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When miz stabbed tootguy, TG would have been justifed in shooting him
Posted by: missed opportunity... ()
Date: August 11, 2019 05:49PM

Self defense! Could have blown the fat fuckhead's brains out, and the police report/investigation would have read 'justifiable homicide'.

And everyone would have lived happily ever after. (Except of course for miz!)

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Re: When miz stabbed tootguy, TG would have been justifed in shooting him
Posted by: miz arrest record ()
Date: August 11, 2019 07:34PM

stabbing his father, publishing child porn, pretty sick stuff...

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Re: When miz stabbed tootguy, TG would have been justifed in shooting him
Date: August 11, 2019 08:11PM

miz arrest record Wrote:
> stabbing his father, publishing child porn, pretty
> sick stuff...

It wasn't child porn. It was tasteful drawings of young children enjoying a more natural existence than the 21st-century nanny state will allow in real life. You just don't know art.

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