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Why isn't CNN reporting about the black libtard that murdered his co-workers in VA beach?
Posted by: President Trump FTW! ()
Date: June 01, 2019 01:06PM

Silence and crickets just like the gay transgender who shot up their Colorado school.

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Re: Why isn't CNN reporting about the black libtard that murdered his co-workers in VA beach?
Posted by: Gerrymanderer2 ()
Date: June 01, 2019 01:07PM

Ahh, so when the next 20 are white males you won't mind people pointing it out.

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Re: Why isn't CNN reporting about the black libtard that murdered his co-workers in VA beach?
Posted by: President Trump FTW! ()
Date: June 01, 2019 01:12PM

Gerrymanderer2 Wrote:
> Ahh, so when the next 20 are white males you won't
> mind people pointing it out.

You mean like your top presidential candidates? Don't mind at all. Only libtards commit these acts.

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Re: Why isn't CNN reporting about the black libtard that murdered his co-workers in VA beach?
Posted by: Ejkdr ()
Date: June 01, 2019 01:21PM

Ball trumps fault, these blacks gotta work for a mutha fucking living these days, and they aren’t use to having to act civil on job sites and work related stress.

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Re: Why isn't CNN reporting about the black libtard that murdered his co-workers in VA beach?
Posted by: You’re a dumbass ()
Date: June 01, 2019 01:27PM

What are you talking about, it’s non stop coverage on CNN.
They are covering a live press conference right now on CNN.
I flipped over to Fox News and they are showing a E.D. commercial.

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Re: Why isn't CNN reporting about the black libtard that murdered his co-workers in VA beach?
Posted by: Here you go ()
Date: June 01, 2019 01:30PM

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Re: Why isn't CNN reporting about the black libtard that murdered his co-workers in VA beach?
Posted by: Raulio ()
Date: June 01, 2019 02:56PM

You’re a dumbass Wrote:
> What are you talking about, it’s non stop
> coverage on CNN.
> They are covering a live press conference right
> now on CNN.
> I flipped over to Fox News and they are showing a
> E.D. commercial.

They thought Gerry and his goat were watching; a tailored commercial....

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Re: Why isn't CNN reporting about the black libtard that murdered his co-workers in VA beach?
Posted by: The absolute state of contards ()
Date: June 01, 2019 04:40PM

Contards: "WHAH IDDN'T DUH MEDIA TALKIN' BOUT THIS?" [Posts link to the story.]

Every. Fucking. Time. God, contards are fucking stupid.

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Re: Why isn't CNN reporting about the black libtard that murdered his co-workers in VA beach?
Posted by: TheTroof ()
Date: June 01, 2019 04:57PM

Here you go Wrote:
> https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=lFAjxtu3U0U

The truth.

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Re: Why isn't CNN reporting about the black libtard that murdered his co-workers in VA beach?
Posted by: President Trump FTW! ()
Date: June 02, 2019 07:39AM

Not one mention about the black registered democrat still. Total silence. Just like when the Bernie Sanders staffer did that mass shooting of congressmen practicing baseball and the muslim shooting up a gay bar or the tranny lib shooting up their school. CNN never reports news.

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Re: Why isn't CNN reporting about the black libtard that murdered his co-workers in VA beach?
Posted by: vile thuggery ()
Date: June 02, 2019 08:32AM

And the nog targeted white people and one colored chick that had dissed him. Weird how Don Lemon and Anderson Cooper can't get the cock out of their mouth long enough to mention any of that.

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Re: Why isn't CNN reporting about the black libtard that murdered his co-workers in VA beach?
Posted by: Op is just dumb ()
Date: June 02, 2019 09:43AM

CNN is objective. They have been reporting about it nonstop

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Re: Why isn't CNN reporting about the black libtard that murdered his co-workers in VA beach?
Posted by: Enjf ()
Date: June 02, 2019 09:57AM

Pointing out democrat violence? It doesn’t exist.

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