Despite the recent revelations of contaminated Kratom products, ( is committed to protecting consumers from unsafe and unregulated products. The organization is a non-profit, educational organization whose main goal is to educate the public about the benefits of Kratom. It also works with vendors, lawmakers, and regulators to ensure that the products are safe and legal. created a program called Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) standard that requires vendors to follow strict manufacturing procedures. In addition, holds an annual audit to make sure that manufacturers are in compliance with GMP standards. In addition, maintains a public relations firm and an expert lobbying team. They have worked with vendors and lawmakers in several states to pass consumer protection laws, including Georgia and Utah. is committed to supporting the needs of the consumer, while advocating for scientific research and the protection of natural resources like Kratom.
According to,the organization also hopes to be a model for other countries. Its mission is to help consumers get the right information and to restore their rights. In order to achieve these objectives, relies on donations. It accepts donations by wire transfer or PayPal. In fact, donating to can help it to fight a legal battle on behalf of its supporters. is committed to educating consumers about the benefits of Kratom, while also promoting the legalization of the herb. The group also educates suppliers, government agencies, and lawmakers. In addition to helping to spread the word about the benefits of kratom, has helped to push for legislation that will safeguard the access of kratom for years to come. Its programs educate consumers about the plant and provide them with accurate and trustworthy information about kratom. It has been the foundation for an industry-wide movement towards higher levels of transparency and better quality. believes that the regulatory process for kratom should be transparent and based on scientific research. Its guidelines are a result of extensive research by experts. has also worked to make sure that Kratom remains legal for export in Indonesia. It is working to standardize the production of kratom and to ensure that it is safer to purchase and use.
The organization is a registered non-profit organization. It is exempt from paying federal taxes. It is responsible for the regulation of food and drug products. It has been the primary authority in determining the safety of pharmaceutical drugs. There are many drugs that the agency has approved, but these are known to cause addiction and other health complications. Sadly, some of them are still on daily prescriptions. is committed to improving life for everyone, and it is working to ensure that Kratom is a safe and legal plant medicine. In addition to that, the organization also wants to eliminate the stigma surrounding the use of kratom. Its work has led to giant improvements in the industry.
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Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/23/2023 12:20PM by hikarushiratori94.