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Fairfax Underground
Welcome to Fairfax Underground, a project site designed to improve communication among residents of Fairfax County, VA. Feel free to post anything Northern Virginia residents would find interesting.
Those lists are woefully incomplete. "Credibly accused" just means "completely undeniable". there are cases that are blatantly obvious that the church has spent tens of thousands of dollars in lawyers to hide. Shoot your local heroin dealer and burn your local Catholic Church. Fuck em all. Exorcise your own demons or it will be done for you
As part of our legal system, everyone gets legal representation. Leiser goes to bat for those who others might find reprehensible. He understands this duty better than many Americans. As long as they are able to pay up front, he will help out the most disgusting of clients.
American Justice Wrote:
> ... blah blah blah As long as
> they are able to pay up front, he will help blah blah blah...
poor phil has faced so many challenges lately - his bankruptcy, his divorce (woth his ex dating a band), getting beaten in court by eesh, a bit of google-fucking thanks to FFU. He needs a nice shot in the arm. A legal victory to bring back the old self-confidence.