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Besides abortions, here's what Planned Parenthood does
Posted by: Fox News ()
Date: May 28, 2019 07:27PM

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Re: Besides abortions, here's what Planned Parenthood does
Posted by: Mike hunttt ()
Date: May 29, 2019 06:11AM

The most dangerous place for a nigger is the womb. Thank you planned parenthood

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Re: Besides abortions, here's what Planned Parenthood does
Posted by: Huh??? ()
Date: May 29, 2019 07:35AM

A few years back a bunch of dindus gang-raped my sister. She went to Planned Parenthood to discuss an abortion which she eventually had. A few weeks later, she got an envelope in the mail with no return address. When she opened it, she found it was full of grotesque pictures of aborted fetuses and a chilling letter saying that the devil's curse was upon her now after the horrible act she committed.

Turns out, protestors at Planned Parenthood write down the license plates of every one who goes in and out of there and then they have an inside person at the DMV who runs reverse searches to get peoples' addresses so they can send out that mail.

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Re: Besides abortions, here's what Planned Parenthood does
Posted by: facts R friends ()
Date: May 29, 2019 08:46AM

97% of Planned Parenthoods services are for non-abortion related things. Good point

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Re: Besides abortions, here's what Planned Parenthood does
Posted by: Mike hunttt ()
Date: May 31, 2019 06:22AM

Support planed parenthood, they cull the NIGGER population

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Re: Besides abortions, here's what Planned Parenthood does
Posted by: Libs hate humanity ()
Date: May 31, 2019 07:25AM

Planned Parenthood is the largest mass murdering cult in the world.

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Re: Besides abortions, here's what Planned Parenthood does
Posted by: Fox News ()
Date: May 31, 2019 09:46AM


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