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The next time you hear a story in the news about niggers committing crimes, keep this in mind
Posted by: Niggerology Professor ()
Date: May 25, 2019 05:45PM

Don’t blame niggers for being unable to obey the law. It’s not their fault. Like all wild animals, the nigger is biologically hardwired to behave a certain way. You wouldn’t get upset at a Lion for hunting down and eating a Gazelle.it’s in their DNA. Next time, blame democrats for bringing them to our country and letting them roam free and kill, rape and steal to their heart’s content.

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Re: The next time you hear a story in the news about niggers committing crimes, keep this in mind
Posted by: Enjd ()
Date: May 25, 2019 05:50PM

Niggerology Professor Wrote:
> Don’t blame niggers for being unable to obey the
> law. It’s not their fault. Like all wild
> animals, the nigger is biologically hardwired to
> behave a certain way. You wouldn’t get upset at
> a Lion for hunting down and eating a
> Gazelle.it’s in their DNA. Next time, blame
> democrats for bringing them to our country and
> letting them roam free and kill, rape and steal to
> their heart’s content.

They don’t cover black crimes in the news, and if it is blacks, they blame dudes in maga hats

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Re: The next time you hear a story in the news about niggers committing crimes, keep this in mind
Posted by: mahdi keyaches muk ()
Date: May 25, 2019 05:55PM

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Re: The next time you hear a story in the news about niggers committing crimes, keep this in mind
Posted by: mahdi key aches muk mud ()
Date: May 25, 2019 05:58PM

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Re: The next time you hear a story in the news about niggers committing crimes, keep this in mind
Posted by: mahdi key ()
Date: May 25, 2019 06:00PM


Every year, in the coastal areas of the Danish islands of Faroe, thousands of dolphins are slaughtered by teenagers who celebrate that they have reached adulthood in this cruel way.

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Re: The next time you hear a story in the news about niggers committing crimes, keep this in mind
Posted by: mahdi key aches--crackerologist ()
Date: May 25, 2019 06:01PM

White supremacists firefighters and police officers were among 82 people arrested as part of a massive, multi-state child exploitation operation conducted across eight southeastern states, including Georgia. 17 children were recovered in the operation, according to the Georgia Bureau of Investigation.

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Re: The next time you hear a story in the news about niggers committing crimes, keep this in mind
Posted by: mahdi key aches----crackerologis ()
Date: May 25, 2019 06:10PM

owl stop here for now...a cracker bitch teaching that pedofilia is a sexual preference...in public schools

hold that "L" white racist monkeys


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Re: The next time you hear a story in the news about niggers committing crimes, keep this in mind
Posted by: BEH ()
Date: May 26, 2019 04:19AM

According to the U.S. Census Bureau, 12.3% of the U.S. population is black.

According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics, black offenders committed 52 per cent of homicides recorded in the data between 1980 and 2008

Jigaboos are much more violent and uncivilized than any other race.

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Re: The next time you hear a story in the news about niggers committing crimes, keep this in mind
Posted by: Fucking kids is their nature ()
Date: May 26, 2019 04:29AM

mahdi key aches--crackerologist Wrote:
> White supremacists firefighters and police
> officers were among 82 people arrested as part of
> a massive, multi-state child exploitation
> operation conducted across eight southeastern
> states, including Georgia. 17 children were
> recovered in the operation, according to the
> Georgia Bureau of Investigation.

Blacks and Hispanics do not have to hide sex with the underage, it’s in their culture, just as with Muslims. If u look at other countries where these people come from, you will see that. Then they come here. Do you think that once a child fucker comes to America they just change instantly?

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Re: The next time you hear a story in the news about niggers committing crimes, keep this in mind
Posted by: mahdi key aches muk-crackerologi ()
Date: May 26, 2019 08:02AM

look at these monkeys scrambling like two eggs on sunday morning

"White supremacists firefighters and police officers were among 82 people arrested as part of a massive, multi-state child exploitation operation conducted across eight southeastern states, including Georgia. 17 children were recovered in the operation, according to the Georgia Bureau of Investigation."

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Re: The next time you hear a story in the news about niggers committing crimes, keep this in mind
Posted by: mahdi keyaches crackerologist ()
Date: May 26, 2019 08:02AM

mahdi key aches----crackerologis Wrote:
> owl stop here for now...a cracker bitch teaching
> that pedofilia is a sexual preference...in public
> schools
> hold that "L" white racist monkeys
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pWIWvR4Rivk

why are white people trying to turn pedofilia into a sexual preference?

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Re: The next time you hear a story in the news about niggers committing crimes, keep this in mind
Posted by: A form of retardation ()
Date: May 26, 2019 08:17AM

mahdi keyaches crackerologist Wrote:

> why are white people trying to turn pedofilia into
> a sexual preference?

Excellent question. It's liberals who are trying to do that. Like liberalism itself, pedophilia is a several mental disorder. They want to normalize deviancy and abnormality in order to divide us. Homos, trannies and now kid abuser. All part of the slope into hedonistic immorality that will leave the US weak and balkanized.

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Re: The next time you hear a story in the news about niggers committing crimes, keep this in mind
Posted by: mahdi key aches ()
Date: May 26, 2019 08:35AM


White supremacists firefighters and police officers were among 82 people arrested as part of a massive, multi-state child exploitation operation conducted across eight southeastern states, including Georgia. 17 children were recovered in the operation, according to the Georgia Bureau of Investigation."

the point om making is...you monkey boy racist crackers are the last ones to complain about the evils of other cultures....you are the kings of that shit

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Re: The next time you hear a story in the news about niggers committing crimes, keep this in mind
Posted by: Dudes in maga hats ()
Date: May 26, 2019 08:36AM

Besides looking like dorks, I just saw a recent fox poll that people in maga hats commit more crimes than anyone. The same poll has people in those hates being among the most uneducated people in the country. I was shocked they did a poll about this. Hannity even said these guys are definitely not getting laid.

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Re: The next time you hear a story in the news about niggers committing crimes, keep this in mind
Posted by: High levels of retardation ()
Date: May 26, 2019 08:58AM

mahdi key aches Wrote:
> liberals?
> White supremacists firefighters and police
> officers were among 82 people arrested as part of
> a massive, multi-state child exploitation
> operation conducted across eight southeastern
> states, including Georgia. 17 children were
> recovered in the operation, according to the
> Georgia Bureau of Investigation."
> the point om making is...you monkey boy racist
> crackers are the last ones to complain about the
> evils of other cultures....you are the kings of
> that shit

Yeah, it's liberals who are doing that. They are normalizing it. No question about it. Just google it. There aren't any conservative folks trying to make it just another sexual choice. It's all liberals. 100%.

And it's conservatives who are 'complaining about these evils'. It's not liberals. Watch Pence's commencement speech at Liberty a couple of weeks ago. It's all about how we have to stay strong in the face of these types of evil.

Educate yourself before spouting off. You'll be better for it.

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Re: The next time you hear a story in the news about niggers committing crimes, keep this in mind
Posted by: mahdi key aches--crackerologist ()
Date: May 26, 2019 02:38PM

White supremacists firefighters and police
> officers were among 82 people arrested as part of
> a massive, multi-state child exploitation
> operation conducted across eight southeastern
> states, including Georgia. 17 children were
> recovered in the operation, according to the
> Georgia Bureau of Investigation."

those white supremacists weren't liberals retard

hold that "L"

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