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Why Don't Pro-Life Republicans Ever Protest Against Drone Strikes or Suicide Bombings?
Posted by: Jeezus H. Christ ()
Date: January 04, 2020 07:00PM

They could save 72 virgins in paradise from unwanted pregnancies and abortions every time they save one terrorist from becoming another martyr. They could adopt them too.

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Re: Why Don't Pro-Life Republicans Ever Protest Against Drone Strikes or Suicide Bombings?
Posted by: jhZda ()
Date: January 04, 2020 07:52PM

Predator drones should have to register as sex offenders.

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Re: Why Don't Pro-Life Republicans Ever Protest Against Drone Strikes or Suicide Bombings?
Posted by: I make stuff up ()
Date: January 04, 2020 09:16PM


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Re: Why Don't Pro-Life Republicans Ever Protest Against Drone Strikes or Suicide Bombings?
Posted by: xnjcb ()
Date: January 04, 2020 09:34PM

Babies are innocent. Terrorists are not.

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Re: Why Don't Pro-Life Republicans Ever Protest Against Drone Strikes or Suicide Bombings?
Posted by: We Got A Live One ()
Date: January 04, 2020 09:42PM

xnjcb Wrote:
> Babies are innocent. Terrorists are not.

Republican babies are terrorists. It's that frontal lobe defect and the Freddy-Krueger defect that makes them shit all over their own kitchen counter. The goat rape sexual deviancy is an un-Christian lifestyle choice that can be cured with drone therapy.

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