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9 out of 10 jews agree, triggered blacks make the best slaves
Posted by:
soros koch
Date: July 08, 2020 08:48PM
jewish communists tried to get black americans to have a civil war in the 60's but the black community was too christian to fall for it
they are doing the same thing now and since all communities are much less christian, the useful idiots are falling for it
tucker carlson show on tuesday highlighted ROSENBERG who was a convicted terrorist freed on last day of clinton presidency is now a major fund raiser and player in the BLM organization
jews love using blacks as sacrifice to create the communist revolution they always push for
Re: 9 out of 10 jews agree, triggered blacks make the best slaves
Posted by:
triggered jew
Date: July 08, 2020 09:19PM
jews do have a range of beliefs, but in the end, they are tightly controlled
i have worked with a bunch of jews and wether they are liberal soros communist or conservative koch brother kleptocrats they are united in their racist views of black people as inferior and brutal...only useful as slaves
you yourself believe it, but you won't admit it so stfu racist jew