you got some work to do Wrote:
> news flash Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > News flash, conservatives can't get a hot chick
> > without loads of money or drugs either.
> Nope. I married a 10 and I didn't have a loads of
> money (and I don't do drugs). She could not
> escape the magnetism of my conservative manliness.
> I was also very much in shape, took care of
> myself and was a hard worker.
> Now she gets to enjoy the money part too. All the
> liberals that I work with have screeching
> shebeas
ts as wives or got divorced. Me and the
> missus are still going strong after 5 kids.
> Studies show the happiest, wealthiest,
> most-socially-adjusted people are white male
> conservatives, followed closely by white female
> conservatives. One need only read this very site
> to see that truth. There is not one liberal on
> here that isn't a miserable malcontent.