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Liberals of today
Posted by: Yes we can ()
Date: June 26, 2019 09:26AM


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Re: Liberals of today
Posted by: BEH ()
Date: June 26, 2019 10:14AM

Ah, to be a liberal, back in the 60's it meant protesting the war, growing long hair, the Beatles and the Stones, smoking pot and free love.

Now liberals are Trans gendered, tattooed, obese and unemployed, who cry when they don't get their way , and hate anyone successful.

The old time liberals wouldn't recognize their modern day counterparts. The entire meaning of the word "liberal" has been corrupted.

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Re: Liberals of today
Posted by: Flower power people ()
Date: June 26, 2019 10:25AM

BEH Wrote:
> Ah, to be a liberal, back in the 60's it meant
> protesting the war, growing long hair, the Beatles
> and the Stones, smoking pot and free love.
> Now liberals are Trans gendered, tattooed, obese
> and unemployed, who cry when they don't get their
> way , and hate anyone successful.
> The old time liberals wouldn't recognize their
> modern day counterparts. The entire meaning of the
> word "liberal" has been corrupted.

I feel your pain. I told this story here about a year ago...I was stopped at a traffic light with my son in car, some dirt back antifa homeless lookin fuck was walking across street in front of my car, I wasn’t sure if my light was going to change, so I alerted the guy to cross, as he got in front of my car he tried to spit on my car and I called him a scumbag, he then said, “yeah and I’m going home to tuck my son in the ass”, and I said, “that makes sense, I can believe it”...I then recognized him as a liberal retard, which he didn’t deny, and he recognized me as a trump supporter, which I didn’t deny. I remember the good ole days when liberals wanted peace and love, weed, naked and flower power, where are the real liberals to remind these insane kids of a time of peace and harmoneyy

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Re: Liberals of today
Posted by: Conservative Times ()
Date: June 26, 2019 02:49PM

Yes we can Wrote:
> .

JFK and Democrats of that Era would be considered conservative by today's standards.

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