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Re: Poll- Is there an uglier bitch in the world than Sonia Sotomayor?
Posted by:
Does not matter
Date: April 24, 2019 10:38AM
Because she is on the Supreme court and you are a whiny little bitch who has nothing better to do than comment on the appearance of his betters on an anonymous 3rd rate website frequented by rednecks and those obsessed with who or what Gerry is fucking at any given moment.
Re: Poll- Is there an uglier bitch in the world than Sonia Sotomayor?
Posted by:
She is a lardass
Date: April 24, 2019 10:49AM
Does not matter Wrote:
> Because she is on the Supreme court and you are a
> whiny little bitch who has nothing better to do
> than comment on the appearance of his betters on
> an anonymous 3rd rate website frequented by
> rednecks and those obsessed with who or what Gerry
> is fucking at any given moment.
> Pathetic
Sorry but I love my daughters and I would never let them grow up to be obese racists who think they know better because they're Latina.
Being ugly isn't your fault, being fat is. SCOTUS should have a weight limit.
Re: Poll- Is there an uglier bitch in the world than Sonia Sotomayor?
Posted by:
Ruth Bader Ginsburg
Date: April 24, 2019 10:57AM
At least when RBG was younger you could have put her on your cock and spun her. 100 lbs with heels on tops.
Sotomayor would break your pelvis or maybe knock the wind out of you. Plus she probably doesn't know to wash her ass because no one sleeps with her more than once.
Re: Poll- Is there an uglier bitch in the world than Sonia Sotomayor?
Posted by:
Rhenquist Butt Ugly
Date: April 24, 2019 03:39PM
Last time I checked being good looking wasn't a requirement for a Supreme Court Justice. If it were then 3/4 of the men who served on the Court would not have made it.