Re: Just found my shy coworker's Instagram
Posted by:
Date: June 04, 2022 07:47PM
NVKPX Wrote:
> She doesn't have to be super model quality. As
> long as she's not a Lee Sister, you're really ok.
> Take your chance. If she's not interested, blow
> it off. Don't act like it bothers you. Move on.
> You might get friend zoned. You might get lucky.
> I had 3 totally unremarkable chix (5-7) friend
> zone me. Then there was the 4th. A 6 on a.good
> day. Small tits. Not a bean pole but not a lot
> to grab onto, either. 17 years my senior, but
> definitely interested. SHE LOVED TO FUCK. Don't
> take me out, don't buy me anything don't bring me
> anything but your tongue and your dick . And she
> was an expert at fucking. I don't know how she
> got all that cum out of me. I didn't know I had
> that much in me I must have lost at least
> 10lbs.every time we fucked.
> So go for it.
Cool story bro, too bad it didn't happen!