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Re: It looks like Peep finally inspired some action on his forum
Posted by:
Come a little closer now
Date: March 17, 2021 05:15AM
I'll let you in on a little secret B. I work from home now. I set my own hours. I post on here when things are slow, it's a pastime for me. I get paid to troll Basl.
Basl has to pay to troll. In the form of his freedom, bail money, gas, lawyers, bankruptcy, and his father's time, money, gas and health.
You calling me obsessed isn't going to hurt my feelings nor will it make me stop. I'm not going to get myself into real life trouble over a message board like Basl,because I'm not a sensitive little bitch like she is.
Re: It looks like Peep finally inspired some action on his forum
Posted by:
I do this for fun
Date: March 17, 2021 08:45PM
Psychologica1 Warfare Wrote:
> Every time I post, you shuck and jive about your
> obsession!
Yes. And I'm remaining at my desk and not driving to anyone's house to leave love letters or get myself arrested or sued and ending up in financial ruin due to bankruptcy because of internet posts, LMFAO.
Re: It looks like Peep finally inspired some action on his forum
Posted by:
Psychologica1 Warfare
Date: March 17, 2021 09:31PM
I do this for fun Wrote:
> Psychologica1 Warfare Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Every time I post, you shuck and jive about
> your
> > obsession!
> Yes. And I'm remaining at my desk and not driving
> to anyone's house to leave love letters or get
> myself arrested or sued and ending up in financial
> ruin due to bankruptcy because of internet posts,
> It's called having a brain and self respect.
Dogs, looks like you're comparing his no life to yours! What does that say about your life?
Re: It looks like Peep finally inspired some action on his forum
Posted by:
Basl is a worthless little bitch
Date: March 17, 2021 09:40PM
Your perception of what is happening here is factual. You can say I'm comparing all you'd like. But you can't compare apples to oranges. Trash to me. Basl to civilized human beings with a purpose in life.
Re: It looks like Peep finally inspired some action on his forum
Posted by:
Way too much going on
Date: March 17, 2021 10:08PM
Oh and you're welcome for the laughs asshole. Maybe you can try to make me laugh next time. You're only fun to fuck with at 3-4am when no one else is around.
Re: It looks like Peep finally inspired some action on his forum
Posted by:
Psychologica1 Warfare
Date: March 17, 2021 10:46PM
No? Wrote:
> Surely if I were a simple minded gerkin I would
> have to a bankruptcy on my record, or a police
> record or something of the sort.