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Why do Democrats want to destroy America?
Posted by: Dems hate USA ()
Date: July 21, 2020 11:52AM

I know that the Libs world imploded when Trump handed Hillary her own fat ass but is that a reason to destroy the entire country? The Demotards are acting like retarded children having a melt down temper tantrum.

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Re: Why do Democrats want to destroy America?
Posted by: Trump’s Awful Legacy ()
Date: July 21, 2020 12:04PM

Admit it, Trump’s presidency has been an unmitigated disaster for our country, ever since the day he had Spicer come out and yell about the inauguration crowd. The only thing we lead the world in right now are pandemic outbreak levels and number of unmarked federal troops detaining citizens.

None of this happens with even a modicum of competence and leadership.

Donald Trump, America’s disaster.

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Re: Why do Democrats want to destroy America?
Posted by: they still believe ()
Date: July 21, 2020 12:13PM

in Utopias and a society like that prototype "City of Love, peace and unity' that failed so dramatically in Washington State of Oregon. They believe people are born a certain way, either good or bad, but still believe these folks should be allowed to live their own natures. Like Barbara Streisand said pedos are born that way and have a right to live that way, when referring to I think Michael Jackson. Other words they are disturbed. Crazy da maluca!!! As the Spanish call them.

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Re: Why do Democrats want to destroy America?
Posted by: Woody the carpenter ()
Date: July 21, 2020 03:40PM

they still believe Wrote:
> in Utopias and a society like that prototype "City
> of Love, peace and unity' that failed so
> dramatically in Washington State of Oregon. They
> believe people are born a certain way, either good
> or bad, but still believe these folks should be
> allowed to live their own natures. Like Barbara
> Streisand said pedos are born that way and have a
> right to live that way, when referring to I think
> Michael Jackson. Other words they are disturbed.
> Crazy da maluca!!! As the Spanish call them.

Geez, can't Google, she clarified her comment

"To be crystal clear, there is no situation or circumstance where it is OK for the innocence of children to be taken advantage of by anyone,” Streisand's statement reads. “The stories these two young men shared were painful to hear, and I feel nothing but sympathy for them." Barbara Streisand Mar 24, 2019

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