date: December 28, 2023 06:28AM

Dalton Pine Wrote:
> Conservatives have always been afraid of change. I
> am old enough to remember when lead was removed
> from gasoline. All the conservatives were crying
> about that, trying to tell everyone how bad that
> was going to be and how your car engine would fail
> at 20,000 miles. The thing about conservatives is
> that they are always wrong.

Every once in a while they might get something right but 95% of the time they are wrong. One thing for sure though all conservatives are cowards.

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Re: Why are Conservatards so scared of electric vehicles?
Posted by: Contards ()
Date: December 28, 2023 11:31AM

Conservative love exhaust fumes and loud noises

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Re: Why are Conservatards so scared of electric vehicles?
Posted by: Seven pine ()
Date: December 28, 2023 08:53PM

Dalton Pine Wrote:
> Conservatives have always been afraid of change. I
> am old enough to remember when lead was removed
> from gasoline. All the conservatives were crying
> about that, trying to tell everyone how bad that
> was going to be and how your car engine would fail
> at 20,000 miles. The thing about conservatives is
> that they are always wrong.

I have noticed that too.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Why are Conservatards so scared of electric vehicles?
Posted by: nigga please ()
Date: December 28, 2023 09:03PM

One libtard fag just bumping this thread over and over to himself.

Imagine being triggered by a Prius.

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Re: Why are Conservatards so scared of electric vehicles?
Posted by: don't cower ()
Date: December 28, 2023 10:02PM

just think what would happen Wrote:
> You are driving in a terrible thunder storm and a
> bolt of lightning hits your electric vehicle? No
> thank you! Electric hitting electric is never
> good, different polarities. Not like magnets.

LoL! What is the next thing you can think up to be scared of?

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Re: Why are Conservatards so scared of electric vehicles?
Posted by: Ban Liquid fueled vehicles ()
Date: December 31, 2023 07:40AM

Republicans tend to be poorly educated and in most cases they are financially chalenged. They cannot afford a EV and they are jelly of those that can.

The bottom line here is that we should not have our breathing air fouled by a LFV and eventually all LFV's will be banned from public roads at some point.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Why are Conservatards so scared of electric vehicles?
Posted by: Big dummy ()
Date: December 31, 2023 08:00AM

Ban Liquid fueled vehicles Wrote:
> Republicans tend to be poorly educated and in most
> cases they are financially chalenged. They cannot
> afford a EV and they are jelly of those that can.
> The bottom line here is that we should not have
> our breathing air fouled by a LFV and eventually
> all LFV's will be banned from public roads at some
> point.

Poorly educated and people who don’t know anything about America are a target base for democrats

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Re: Why are Conservatards so scared of electric vehicles?
Posted by: observer of the shit ()
Date: December 31, 2023 08:03AM

EVs keep the libtard on this thread triggered every hour of every day.

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Re: Why are Conservatards so scared of electric vehicles?
Posted by: Louie Chevrolet ()
Date: December 31, 2023 08:29AM

See the USA in your electric Chevrolet!

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Re: Why are Conservatards so scared of electric vehicles?
Posted by: Enan ()
Date: December 31, 2023 08:36AM

Mom and dad are getting me an EV for the new year!

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Re: Why are Conservatards so scared of electric vehicles?
Posted by: Jennifer P ()
Date: December 31, 2023 09:33AM

My sister's friend had an EV and the battery died earlier this year. They told her it would be $19,000 to replace it. In the same gas version of that car a rebuilt motor would have been around $6,000. And the gas motor would have lasted much longer than the POS battery. Those people are so woke and blinded by their hatred of freedom that they would rather pour huge amounts of cash down the drain to send the virtue signal.

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Re: Why are Conservatards so scared of electric vehicles?
Posted by: You hate the planet! ()
Date: December 31, 2023 09:40AM

Jennifer P Wrote:
> My sister's friend had an EV and the battery died
> earlier this year. They told her it would be
> $19,000 to replace it. In the same gas version of
> that car a rebuilt motor would have been around
> $6,000. And the gas motor would have lasted much
> longer than the POS battery. Those people are so
> woke and blinded by their hatred of freedom that
> they would rather pour huge amounts of cash down
> the drain to send the virtue signal.

But we are saving the planet, so spend that extra money you don’t have, replace those batteries, fuck your kids college.
We need to save the planet

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Re: Why are Conservatards so scared of electric vehicles?
Posted by: Stfu Death Merchant ()
Date: December 31, 2023 11:53AM

You hate human liberty stop being the Marxist totalitarian fascist

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Re: Why are Conservatards so scared of electric vehicles?
Date: December 31, 2023 11:55AM

libtards remind me of those kids in school

"come with us and huff this butane"

"lets go walk across that bridge with the train tracks"

and if you say no, they say "whut are you chicken?"

we aren't Marty McFly

here is an important saying, "let us know how it went"

libtards ceem to have a problem with that phrase, they want to force everyone to join in their folly

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Re: Why are Conservatards so scared of electric vehicles?
Posted by: Just go with it ()
Date: December 31, 2023 12:04PM

These liberals can not live in peace and harmony

Most white trash trumpers like me wouldn’t mind an electric vehicle as like their 2nd-4th vehicle, who wouldn’t
But soon they’ll have us living in an all EV mobile home

These libtards are a disease that is never happy or satisfied and always need something to complain about, it’s a disease
They got the world going down the drain super fast and they am and think is, let’s just have fun as the world goes down the drain and just give them so much to complain about and just laugh
Start littering

Run ur F-350 in ur driveway while sitting on ur cell for 8 hrs

U ever notice this, ur neighbor pulls in to his driveway or parking spot and the assholes sit in their cars on their phones for another 45 minutes

Just ruin it, fuck it up, and just laugh at them

I’m gonna get some of my black conservative friends and chain to em up and get my whip out and just make them groom my property, my black conservative friend’s find it hilarious
But my entire liberal block of neighbors hate it



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Re: Why are Conservatards so scared of electric vehicles?
Posted by: But We Know ()
Date: December 31, 2023 12:06PM

Its fun to be the comical troll giving Dems a well deserved verbal beatdown for their silly ass woke attacks on Americans personal freedoms pushing EVs when they are no real answer to clean energy solutions at this time in history

Then use planet killing huge heavy rechargeable enviro harming batteries stupid A few hundred thousand is one thing masses of millions of the bitches is another fools and the power grid is not up to recharging millions of cars requiring 400 volts and at least 100 amp charges for at least half an hour each or for days at 110 20 amps in your woke tony million dollar up townhouse garage

You cant fix lib stupid if we could fix lib stupid JOE would have been removed from office two years ago when illegal crossings hit one million and gas was the highest cost in history

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Re: Why are Conservatards so scared of electric vehicles?
Posted by: EV's are a done deal. ()
Date: December 31, 2023 01:11PM

Current Tesla batteries last about 200,000 miles but scientests have a proven that they can make the batteries that will last between 400,000 and 500,000 miles. So the average Tesla can outlast two liquid fueled vehicles making them a huge benfit and save consumers tons of money. As usual conservatards are scared little bitches.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Why are Conservatards so scared of electric vehicles?
Posted by: EV SUCKS ()
Date: December 31, 2023 01:55PM

EV's are a done deal. Wrote:
> Current Tesla batteries last about 200,000 miles
> but scientests have a proven that they can make
> the batteries that will last between 400,000 and
> 500,000 miles. So the average Tesla can outlast
> two liquid fueled vehicles making them a huge
> benfit and save consumers tons of money. As usual
> conservatards are scared little bitches.

Cost of OUR ev vehicle, over $500k, low resale value..only last 6 hours and gotta charge 4
Just to please stupid woke cunt customers that do t know shit about the real world

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Why are Conservatards so scared of electric vehicles?
Posted by: EV SUCKS ()
Date: December 31, 2023 01:55PM

EV's are a done deal. Wrote:
> Current Tesla batteries last about 200,000 miles
> but scientests have a proven that they can make
> the batteries that will last between 400,000 and
> 500,000 miles. So the average Tesla can outlast
> two liquid fueled vehicles making them a huge
> benfit and save consumers tons of money. As usual
> conservatards are scared little bitches.

Cost of OUR ev vehicle, over $500k, low resale value..only last 6 hours and gotta charge 4
Just to please stupid woke cunt customers that do t know shit about the real world

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Why are Conservatards so scared of electric vehicles?
Posted by: EV SUCKS ()
Date: December 31, 2023 01:55PM

EV's are a done deal. Wrote:
> Current Tesla batteries last about 200,000 miles
> but scientests have a proven that they can make
> the batteries that will last between 400,000 and
> 500,000 miles. So the average Tesla can outlast
> two liquid fueled vehicles making them a huge
> benfit and save consumers tons of money. As usual
> conservatards are scared little bitches.

Cost of OUR ev vehicle, over $500k, low resale value..only last 6 hours and gotta charge 4
Just to please stupid woke cunt customers that do t know shit about the real world

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Why are Conservatards so scared of electric vehicles?
Posted by: EV 4 Me ()
Date: December 31, 2023 02:44PM

EV's are a done deal. Wrote:
> Current Tesla batteries last about 200,000 miles
> but scientests have a proven that they can make
> the batteries that will last between 400,000 and
> 500,000 miles. So the average Tesla can outlast
> two liquid fueled vehicles making them a huge
> benfit and save consumers tons of money. As usual
> conservatards are scared little bitches.

Thes EV's are going to save people a lot of money. My solar panels charge up my Tesla S for free and gives me a 355 mile radius. The battery can recharge at my house overnight just fine. At a high power DC charging station like the ones at Sheetz I can charge it up in 25 to 30 minutes.

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Re: Why are Conservatards so scared of electric vehicles?
Posted by: Qmww ()
Date: December 31, 2023 03:12PM

My EV comes with a Starbucks coffee maker!!

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Re: Why are Conservatards so scared of electric vehicles?
Posted by: Poor Can't Afford EVs ()
Date: December 31, 2023 08:52PM

THey vote and will vote against any bitches who try to push them into expensive EVs so will more then half this country leaving well off whiny bitch boys crying when they get shut down hard



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Re: Why are Conservatards so scared of electric vehicles?
Posted by: 200000 or 500000 ()
Date: December 31, 2023 08:56PM


New Jerseys landfills can't take care of "recycling " that many

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Why are Conservatards so scared of electric vehicles?
Posted by: .Tom ()
Date: January 01, 2024 05:41AM

200000 or 500000 Wrote:
> New Jerseys landfills can't take care of
> "recycling " that many

Does that scare you?

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Why are Conservatards so scared of electric vehicles?
Posted by: Skd ()
Date: January 01, 2024 06:23AM

The point is, us conservatards are so upset cuz these EV’s are really worse for the environment

We are very upset

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Why are Conservatards so scared of electric vehicles?
Posted by: energy from God! ()
Date: January 01, 2024 03:28PM

We need huge increases of tax on liquid motor fuels. These ignorant cowards need to be paying 15 dollars a gallon for gas. The EV's will start looking good to them after that.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Why are Conservatards so scared of electric vehicles?
Posted by: Wme ()
Date: January 01, 2024 03:53PM

energy from God! Wrote:
> We need huge increases of tax on liquid motor
> fuels. These ignorant cowards need to be paying 15
> dollars a gallon for gas. The EV's will start
> looking good to them after that.

Private jet owners too!
These people need to pay $200,000 per gallon for jet fuel and start driving their EV’s to all their video and music awards. They may have to leave 2 weeks in advance

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Why are Conservatards so scared of electric vehicles?
Posted by: HEY EV 4 Me ()
Date: January 01, 2024 08:17PM

Since it takes half an hour to charge a Tesla with commerical 400 V 200 amp Tesla chargers

Tell us how many days it take to trickle charge your EV with your low voltage roof solar panels to drive 5 miles and back from a store then recharge again

They can't go far on only a overnight solar charge

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Why are Conservatards so scared of electric vehicles?
Posted by: LOL JACK Up The GAS DEMS ()
Date: January 01, 2024 08:19PM

Then watch as Blacks Spanish and all poor vote Republican lol

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Why are Conservatards so scared of electric vehicles?
Posted by: EV 4 ME ()
Date: January 02, 2024 06:33AM

HEY EV 4 Me Wrote:
> Since it takes half an hour to charge a Tesla with
> commerical 400 V 200 amp Tesla chargers
> Tell us how many days it take to trickle charge
> your EV with your low voltage roof solar panels to
> drive 5 miles and back from a store then recharge
> again
> They can't go far on only a overnight solar charge

You have already proven yourself quite stupid but I will try to explain it to you. The solar panels put power on the grid as long as the sun is shining and 10 months out of the year I have no power bill, Dominion energy pays me for the power I have sold them. I can charge up my car at home for free. When I get home from work I plug the car in and it is at 100% charge in the morning when I go to work. As long as I charge it at home the power is free. All day long even when I am not home my solar system is slowly putting energy back on the grid. This is not new technology it has been around for decades.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Why are Conservatards so scared of electric vehicles?
Posted by: goalpost ()
Date: January 03, 2024 03:34AM

energy from God! Wrote:
> We need huge increases of tax on liquid motor
> fuels. These ignorant cowards need to be paying 15
> dollars a gallon for gas. The EV's will start
> looking good to them after that.

That is a great idea!

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Why are Conservatards so scared of electric vehicles?
Posted by: Why are they scared? ()
Date: January 03, 2024 06:50AM

Fear of emasculation. Not very rational, to be sure, but no less real.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Why are Conservatards so scared of electric vehicles?
Posted by: .AARPer. ()
Date: January 03, 2024 08:06AM

34thj54 Wrote:

> cost more and ...

This is how stupid Trumptards are. They still want to burn coal as the rest of the world evolves.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Why are Conservatards so scared of electric vehicles?
Posted by: A large carbon footprint ()
Date: January 03, 2024 08:10AM

.AARPer. Wrote:
> 34thj54 Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> >

> >
> >
> and
> > cost more and ...
> >

> ^^^
> This is how stupid Trumptards are. They still want
> to burn coal as the rest of the world evolves.

Means a large penis.

Little do they know.


Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Why are Conservatards so scared of electric vehicles?
Posted by: V=IR ()
Date: January 05, 2024 07:30AM

HEY EV 4 Me Wrote:
> Since it takes half an hour to charge a Tesla with
> commerical 400 V 200 amp Tesla chargers
> Tell us how many days it take to trickle charge
> your EV with your low voltage roof solar panels to
> drive 5 miles and back from a store then recharge
> again
> They can't go far on only a overnight solar charge

You know it is funny when someone posts something like this and proves their pure ignorance!

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Why are Conservatards so scared of electric vehicles?
Posted by: far right Freddie ()
Date: January 05, 2024 10:53AM

I am a conservative and I dont lie about it, I am sacred of everything. I keep a gun and a vest on me whenever I go out but I don't leave the house much because I am scared to.
My Father and Grandfather were the same way

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Re: Why are Conservatards so scared of electric vehicles?
Posted by: Father Feelmore ()
Date: January 06, 2024 02:57PM

far right Freddie Wrote:
> I am a conservative and I dont lie about it, I am
> sacred of everything. I keep a gun and a vest on
> me whenever I go out but I don't leave the house
> much because I am scared to.
> My Father and Grandfather were the same way

At least you are willing to admit it.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Why are Conservatards so scared of electric vehicles?
Posted by: Answer Grape ()
Date: January 07, 2024 01:36PM

Ignorance and fear go hand in hand.

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Re: Why are Conservatards so scared of electric vehicles?
Posted by: Watts up? ()
Date: January 09, 2024 07:02AM

energy from God! Wrote:
> We need huge increases of tax on liquid motor
> fuels. These ignorant cowards need to be paying 15
> dollars a gallon for gas. The EV's will start
> looking good to them after that.

That is a great idea! We can use that extra tax money to build more EV charging stations.

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Re: Why are Conservatards so scared of electric vehicles?
Posted by: Shell oil ()
Date: January 10, 2024 04:15PM

Once liquid fueled vehicles are banned it will probably be like Cuba where they have kept all those American made cars going for like 50 years. The best bet is to inflate the cost of liquid fuels to like 30 dollars a gallon.

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Re: Why are Conservatards so scared of electric vehicles?
Posted by: Automitive expert ()
Date: January 11, 2024 06:39AM

I did a comparison of total cost of ownership between my Tesla 3 and a similar sized gasoline powered car (Toyota Camry) over a 5 year 120,000 mile period. The Tesla had a 8% lower overall cost of ownership. So that proves that electric vehicles are cheaper to own. The test will continue for 5 more years and I bet the numbers come out even better by then.

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Re: Why are Conservatards so scared of electric vehicles?
Posted by: Jack Doff ()
Date: January 11, 2024 09:57AM

Phil McCrackin Wrote:
> No one is "scared" of anything except libtards.
> Real Americans won't waste their money on bullshit
> EVs.

So why are you scared of libtards?

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Why are Conservatards so scared of electric vehicles?
Posted by: Fear 30 ()
Date: January 12, 2024 07:28AM

E-Mustang owner Wrote:
> Dalton Pine Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Conservatives have always been afraid of change.
> I
> > am old enough to remember when lead was removed
> > from gasoline. All the conservatives were
> crying
> > about that, trying to tell everyone how bad
> that
> > was going to be and how your car engine would
> fail
> > at 20,000 miles. The thing about conservatives
> is
> > that they are always wrong.
> Every once in a while they might get something
> right but 95% of the time they are wrong. One
> thing for sure though all conservatives are
> cowards.

My conservatard neighbor is a total coward, he even hides behind guns.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Why are Conservatards so scared of electric vehicles?
Posted by: Chicken dinner. ()
Date: January 13, 2024 05:08AM

Jack Doff Wrote:
> Phil McCrackin Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > No one is "scared" of anything except libtards.
> >
> > Real Americans won't waste their money on
> bullshit
> > EVs.
> So why are you scared of libtards?

He was probably born a coward.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Why are Conservatards so scared of electric vehicles?
Posted by: Tiredofpussylibs ()
Date: January 13, 2024 11:35AM

Fact you’re supporting China!
Electric cars ain’t changing shit!

Here’s a thing with you Lib fuckers. Every time you think something is a good idea you wanna force it on people i.e. the VAX, being a vegetarian electric cars non-binary dicks in your ass molesting children fuck you we’re tired of it. I’ll take my fucking gas guzzling fucking truck and run your little fucking electric piece of shit over when the battery runs out fucktard oh yeah, and you ain’t taking our guns. Another thing you can try and come and get them. You can have them when we’re dead or out of ammo I doubt it’s gonna happen. You’re too big of a pussies hide behind a little keyboards.

Cage fight any libtard any time. Enjoy chocking you out

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Why are Conservatards so scared of electric vehicles?
Posted by: @ triggered ()
Date: January 13, 2024 01:25PM

Tiredofpussylibs Wrote:
> Fact you’re supporting China!
> Electric cars ain’t changing shit!
> Here’s a thing with you Lib fuckers. Every time
> you think something is a good idea you wanna force
> it on people i.e. the VAX, being a vegetarian
> electric cars non-binary dicks in your ass
> molesting children fuck you we’re tired of it.
> I’ll take my fucking gas guzzling fucking truck
> and run your little fucking electric piece of shit
> over when the battery runs out fucktard oh yeah,
> and you ain’t taking our guns. Another thing you
> can try and come and get them. You can have them
> when we’re dead or out of ammo I doubt it’s
> gonna happen. You’re too big of a pussies hide
> behind a little keyboards.
> Cage fight any libtard any time. Enjoy chocking
> you out

You seem triggered.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Why are Conservatards so scared of electric vehicles?
Posted by: Tiredoflibpussies ()
Date: January 14, 2024 07:23AM

Nope just have no patience for their Marxist agenda
A civil war is unfortunately brewing in America because of the left Fascist views
Destroying our country and our freedoms.

I can promise it’s the wrong path.

I know who I know and the skill sets we have and I promise you it’s not the path the left should choose.
Libtards you should Tread lightly and reverse course because you will lose fast.
You will regret your choices should you cross that line and open that door.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Why are Conservatards so scared of electric vehicles?
Posted by: Tiredoflibpussies ()
Date: January 14, 2024 07:23AM

Nope just have no patience for their Marxist agenda
A civil war is unfortunately brewing in America because of the left Fascist views
Destroying our country and our freedoms.

I can promise it’s the wrong path.

I know who I know and the skill sets we have and I promise you it’s not the path the left should choose.
Libtards you should Tread lightly and reverse course because you will lose fast.
You will regret your choices should you cross that line and open that door.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Why are Conservatards so scared of electric vehicles?
Posted by: Achmell ()
Date: January 14, 2024 07:39AM

Voltage please Wrote:
> Since Tesla has replaced Toyota as the wealthiest
> car company in the world it is kind of hard to
> believe that EV's are a attack from Asia.

I made 50k off of Tesla stock in about 2.5 years. I sold and kept the money but I should have waited longer but what the hell, even after taxes I made a 115% profit so I really can't cpmplain.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Why are Conservatards so scared of electric vehicles?
Posted by: Automotive expert ()
Date: January 14, 2024 11:03AM

Achmell Wrote:
> Voltage please Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Since Tesla has replaced Toyota as the
> wealthiest
> > car company in the world it is kind of hard to
> > believe that EV's are a attack from Asia.
> I made 50k off of Tesla stock in about 2.5 years.
> I sold and kept the money but I should have waited
> longer but what the hell, even after taxes I made
> a 115% profit so I really can't cpmplain.

Toyota is not really into the EV thing very much. The top executives think it is not the right direction. They are into hybrids of course though.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Why are Conservatards so scared of electric vehicles?
Posted by: big batteries ()
Date: January 15, 2024 03:54AM

I am getting a Rivian.

I think Conservatards are Jelly because they cannot afford a electric vehicle. Most of these fuckers are barely getting by and they pay credit card interest. They are losers

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Why are Conservatards so scared of electric vehicles?
Posted by: Happy. ()
Date: January 16, 2024 03:41AM

big batteries Wrote:
> I am getting a Rivian.
> I think Conservatards are Jelly because they
> cannot afford a electric vehicle. Most of these
> fuckers are barely getting by and they pay credit
> card interest. They are losers

Yeah they invested in My Pillow and gold.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Why are Conservatards so scared of electric vehicles?
Posted by: Long list ()
Date: January 16, 2024 12:40PM

There is a long list of things that conservatards are scared of.

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Re: Why are Conservatards so scared of electric vehicles?
Posted by: bluntman ()
Date: January 17, 2024 03:10AM

Happy. Wrote:
> big batteries Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > I am getting a Rivian.
> >
> > I think Conservatards are Jelly because they
> > cannot afford a electric vehicle. Most of these
> > fuckers are barely getting by and they pay
> credit
> > card interest. They are losers
> Yeah they invested in My Pillow and gold.

And moonrocks!

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Why are Conservatards so scared of electric vehicles?
Posted by: Donald Fucking Trump ()
Date: January 17, 2024 09:31PM

Conservatards are pussies.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Why are Conservatards so scared of electric vehicles?
Posted by: trade in value ()
Date: January 19, 2024 03:18AM

big batteries Wrote:
> I am getting a Rivian.
> I think Conservatards are Jelly because they
> cannot afford a electric vehicle. Most of these
> fuckers are barely getting by and they pay credit
> card interest. They are losers

Yes, they wish they could afford EV's. They were born losers tho. Maybe one of them can afford my EV once I am done with it.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Why are Conservatards so scared of electric vehicles?
Posted by: face facts ()
Date: January 19, 2024 08:00AM

Right wingers talk real tough but they are total pussies when you confront them. They like to hide behind guns too.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Why are Conservatards so scared of electric vehicles?
Posted by: Reasonable Smart American ()
Date: January 19, 2024 01:43PM

I want nothing to do with an EV for the follwing good rational reasons below

They are too expensive and have very high property tax fees here in Democrat car taxed Virginia

They are overly complex with all the bullshit horns and whistles they pack into these cars for the amusement of the lazy rich

They electronic horns and whistles do not excite or amuse me nor do I want or need them they just inflate the cost of the car and its upkeep

I drove cars decades checking my tire pressure manually

Only the lazy and stupid can not deal with that

Repairing the electric cars requires too much expensive dealer equipment because of the possibility of self electrocution you are forced to rely on dealers for repairs or adjustments at high cost

I have self maintained my own vehicles for decades even removing transmissions and engines repairing them along with all the other systems including AC I took EPA section 609 certification and bought the required Section 609 equipment to firmly adhere to the EPA s rulings on handleing refrigerants used automobile ac systems

I can buy parts for my vehicles where I want I am not forced to buy or use dealer services and can get computer reflashing cheaper at shops other then dealers or use dealers services if I want to get a code checked or a update of software leaving the wrenching to myself

The issue of personal transportation will resolve itself in the future as the worlds population explodes oil becomes scarce and cheap workable transportation that is from renewable energy sources that dont require toxic batteries are perfected and the threat the closed society of communist China poses to our nations life if we can survive as a nation that is united not divided by Democrats

There are far worse things to act upon to stop about then gas cars while trying to push shit on the people we don't want

Pushing silly divisive shit upon us we dont want for Democrat votes while refusing to face real disaster is the mark of the far left Democrat in this country today who still refuse to admit Covid was a test run of a military bio weapon upon us and the world for later research and use against us

We should be uniting our people to make us stronger as a nation for ourbown future survival

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Why are Conservatards so scared of electric vehicles?
Posted by: Slim And Shorty ()
Date: January 19, 2024 02:26PM

How the hell do these high living well off liberals think poor folk or even middle income folk can afford 45 k for a new EV plus the 25 extra k in property tax valuation

Its all bullshit when poor and middle income folk cant pay property taxes on 25k new cars today

Especially after the vast over spending by Democrats creating high inflation raised the hell out of the values of used cars to the point people are paying more used in car tax then when the cars were new

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Why are Conservatards so scared of electric vehicles?
Posted by: Got power? ()
Date: January 20, 2024 05:13AM

Slim And Shorty Wrote:
> How the hell do these high living well off
> liberals think poor folk or even middle income
> folk can afford 45 k for a new EV plus the 25
> extra k in property tax valuation
> Its all bullshit when poor and middle income folk
> cant pay property taxes on 25k new cars today
> Especially after the vast over spending by
> Democrats creating high inflation raised the hell
> out of the values of used cars to the point people
> are paying more used in car tax then when the cars
> were new

I bought my Tesla3 used. I bought my home charging station off ebay used and installed it myself. I live in Maryland and we have no car tax. My total cost per mile traveled is cheaper than a Toyota Camry. EV's are for smart people. I do have another gasoline car that I use on long trips. It just makes good sense to use a EV as much as possible.
Just try not being scared for once in your life.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Why are Conservatards so scared of electric vehicles?
Posted by: 2 2 much ()
Date: January 20, 2024 03:28PM

Got power? Wrote:
> Slim And Shorty Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > How the hell do these high living well off
> > liberals think poor folk or even middle income
> > folk can afford 45 k for a new EV plus the 25
> > extra k in property tax valuation
> >
> > Its all bullshit when poor and middle income
> folk
> > cant pay property taxes on 25k new cars today
> >
> > Especially after the vast over spending by
> > Democrats creating high inflation raised the
> hell
> > out of the values of used cars to the point
> people
> > are paying more used in car tax then when the
> cars
> > were new
> I bought my Tesla3 used. I bought my home charging
> station off ebay used and installed it myself. I
> live in Maryland and we have no car tax. My total
> cost per mile traveled is cheaper than a Toyota
> Camry. EV's are for smart people. I do have
> another gasoline car that I use on long trips. It
> just makes good sense to use a EV as much as
> possible.
> Just try not being scared for once in your life.

That is asking too much from a conservatard.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Why are Conservatards so scared of electric vehicles?
Posted by: get one of each! ()
Date: January 21, 2024 03:13AM

Got power? Wrote:
> Slim And Shorty Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > How the hell do these high living well off
> > liberals think poor folk or even middle income
> > folk can afford 45 k for a new EV plus the 25
> > extra k in property tax valuation
> >
> > Its all bullshit when poor and middle income
> folk
> > cant pay property taxes on 25k new cars today
> >
> > Especially after the vast over spending by
> > Democrats creating high inflation raised the
> hell
> > out of the values of used cars to the point
> people
> > are paying more used in car tax then when the
> cars
> > were new
> I bought my Tesla3 used. I bought my home charging
> station off ebay used and installed it myself. I
> live in Maryland and we have no car tax. My total
> cost per mile traveled is cheaper than a Toyota
> Camry. EV's are for smart people. I do have
> another gasoline car that I use on long trips. It
> just makes good sense to use a EV as much as
> possible.
> Just try not being scared for once in your life.

That is the best combination , have a nice EV for going to work and short trips arouund town and have a nice hybrid that can run on gasoline for longer trips.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Why are Conservatards so scared of electric vehicles?
Posted by: Lexus Larry ()
Date: January 22, 2024 01:12PM

get one of each! Wrote:
> Got power? Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Slim And Shorty Wrote:
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> > -----
> > > How the hell do these high living well off
> > > liberals think poor folk or even middle
> income
> > > folk can afford 45 k for a new EV plus the 25
> > > extra k in property tax valuation
> > >
> > > Its all bullshit when poor and middle income
> > folk
> > > cant pay property taxes on 25k new cars today
> > >
> > > Especially after the vast over spending by
> > > Democrats creating high inflation raised the
> > hell
> > > out of the values of used cars to the point
> > people
> > > are paying more used in car tax then when the
> > cars
> > > were new
> >
> > I bought my Tesla3 used. I bought my home
> charging
> > station off ebay used and installed it myself.
> I
> > live in Maryland and we have no car tax. My
> total
> > cost per mile traveled is cheaper than a Toyota
> > Camry. EV's are for smart people. I do have
> > another gasoline car that I use on long trips.
> It
> > just makes good sense to use a EV as much as
> > possible.
> > Just try not being scared for once in your
> life.
> That is the best combination , have a nice EV for
> going to work and short trips arouund town and
> have a nice hybrid that can run on gasoline for
> longer trips.

Thats what I do. I leased my EV and paid cash for my gas car. Works out great!

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Why are Conservatards so scared of electric vehicles?
Posted by: bob peck ()
Date: January 23, 2024 04:47AM

Voltage please Wrote:
> Since Tesla has replaced Toyota as the wealthiest
> car company in the world it is kind of hard to
> believe that EV's are a attack from Asia.

People who speak out against EV's are simply Anti-American. You would think they would be proud that a American company like Tesla is the wealthiest car company in the world.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Why are Conservatards so scared of electric vehicles?
Posted by: purvis ()
Date: February 04, 2024 04:53AM

bob peck Wrote:
> Voltage please Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Since Tesla has replaced Toyota as the
> wealthiest
> > car company in the world it is kind of hard to
> > believe that EV's are a attack from Asia.
> People who speak out against EV's are simply
> Anti-American. You would think they would be proud
> that a American company like Tesla is the
> wealthiest car company in the world.

Conservatards are too busy trying to think of new things to be scared of.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Why are Conservatards so scared of electric vehicles?
Posted by: 50 amp fuse ()
Date: February 05, 2024 05:22AM

bob peck Wrote:
> Voltage please Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Since Tesla has replaced Toyota as the
> wealthiest
> > car company in the world it is kind of hard to
> > believe that EV's are a attack from Asia.
> People who speak out against EV's are simply
> Anti-American. You would think they would be proud
> that a American company like Tesla is the
> wealthiest car company in the world.

Republicans don't care about any of that they are just scared of any kind of change. They can't help but be scared and its not nice to make fun of them, they are truly victims.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Why are Conservatards so scared of electric vehicles?
Posted by: Not really from Waldorf ()
Date: February 07, 2024 04:55AM

I bought a Tesla but I got a Maryland drivers license using a friends address so I don't have to pay any property tax on that bitch.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Why are Conservatards so scared of electric vehicles?
Posted by: FJB ()
Date: February 07, 2024 06:50AM

ya damn skippy Wrote:
> I've read the thread Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Yup, they are petrified of electric vehicles.
> > Best guess is that they believe smelling like
> > gasoline is the sign of a manly man. Which is
> > pretty pathetic, if you ask me, but when you
> > listen to them, about any subject at all, you
> > realize how sexually insecure they really are.
> >
> > Remember, these are the people who think wearing
> a
> > piece of cloth over your face somehow robs you
> of
> > your manhood.
> Oh good the faggot has chimed in.

Only faggots post on Fairfax Underground, cocksucker.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Why are Conservatards so scared of electric vehicles?
Posted by: HH. ()
Date: February 07, 2024 07:22AM

Ted Britt's taint Wrote:
> I work with a few conservatards and it seems like
> they get all worked up on the topic of electric
> vehicles. I try to tell them that if they don't
> like EV's they should not buy one. I think it
> might have something to with their limited
> education and weak minds. Can anyone else here
> figure them out?

Conservatards were born cowardly pussies.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Why are Conservatards so scared of electric vehicles?
Posted by: Tiredofcocksuckingcontards ()
Date: February 07, 2024 07:36AM

Cage fight a triggered cunt?

Is that your homo idea of a duel?

Or do you just like the touch, the smell, the feel of men?

Yes. Sweetheart. You are clearly a femme.

I bet you'd love to take a train up that roomy asshole of yours!!

Caboose in Vienna. Friday night.

You're probably just having your period.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Why are Conservatards so scared of electric vehicles?
Posted by: Others have done this ()
Date: February 08, 2024 08:10AM

Not really from Waldorf Wrote:
> I bought a Tesla but I got a Maryland drivers
> license using a friends address so I don't have to
> pay any property tax on that bitch.

Is that even legal?

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Why are Conservatards so scared of electric vehicles?
Posted by: 232t32 ()
Date: February 08, 2024 08:10PM

I'd pay to get a date with the lovely Britt single women,

and pay to avoid the beautiful but costly Ted Brit cashier women

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Why are Conservatards so scared of electric vehicles?
Posted by: Buttercupper ()
Date: February 08, 2024 09:34PM


Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Why are Conservatards so scared of electric vehicles?
Posted by: dcg ()
Date: February 09, 2024 07:58AM

HH. Wrote:
> Ted Britt's taint Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > I work with a few conservatards and it seems
> like
> > they get all worked up on the topic of electric
> > vehicles. I try to tell them that if they don't
> > like EV's they should not buy one. I think it
> > might have something to with their limited
> > education and weak minds. Can anyone else here
> > figure them out?
> Conservatards were born cowardly pussies.

All of them? Are you sure?

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Why are Conservatards so scared of electric vehicles?
Posted by: nhtsa ()
Date: February 10, 2024 12:02PM

Because they burn your house dow Wrote:
> AFter their batteries start on fire they cost too
> much take to long to charge use expensive
> batteries that if they were made in the hundreds
> of millions will pose serious risk to the
> enviroment
> And we don't need to be stranded with the POS runs
> down the battery

Gasoline powered vehicles are 10 times more likely to catch fire than a EV is.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Why are Conservatards so scared of electric vehicles?
Posted by: Tuba Lips ()
Date: February 20, 2024 03:14AM

nhtsa Wrote:
> Because they burn your house dow Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > AFter their batteries start on fire they cost
> too
> > much take to long to charge use expensive
> > batteries that if they were made in the
> hundreds
> > of millions will pose serious risk to the
> > enviroment
> >
> > And we don't need to be stranded with the POS
> runs
> > down the battery
> Gasoline powered vehicles are 10 times more likely
> to catch fire than a EV is.

That is good to know.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Why are Conservatards so scared of electric vehicles?
Posted by: joe lean ()
Date: February 25, 2024 02:56AM

Conservatards were born scared little pussies.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Why are Conservatards so scared of electric vehicles?
Posted by: answer grape ()
Date: February 25, 2024 06:26PM

joe lean Wrote:
> Conservatards were born scared little pussies.

We know that.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Why are Conservatards so scared of electric vehicles?
Posted by: .AAA ()
Date: February 26, 2024 02:15AM

Studies prove..... Wrote:
> In reality EV's are 37% safer than LFV's .

That is good.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Why are Conservatards so scared of electric vehicles?
Posted by: outward bound ()
Date: February 26, 2024 07:30AM

Not really from Waldorf Wrote:
> I bought a Tesla but I got a Maryland drivers
> license using a friends address so I don't have to
> pay any property tax on that bitch.

Good idea!

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Why are Conservatards so scared of electric vehicles?
Posted by: Myrtle ()
Date: February 28, 2024 07:49AM

50 amp fuse Wrote:
> bob peck Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Voltage please Wrote:
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> > -----
> > > Since Tesla has replaced Toyota as the
> > wealthiest
> > > car company in the world it is kind of hard
> to
> > > believe that EV's are a attack from Asia.
> >
> > People who speak out against EV's are simply
> > Anti-American. You would think they would be
> proud
> > that a American company like Tesla is the
> > wealthiest car company in the world.
> Republicans don't care about any of that they are
> just scared of any kind of change. They can't help
> but be scared and its not nice to make fun of
> them, they are truly victims.

IDK about that.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Why are Conservatards so scared of electric vehicles?
Posted by: gas power ()
Date: February 29, 2024 04:50AM

When I see a EV charging and no one is around I unplug it.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Why are Conservatards so scared of electric vehicles?
Posted by: General Moldi ()
Date: February 29, 2024 09:03AM

joe lean Wrote:
> Conservatards were born scared little pussies.

eye sea!

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Why are Conservatards so scared of electric vehicles?
Posted by: The 4:50 am EV Terrrorist ()
Date: February 29, 2024 09:31AM

gas power Wrote:
> When I see a EV charging and no one is around I
> unplug it.

7-11 or breakfast shift?

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Why are Conservatards so scared of electric vehicles?
Posted by: Tesla driver ()
Date: February 29, 2024 11:57AM

The 4:50 am EV Terrrorist Wrote:
> gas power Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > When I see a EV charging and no one is around I
> > unplug it.
> 7-11 or breakfast shift?

Maybe it was 5am guy posting under another name.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Why are Conservatards so scared of electric vehicles?
Posted by: Boggs ()
Date: March 01, 2024 07:37AM

Ted Britt's taint Wrote:
> I work with a few conservatards and it seems like
> they get all worked up on the topic of electric
> vehicles. I try to tell them that if they don't
> like EV's they should not buy one. I think it
> might have something to with their limited
> education and weak minds. Can anyone else here
> figure them out?

Conservatives are raised on fear, it is all they know and understand.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Why are Conservatards so scared of electric vehicles?
Posted by: 12 dollar gas! ()
Date: March 05, 2024 04:18AM

All Electric By 2030 Wrote:
> Phil McCrackin Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > No one is "scared" of anything except libtards.
> >
> > Real Americans won't waste their money on
> bullshit
> > EVs.
> Considering all of Europe and Asia will be
> electric by 2030 and American car manufacture have
> said they will be all EV by 2030, gas lovers are
> going to face a stark reality in the next 5 years.

Yes, I love it. Once we get gas prices up around 12 dollars a gallon some of these anti-American conservatards will have no options other than a EV.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Why are Conservatards so scared of electric vehicles?
Posted by: shell oil ()
Date: March 06, 2024 07:15AM

12 dollar gas! Wrote:
> All Electric By 2030 Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Phil McCrackin Wrote:
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> > -----
> > > No one is "scared" of anything except
> libtards.
> > >
> > > Real Americans won't waste their money on
> > bullshit
> > > EVs.
> >
> > Considering all of Europe and Asia will be
> > electric by 2030 and American car manufacture
> have
> > said they will be all EV by 2030, gas lovers
> are
> > going to face a stark reality in the next 5
> years.
> Yes, I love it. Once we get gas prices up around
> 12 dollars a gallon some of these anti-American
> conservatards will have no options other than a
> EV.

Yeah, we will force the cowards to get EV's.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Why are Conservatards so scared of electric vehicles?
Posted by: Pat Gosss ()
Date: March 07, 2024 01:06PM

12 dollar gas! Wrote:
> All Electric By 2030 Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Phil McCrackin Wrote:
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> > -----
> > > No one is "scared" of anything except
> libtards.
> > >
> > > Real Americans won't waste their money on
> > bullshit
> > > EVs.
> >
> > Considering all of Europe and Asia will be
> > electric by 2030 and American car manufacture
> have
> > said they will be all EV by 2030, gas lovers
> are
> > going to face a stark reality in the next 5
> years.
> Yes, I love it. Once we get gas prices up around
> 12 dollars a gallon some of these anti-American
> conservatards will have no options other than a
> EV.

That is going to be cool!

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Why are Conservatards so scared of electric vehicles?
Date: March 07, 2024 01:52PM

One that will pull a 3 jet ski trailer or my 2500 Lb HD bike cargo trailer to Daytona

If you'll give me one free with a 220 v house garage charger kicked in or a 50 % discount with a zero interest loan from the Government for 5 years

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Why are Conservatards so scared of electric vehicles?
Posted by: itchy finger ()
Date: March 11, 2024 04:01AM

I just ordered a electric jet ski!

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Why are Conservatards so scared of electric vehicles?
Posted by: DC power ()
Date: April 06, 2024 06:33AM

V=IR Wrote:
> HEY EV 4 Me Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Since it takes half an hour to charge a Tesla
> with
> > commerical 400 V 200 amp Tesla chargers
> >
> >
> > Tell us how many days it take to trickle charge
> > your EV with your low voltage roof solar panels
> to
> > drive 5 miles and back from a store then
> recharge
> > again
> >
> > They can't go far on only a overnight solar
> charge
> HaHaHa!
> You know it is funny when someone posts something
> like this and proves their pure ignorance!

Yes. I have owned my Tesla almost 2 years and it has charged at home for free because of my solar panels for 22,000 miles so far. My solar panels got me a huge tax credit last year too.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Why are Conservatards so scared of electric vehicles?
Posted by: pure fear ()
Date: April 06, 2024 08:45AM

I am trying to think of anything that conservatards are not scared of. They were born cowardly pussies.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Why are Conservatards so scared of electric vehicles?
Posted by: wolf hunter ()
Date: April 07, 2024 01:05PM

No real reason to be afraid of EV's. In fact studies prove EV's are 47% safer than Liquid fueled vehicles.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Why are Conservatards so scared of electric vehicles?
Posted by: fly by wire ()
Date: April 14, 2024 01:51PM

Got power? Wrote:
> Slim And Shorty Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > How the hell do these high living well off
> > liberals think poor folk or even middle income
> > folk can afford 45 k for a new EV plus the 25
> > extra k in property tax valuation
> >
> > Its all bullshit when poor and middle income
> folk
> > cant pay property taxes on 25k new cars today
> >
> > Especially after the vast over spending by
> > Democrats creating high inflation raised the
> hell
> > out of the values of used cars to the point
> people
> > are paying more used in car tax then when the
> cars
> > were new
> I bought my Tesla3 used. I bought my home charging
> station off ebay used and installed it myself. I
> live in Maryland and we have no car tax. My total
> cost per mile traveled is cheaper than a Toyota
> Camry. EV's are for smart people. I do have
> another gasoline car that I use on long trips. It
> just makes good sense to use a EV as much as
> possible.
> Just try not being scared for once in your life.

Conservatards cant do that!

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Why are Conservatards so scared of electric vehicles?
Posted by: 61 eagle ()
Date: April 17, 2024 06:36AM

fly by wire Wrote:
> Got power? Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Slim And Shorty Wrote:
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> > -----
> > > How the hell do these high living well off
> > > liberals think poor folk or even middle
> income
> > > folk can afford 45 k for a new EV plus the 25
> > > extra k in property tax valuation
> > >
> > > Its all bullshit when poor and middle income
> > folk
> > > cant pay property taxes on 25k new cars today
> > >
> > > Especially after the vast over spending by
> > > Democrats creating high inflation raised the
> > hell
> > > out of the values of used cars to the point
> > people
> > > are paying more used in car tax then when the
> > cars
> > > were new
> >
> > I bought my Tesla3 used. I bought my home
> charging
> > station off ebay used and installed it myself.
> I
> > live in Maryland and we have no car tax. My
> total
> > cost per mile traveled is cheaper than a Toyota
> > Camry. EV's are for smart people. I do have
> > another gasoline car that I use on long trips.
> It
> > just makes good sense to use a EV as much as
> > possible.
> > Just try not being scared for once in your
> life.
> Conservatards cant do that!

Why not?

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Why are Conservatards so scared of electric vehicles?
Posted by: doctor ion ()
Date: April 19, 2024 04:10AM

61 eagle Wrote:
> fly by wire Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Got power? Wrote:
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> > -----
> > > Slim And Shorty Wrote:
> > >
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> >
> > > -----
> > > > How the hell do these high living well off
> > > > liberals think poor folk or even middle
> > income
> > > > folk can afford 45 k for a new EV plus the
> 25
> > > > extra k in property tax valuation
> > > >
> > > > Its all bullshit when poor and middle
> income
> > > folk
> > > > cant pay property taxes on 25k new cars
> today
> > > >
> > > > Especially after the vast over spending by
> > > > Democrats creating high inflation raised
> the
> > > hell
> > > > out of the values of used cars to the point
> > > people
> > > > are paying more used in car tax then when
> the
> > > cars
> > > > were new
> > >
> > > I bought my Tesla3 used. I bought my home
> > charging
> > > station off ebay used and installed it
> myself.
> > I
> > > live in Maryland and we have no car tax. My
> > total
> > > cost per mile traveled is cheaper than a
> Toyota
> > > Camry. EV's are for smart people. I do have
> > > another gasoline car that I use on long
> trips.
> > It
> > > just makes good sense to use a EV as much as
> > > possible.
> > > Just try not being scared for once in your
> > life.
> >
> > Conservatards cant do that!
> Why not?

They were born cowardly.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Why are Conservatards so scared of electric vehicles?
Posted by: Model 3 ()
Date: April 19, 2024 11:46AM

Voltage please Wrote:
> Since Tesla has replaced Toyota as the wealthiest
> car company in the world it is kind of hard to
> believe that EV's are a attack from Asia.

Conservatards don't like profitable American companies I guess.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Why are Conservatards so scared of electric vehicles?
Posted by: kwick charge ()
Date: April 23, 2024 08:19AM

Conservatives have weak minds and they are poorly educated.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Why are Conservatards so scared of electric vehicles?
Posted by: xtra salt ()
Date: April 24, 2024 07:07AM

face facts Wrote:
> Right wingers talk real tough but they are total
> pussies when you confront them. They like to hide
> behind guns too.


Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Why are Conservatards so scared of electric vehicles?
Posted by: torque. ()
Date: April 25, 2024 04:33AM

kwick charge Wrote:
> Conservatives have weak minds and they are poorly
> educated.

My Trumptard neighbor is like that. He shakes in fear most of the day.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Why are Conservatards so scared of electric vehicles?
Posted by: zipcar ()
Date: April 29, 2024 02:08PM

Conservatards are weak pussies.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Why are Conservatards so scared of electric vehicles?
Posted by: 6 J ()
Date: May 07, 2024 03:51AM

I like the new Toyota EV.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Why are Conservatards so scared of electric vehicles?
Posted by: Niggah please nome sane ()
Date: May 07, 2024 04:41AM


I’ll drive an EV if they stop the all planes/jets

When all cruise ships , all factories

Tell me I’m stupid and contributing to global warming, niggah please

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Why are Conservatards so scared of electric vehicles?
Posted by: xxfrupxx ()
Date: May 07, 2024 05:53AM

Niggah please nome sane Wrote:
> Control
> I’ll drive an EV if they stop the all
> planes/jets
> When all cruise ships , all factories
> Tell me I’m stupid and contributing to global
> warming, niggah please

You are stupid!

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Why are Conservatards so scared of electric vehicles?
Posted by: the curse ()
Date: May 14, 2024 08:56AM

zipcar Wrote:
> Conservatards are weak pussies.

Fear is all they know or understand.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Why are Conservatards so scared of electric vehicles?
Posted by: Louie Chevrolet ()
Date: May 14, 2024 01:54PM

I love my EV! I ain't scared.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Why are Conservatards so scared of electric vehicles?
Posted by: The real Louie Chevrolet ()
Date: May 15, 2024 05:07PM

I love EV's !!

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Why are Conservatards so scared of electric vehicles?
Posted by: Kubek ()
Date: May 15, 2024 06:20PM

zipcar Wrote:
> Conservatards are weak pussies.


Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Why are Conservatards so scared of electric vehicles?
Posted by: hiker31 ()
Date: May 16, 2024 09:32AM

torque. Wrote:
> kwick charge Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Conservatives have weak minds and they are
> poorly
> > educated.
> My Trumptard neighbor is like that. He shakes in
> fear most of the day.

That is too bad.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Why are Conservatards so scared of electric vehicles?
Posted by: GMC ()
Date: May 26, 2024 06:26AM

Louie Chevrolet Wrote:
> I love my EV! I ain't scared.

You are a pussy.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Why are Conservatards so scared of electric vehicles?
Posted by: wheels ()
Date: June 03, 2024 03:37AM

Tesla stock is way up!

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Why are Conservatards so scared of electric vehicles?
Posted by: Louie Chevrolet ()
Date: June 04, 2024 11:57AM

bob peck Wrote:
> Voltage please Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Since Tesla has replaced Toyota as the
> wealthiest
> > car company in the world it is kind of hard to
> > believe that EV's are a attack from Asia.
> People who speak out against EV's are simply
> Anti-American. You would think they would be proud
> that a American company like Tesla is the
> wealthiest car company in the world.

People are scared of EV's. Mostly conservatives because they were born cowardly.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Why are Conservatards so scared of electric vehicles?
Posted by: shell-texaco ()
Date: June 09, 2024 07:08AM

Once we get gasoline above 10 dollars a gallon more and more of these cowards will switch to electric.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Why are Conservatards so scared of electric vehicles?
Posted by: zocal ()
Date: June 13, 2024 08:36AM

shell-texaco Wrote:
> Once we get gasoline above 10 dollars a gallon
> more and more of these cowards will switch to
> electric.

That is the only way to stop these conservatards from being so fucking scared.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Why are Conservatards so scared of electric vehicles?
Posted by: 400 volts? ()
Date: June 14, 2024 03:51AM

HEY EV 4 Me Wrote:
> Since it takes half an hour to charge a Tesla with
> commerical 400 V 200 amp Tesla chargers
> Tell us how many days it take to trickle charge
> your EV with your low voltage roof solar panels to
> drive 5 miles and back from a store then recharge
> again
> They can't go far on only a overnight solar charge

This is one of the most ignorant posts ever made on Fairfax Underground.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Why are Conservatards so scared of electric vehicles?
Posted by: sunoco ()
Date: June 15, 2024 04:10PM

shell-texaco Wrote:
> Once we get gasoline above 10 dollars a gallon
> more and more of these cowards will switch to
> electric.

That is the key.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Why are Conservatards so scared of electric vehicles?
Posted by: amp hour ()
Date: July 02, 2024 08:21AM

far right Freddie Wrote:
> I am a conservative and I dont lie about it, I am
> sacred of everything. I keep a gun and a vest on
> me whenever I go out but I don't leave the house
> much because I am scared to.
> My Father and Grandfather were the same way

It is not your fault. You were born into a conservative family so you raised by cowards and that is all you know.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Why are Conservatards so scared of electric vehicles?
Posted by: taking the keys ()
Date: July 03, 2024 05:59AM

At some point the government will have to start outlawing the use of gas cars that are over 15 years old.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Why are Conservatards so scared of electric vehicles?
Posted by: new laws on the way ()
Date: July 03, 2024 02:11PM

By 2035 gas and diesel fuel will only be available to the military, law enforcement , fire rescue and the aviation industry. Maybe it can still be used for emergency generators and fire pumps.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Why are Conservatards so scared of electric vehicles?
Posted by: chicken fry ()
Date: July 04, 2024 07:43AM

new laws on the way Wrote:
> By 2035 gas and diesel fuel will only be available
> to the military, law enforcement , fire rescue and
> the aviation industry. Maybe it can still be used
> for emergency generators and fire pumps.

Good. It will save Americans a lot of money!

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Why are Conservatards so scared of electric vehicles?
Posted by: fip rock ()
Date: July 06, 2024 06:30AM

Conservatives are weak little pussies.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Why are Conservatards so scared of electric vehicles?
Posted by: Louie Chevrolet ()
Date: July 08, 2024 06:07AM

I sure do love my electric truck!

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Why are Conservatards so scared of electric vehicles?
Posted by: Super Spark ()
Date: July 16, 2024 03:08PM

Louie Chevrolet Wrote:
> I sure do love my electric truck!

Wich one did you get?

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Why are Conservatards so scared of electric vehicles?
Posted by: Louie Chevrolet ()
Date: July 18, 2024 08:25AM

Super Spark Wrote:
> Louie Chevrolet Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > I sure do love my electric truck!
> Wich one did you get?

Why I got a Chevy E-Silverado of course. It was 80k but I got a big tax credit and the cost of fuel is minimal. I will never go back to a liquid fueled vehicle.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Why are Conservatards so scared of electric vehicles?
Posted by: Tim Toyota ()
Date: July 19, 2024 06:33AM

Louie Chevrolet Wrote:
> Super Spark Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Louie Chevrolet Wrote:
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> > -----
> > > I sure do love my electric truck!
> >
> > Wich one did you get?
> Why I got a Chevy E-Silverado of course. It was
> 80k but I got a big tax credit and the cost of
> fuel is minimal. I will never go back to a liquid
> fueled vehicle.

That thing is made in China. Buy American, buy a Toyota!

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Why are Conservatards so scared of electric vehicles?
Posted by: SKULL FUCK G2 ()
Date: July 19, 2024 06:52AM

I've read the thread Wrote:
> Yup, they are petrified of electric vehicles.
> Best guess is that they believe smelling like
> gasoline is the sign of a manly man. Which is
> pretty pathetic, if you ask me, but when you
> listen to them, about any subject at all, you
> realize how sexually insecure they really are.
> Remember, these are the people who think wearing a
> piece of cloth over your face somehow robs you of
> your manhood.

G2 once wore a cloth over his mouth, but I’m a manly man and skilled fucked the shit out of him, the cloth made it more erotic.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Why are Conservatards so scared of electric vehicles?
Posted by: We must stop combustion engines ()
Date: July 19, 2024 07:00AM

It’s time to save the planet
Me must do it now, we will all be dead soon, like in 5 years

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Why are Conservatards so scared of electric vehicles?
Posted by: hit em where it hurts ()
Date: July 20, 2024 09:46AM

Once gas gets up to about 8 dollars a gallon they wont be able to build EV's fast enough.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Why are Conservatards so scared of electric vehicles?
Posted by: Tiffany Henyard ()
Date: July 21, 2024 07:40AM

hit em where it hurts Wrote:
> Once gas gets up to about 8 dollars a gallon they
> wont be able to build EV's fast enough.

That is exactly what we need but the fuel prices must increase gradually. You know cause the EV's can only be built so fast. A nationwide federal tax penalty on owners of liquid fueled vehicles would be a good idea too.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Why are Conservatards so scared of electric vehicles?
Posted by: has to happen ()
Date: July 22, 2024 03:47PM

Tiffany Henyard Wrote:
> hit em where it hurts Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Once gas gets up to about 8 dollars a gallon
> they
> > wont be able to build EV's fast enough.
> That is exactly what we need but the fuel prices
> must increase gradually. You know cause the EV's
> can only be built so fast. A nationwide federal
> tax penalty on owners of liquid fueled vehicles
> would be a good idea too.

I think 10 dollar a gallon gas prices would be good enough. We do have to punish these selfish pricks who want to reject EV's.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Why are Conservatards so scared of electric vehicles?
Posted by: 45/70 ()
Date: July 22, 2024 08:27PM

I fuck so many liberal women
They’re all whores
Yes conservative women are 10 times hotter they’re also more loyal and usually will not cheat
Liberal women on the other hand love my big white republican cock or is it my bank account? Maybe because I was smart enough to build a successful business.

We don’t fear EV
We just will not bow to the tyranny and the lies.

Anyways let’s play when it begins. I promise we’ll make it quick.

Signed Lock & Loaded…… nuts and guns

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Why are Conservatards so scared of electric vehicles?
Posted by: gas attack ()
Date: July 24, 2024 03:57AM

Can you imagine how cool it will be when gas is 12 dollars a gallon? All those fags with full size pickups will have to pay out the ass. Funny!

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Why are Conservatards so scared of electric vehicles?
Posted by: 1902 ()
Date: July 25, 2024 01:39PM

You know in 1902 Conservatards were saying that gasoline cars were just toys for rich people and they would never replace horse powered vehicles. They were were wrong then and they are wrong now.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Why are Conservatards so scared of electric vehicles?
Posted by: EV's have been around 100+years ()
Date: July 27, 2024 04:43PM

My Grandfather had a 1911 electric Studebaker

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Why are Conservatards so scared of electric vehicles?
Posted by: higher taxes please ()
Date: July 28, 2024 08:05AM

We should raise the tax on gas to provide free electric to all EV owners.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Why are Conservatards so scared of electric vehicles?
Posted by: Kim Tane ()
Date: August 14, 2024 05:03AM

higher taxes please Wrote:
> We should raise the tax on gas to provide free
> electric to all EV owners.

Yes and EV's should be exempt from property tax.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Why are Conservatards so scared of electric vehicles?
Posted by: real energy ()
Date: August 16, 2024 06:45AM

energy from God! Wrote:
> We need huge increases of tax on liquid motor
> fuels. These ignorant cowards need to be paying 15
> dollars a gallon for gas. The EV's will start
> looking good to them after that.

Sadly, I think that is the way we are going to have to go. Tax the shit out of gas and use the money to give EV drivers free power.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Why are Conservatards so scared of electric vehicles?
Posted by: Louie Chevrolet ()
Date: August 24, 2024 07:42AM

I have had my electric truck over 6 months now and I flat-out LOVE it! My only regret is that I did not buy one sooner.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Why are Conservatards so scared of electric vehicles?
Posted by: Tim Tesla ()
Date: August 24, 2024 03:17PM

Louie Chevrolet Wrote:
> I have had my electric truck over 6 months now and
> I flat-out LOVE it! My only regret is that I did
> not buy one sooner.

You could have got a Tesla cybertruck for about the same price.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Why are Conservatards so scared of electric vehicles?
Posted by: Louie Chevrolet ()
Date: August 25, 2024 06:29AM

Tim Tesla Wrote:
> Louie Chevrolet Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > I have had my electric truck over 6 months now
> and
> > I flat-out LOVE it! My only regret is that I
> did
> > not buy one sooner.
> You could have got a Tesla cybertruck for about
> the same price.

I got my electric Chevy for about 65k. The Cybertruck is going for 102k at least.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Why are Conservatards so scared of electric vehicles?
Posted by: weakness of the right ()
Date: October 11, 2024 07:57AM

just think what would happen Wrote:
> You are driving in a terrible thunder storm and a
> bolt of lightning hits your electric vehicle? No
> thank you! Electric hitting electric is never
> good, different polarities. Not like magnets.

This post is a perfect example of how cowardly these conservatards are. They sit around and think up shit to be scared of.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Why are Conservatards so scared of electric vehicles?
Posted by: EV owner ()
Date: October 27, 2024 02:18PM

wolf hunter Wrote:
> No real reason to be afraid of EV's. In fact
> studies prove EV's are 47% safer than Liquid
> fueled vehicles.

Iread that EV's are 62% safer.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Why are Conservatards so scared of electric vehicles?
Posted by: hansblixter ()
Date: October 28, 2024 12:01AM

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Why are Conservatards so scared of electric vehicles?
Posted by: not lieing ()
Date: October 28, 2024 03:00PM

I saw a head-on collision between a cyber truck and a f-150. The F-150 was totaled and the cyber truck had a scratch.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Why are Conservatards so scared of electric vehicles?
Posted by: Deacon 83 ()
Date: November 13, 2024 07:10AM

Is there anything conservatards are not scared of?

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Why are Conservatards so scared of electric vehicles?
Posted by: NY ()
Date: November 15, 2024 01:49PM

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Why are Conservatards so scared of electric vehicles?
Posted by: Tatj ()
Date: November 15, 2024 01:49PM

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Why are Conservatards so scared of electric vehicles?
Posted by: Bah bah black sheep ()
Date: November 17, 2024 03:22PM


Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Why are Conservatards so scared of electric vehicles?
Posted by: trickle charge ()
Date: December 12, 2024 08:13PM

Conservatards are scared of lots of things. They have always been like that.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Why are Conservatards so scared of electric vehicles?
Posted by: @Breitbart ()
Date: December 30, 2024 05:45AM

trickle charge Wrote:
> Conservatards are scared of lots of things. They
> have always been like that.

Yes and they seek out stuff to be scared of. They read the fake stories on Breitbart to fuel their cowardly needs.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Why are Conservatards so scared of electric vehicles?
Posted by: free energy ()
Date: December 30, 2024 06:40PM

EV 4 ME Wrote:
> HEY EV 4 Me Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Since it takes half an hour to charge a Tesla
> with
> > commerical 400 V 200 amp Tesla chargers
> >
> >
> > Tell us how many days it take to trickle charge
> > your EV with your low voltage roof solar panels
> to
> > drive 5 miles and back from a store then
> recharge
> > again
> >
> > They can't go far on only a overnight solar
> charge
> You have already proven yourself quite stupid but
> I will try to explain it to you. The solar panels
> put power on the grid as long as the sun is
> shining and 10 months out of the year I have no
> power bill, Dominion energy pays me for the power
> I have sold them. I can charge up my car at home
> for free. When I get home from work I plug the car
> in and it is at 100% charge in the morning when I
> go to work. As long as I charge it at home the
> power is free. All day long even when I am not
> home my solar system is slowly putting energy back
> on the grid. This is not new technology it has
> been around for decades.

I have been doing this for years. Conservatards are just too stupid to understand it.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Why are Conservatards so scared of electric vehicles?
Posted by: buggy bitches ()
Date: December 31, 2024 05:24AM

Back when cars first came out the conservatives were crying about how cars catch fire and horses and mules and shit are safer. Conservatives have always been cry-baby bitches

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Why are Conservatards so scared of electric vehicles?
Posted by: coward detector ()
Date: January 08, 2025 07:54AM

Phil McCrackin Wrote:
> No one is "scared" of anything except libtards.
> Real Americans won't waste their money on bullshit
> EVs.

So, tell us why are you so scared of liberals?

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Why are Conservatards so scared of electric vehicles?
Posted by: Stupid Is As Stupid Does ()
Date: January 08, 2025 11:53AM

Because if the power goes out in the event of a natural disaster(California wildfires), you may be trapped in a burning house with a dead battery in your car.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Why are Conservatards so scared of electric vehicles?
Posted by: Because ()
Date: January 08, 2025 12:14PM

they blow up

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Why are Conservatards so scared of electric vehicles?
Posted by: they live in fear ()
Date: January 09, 2025 01:42AM

Conservatards are scared of just about everything.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Why are Conservatards so scared of electric vehicles?
Posted by: zip whipmore ()
Date: January 09, 2025 04:24AM

Ban Liquid fueled vehicles Wrote:
> Republicans tend to be poorly educated and in most
> cases they are financially chalenged. They cannot
> afford a EV and they are jelly of those that can.
> The bottom line here is that we should not have
> our breathing air fouled by a LFV and eventually
> all LFV's will be banned from public roads at some
> point.


Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Why are Conservatards so scared of electric vehicles?
Posted by: slope ()
Date: January 09, 2025 01:10PM

they live in fear Wrote:
> Conservatards are scared of just about everything.

I have noticed that!

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Why are Conservatards so scared of electric vehicles?
Posted by: because ()
Date: January 09, 2025 01:27PM

they emit caustic dangerous poisons, lithium gas, when in flames, like in Southern CA fires

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Why are Conservatards so scared of electric vehicles?
Posted by: Number 1 promise ()
Date: January 11, 2025 09:04AM

Like it or not we are going to shove EV's right down your throats. Gas burning vehicles will be confiscated and destroyed. There is no turning back. Trump may delay things a few years but make no mistake we will take away your filthy liquid fueled vehicles every last one of them.

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