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What Will Don Say Today?
Posted by: tdsssssss ()
Date: August 22, 2019 10:49AM

Payroll tax cuts to help economy one day - next no not considering cuts because economy aok

Buy Greenland

No slippery slope in weapon background check one Wed. next Wed. can have background check because slippery slope.

Im the King of Israel

Im the 'chosen one'

The hits just keep on coming!

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Re: What Will Don Say Today?
Posted by: signs of mental decline ()
Date: August 22, 2019 11:09AM

it’s actually sort of scary, my grandmother had alzheimer’s and i remember the first signs of it. for maybe a year or two she seemed ok but would unexpectedly say strange things, like talking about marrying her neighbor (he was in his 20s) or thinking she needed to buy a new car (she hadn’t driven in years). it was actually kind of funny (at first) but after a year or two it went downhill rapidly, where she didn’t even recognize her own kids. i sort of notice the same early behaviors in trump, something’s just not right there, and lately it seems to be getting even stranger.

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Re: What Will Don Say Today?
Posted by: Movie Buff ()
Date: August 22, 2019 11:09AM

Anyone else feel like Trump is President Camacho and we are all living the script from Idiocracy?

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Re: What Will Don Say Today?
Posted by: unrealz ()
Date: August 22, 2019 11:12AM

OMG Becky!

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