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BREAKING; Muslims attack, set fire to Notre Dame cathedral in Paris
Posted by: Last straw ()
Date: April 15, 2019 01:30PM

This is it. Crusading time! To arms and DEUS VULT!!!

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Re: BREAKING; Muslims attack, set fire to Notre Dame cathedral in Paris
Posted by: Let the Crusade begin! ()
Date: April 15, 2019 01:43PM


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Re: BREAKING; Muslims attack, set fire to Notre Dame cathedral in Paris
Posted by: CNN Breaking news ()
Date: April 15, 2019 01:54PM

Nothing to see there.

Today, all afternoon... "did you know Trump is pulling a fast one on the American people?"

Half the earth could literally fall off and CNN would still be obsessing over Trump.

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Re: BREAKING; Muslims attack, set fire to Notre Dame cathedral in Paris
Posted by: Cnn 7 ()
Date: April 15, 2019 01:57PM

Just looked at CNN and mention of how it started. I would bet it is a terrorist act by ISIS or another Muslim group. Right before Easter? France needs better security. They should always be on high alert with the huge Muslim population.

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Re: BREAKING; Muslims attack, set fire to Notre Dame cathedral in Paris
Posted by: To the ground ()
Date: April 15, 2019 02:00PM

Muslim worker infiltrated the construction crew and torched the place.

Knew that the socialist French would be too lazy and unmotivated to put it out.

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Re: BREAKING; Muslims attack, set fire to Notre Dame cathedral in Paris
Posted by: Ajke ()
Date: April 15, 2019 02:04PM

Some people did something

Why doesn’t that cunt pelosi call out her Jew haters?

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Re: BREAKING; Muslims attack, set fire to Notre Dame cathedral in Paris
Posted by: Surveillance? Security? ()
Date: April 15, 2019 02:08PM

This is absolutely disgusting. The French need to get all the non French out now.

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Re: BREAKING; Muslims attack, set fire to Notre Dame cathedral in Paris
Posted by: Stone Building? ()
Date: April 15, 2019 02:10PM

I thought it was made of stone?

Insurance fraud

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Re: BREAKING; Muslims attack, set fire to Notre Dame cathedral in Paris
Posted by: Le Cuck ()
Date: April 15, 2019 02:10PM

Macron fucks something else up.

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Re: BREAKING; Muslims attack, set fire to Notre Dame cathedral in Paris
Posted by: scaffolding remodel attack! ()
Date: April 15, 2019 02:13PM

Last straw Wrote:
> This is it. Crusading time! To arms and DEUS
> VULT!!!

Brand new tactic, ISIS erected the scaffolding around the building first.

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Re: BREAKING; Muslims attack, set fire to Notre Dame cathedral in Paris
Posted by: Gerrymanderer2 ()
Date: April 15, 2019 02:15PM

Muslims don't burn churches. They just don't do it. If it is arson odds are it's a white Christian or atheist. They just burned three black churches in Louisiana a week ago. You didn't complain with CNN didn't report that
There are some church burnings I've read about in really shitty countries like Pakistan where sectarianism is rife. But never heard of it in the west. Don't even see it in Lebanon where it's a Muslim/Christian country.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/15/2019 02:16PM by Gerrymanderer2.

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Re: BREAKING; Muslims attack, set fire to Notre Dame cathedral in Paris
Posted by: right on time ()
Date: April 15, 2019 02:26PM

Socialist French firefighters finally get there.

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Re: BREAKING; Muslims attack, set fire to Notre Dame cathedral in Paris
Posted by: Muhummad Flyer ()
Date: April 15, 2019 02:34PM

Muh Diversity.

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Re: BREAKING; Muslims attack, set fire to Notre Dame cathedral in Paris
Posted by: Cam Francis ()
Date: April 15, 2019 02:35PM


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Re: BREAKING; Muslims attack, set fire to Notre Dame cathedral in Paris
Posted by: quasimaga ()
Date: April 15, 2019 02:41PM

They’re going to rebuild Norte Dame and rebrand it as the Trump Cathedral

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Re: BREAKING; Muslims attack, set fire to Notre Dame cathedral in Paris
Posted by: Tragic ()
Date: April 15, 2019 02:59PM

There was a huge amount of wooden scaffolding around the spire. The structure was undergoing a significant renovation. The great likelihood is that the wood caught fire in a construction accident. This is truly tragic. It’s amazing that no one seems to have prepared for this.

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Re: BREAKING; Muslims attack, set fire to Notre Dame cathedral in Paris
Posted by: Like 'Jewish Lightning' ()
Date: April 15, 2019 03:09PM

Right... A 'Muslim accident.'

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Re: BREAKING; Muslims attack, set fire to Notre Dame cathedral in Paris
Posted by: Tinker Tailor ()
Date: April 15, 2019 04:07PM

At least the libtards have something to celebrate this week.

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Re: BREAKING; Muslims attack, set fire to Notre Dame cathedral in Paris
Posted by: Haycocks ()
Date: April 15, 2019 05:17PM

Tinker Tailor Wrote:
> At least the libtards have something to celebrate
> this week.

They’ve been gloating and making fun of this loss all day. Nothing is sacred to them.

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Re: BREAKING; Muslims attack, set fire to Notre Dame cathedral in Paris
Posted by: Rosco ()
Date: April 15, 2019 05:39PM

It could have been Jewish lighting but I'm guessing Muzzies.

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Re: BREAKING; Muslims attack, set fire to Notre Dame cathedral in Paris
Posted by: The Real Terrorists ()
Date: April 15, 2019 06:26PM

If it was a terrorist attack, it would have been done by the far right Yellow Jackets.

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Re: BREAKING; Muslims attack, set fire to Notre Dame cathedral in Paris
Posted by: DNC but plug open border ()
Date: April 15, 2019 06:38PM


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Re: BREAKING; Muslims attack, set fire to Notre Dame cathedral in Paris
Posted by: and.... ()
Date: April 15, 2019 06:50PM


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Re: BREAKING; Muslims attack, set fire to Notre Dame cathedral in Paris
Posted by: pointing out the obvious ()
Date: April 15, 2019 06:51PM

Gerrymanderer2 Wrote:
> Muslims don't burn churches. They just don't do
> it. If it is arson odds are it's a white Christian
> or atheist. They just burned three black churches
> in Louisiana a week ago. You didn't complain with
> CNN didn't report that
> There are some church burnings I've read about in
> really shitty countries like Pakistan where
> sectarianism is rife. But never heard of it in the
> west. Don't even see it in Lebanon where it's a
> Muslim/Christian country.

You've never been to Lebanon.

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Re: BREAKING; Muslims attack, set fire to Notre Dame cathedral in Paris
Posted by: .... ()
Date: April 15, 2019 06:52PM

The Real Terrorists Wrote:
> If it was a terrorist attack, it would have been
> done by the far right Yellow Jackets.

spoken like someone that's doesn't know shit

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Re: BREAKING; Muslims attack, set fire to Notre Dame cathedral in Paris
Posted by: g4k7c ()
Date: April 16, 2019 09:41AM

Last straw Wrote:
> This is it. Crusading time! To arms and DEUS
> VULT!!!

G2 gives false historic information any chance he gets

The Catholic Crusades, began during impoverished times, became to be run mostly by French who desperately needed work. The Church sponsored money for them. However I see no claims the crusaders were thieves and murderers. The Church canceled sponsorship when it became clear that the Crusade had become upper middle class french U.N. cops living in France which the church had not intended to create. The initial goal of the Crusaders were to protect Rome from overthrow which it did but on the other hand the help ended up not as much needed as the Church had feared.

The Spanish Inquisition on the other hand were forwardly a band of thieves who killed anyone who "did not take an oath" and who attacked Spain's military enemies in an aggressive manner: their objective was theft and domination. The Inquisition was not "sponsored by the church". It was sponsored by la familia of the time - the king's kin.

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Re: BREAKING; Muslims attack, set fire to Notre Dame cathedral in Paris
Posted by: vlhwt ()
Date: April 16, 2019 12:10PM

scaffolding remodel attack! Wrote:
> Last straw Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > This is it. Crusading time! To arms and DEUS
> > VULT!!!
> Brand new tactic, ISIS erected the scaffolding
> around the building first.

it's not unlikely the Church was using illegal alien labor. un-skilled labor in a monument to skill is asking for trouble


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Re: BREAKING; Muslims attack, set fire to Notre Dame cathedral in Paris
Posted by: vlhwt ()
Date: April 16, 2019 12:11PM

it's a monument to God of course, but skilled laborers were hired to build it, not un-skilled. it was a modern building with a deco of prayer in it's time. today we'd considerit a little gothic


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Re: BREAKING; Muslims attack, set fire to Notre Dame cathedral in Paris
Posted by: 7wvk6 ()
Date: April 16, 2019 12:13PM

recessed ceiling lights "made in china" are a hot idea

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Re: BREAKING; Muslims attack, set fire to Notre Dame cathedral in Paris
Posted by: 9t7jk ()
Date: April 16, 2019 12:16PM

real steeple chasers don't use scaffolding

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Re: BREAKING; Muslims attack, set fire to Notre Dame cathedral in Paris
Posted by: my bet of $0 is ()
Date: April 16, 2019 12:22PM

my bet of $0 is

ELECTRICAL FIRE, caused my lack of management (use of unskilled illegal aliens) combined with use of: "made in china"

just a guess


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Re: BREAKING; Muslims attack, set fire to Notre Dame cathedral in Paris
Posted by: ebm3c ()
Date: April 16, 2019 12:25PM

i spoke to an older fireman in fairfax city at a bar, a friend of a church friend

he said throughout the 80's 90's 200's he servered house fires were actually very rare - most calls were falsely triggered alarms at businesses.

he also said there had practically never been a hero rescue of family in a burning house: he said they either got out themselves or were not home




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Re: BREAKING; Muslims attack, set fire to Notre Dame cathedral in Paris
Posted by: yypkm ()
Date: April 16, 2019 12:29PM


mexican oil platform in the Gulf burning

Mexico has near equal access to the largest rich deep sea deposit of oil on earth as USA does.

Mexico's business and real estate are booming.

Anyone, including the Pope, saying they need help? Are partial to the "hispanic side of the turf wars and global debt war".

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Re: BREAKING; Muslims attack, set fire to Notre Dame cathedral in Paris
Posted by: 34khy ()
Date: April 16, 2019 12:31PM

the TRUTH is Amiga will still overthrow bill gates if given 1/2 an opportunity of global debt and "free hackers" (cp: lost souls)


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Re: BREAKING; Muslims attack, set fire to Notre Dame cathedral in Paris
Posted by: WBGFK ()
Date: April 16, 2019 12:41PM

ebm3c Wrote:
> i spoke to an older fireman in fairfax city at a
> bar, a friend of a church friend
> he said throughout the 80's 90's 200's he servered
> house fires were actually very rare - most calls
> were falsely triggered alarms at businesses.
> he also said there had practically never been a
> hero rescue of family in a burning house: he said
> they either got out themselves or were not home
> .

That is NOT a 'clearly documented fact.' You have presented what is called in law 'anecdotal evidence,' which means squat.

As a side note, you claim that your data is from the eighties, the nineties, and the two hundreds.

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Re: BREAKING; Muslims attack, set fire to Notre Dame cathedral in Paris
Posted by: d99pk ()
Date: April 16, 2019 01:37PM

g2 lying as usual

the steeple and roof of the main hall were being replace

the scaffolding is modern

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Re: BREAKING; Muslims attack, set fire to Notre Dame cathedral in Paris
Posted by: w7xby ()
Date: April 16, 2019 10:06PM

vlhwt Wrote:
> it's a monument to God of course, but skilled
> laborers were hired to build it, not un-skilled.
> it was a modern building with a deco of prayer in
> it's time. today we'd considerit a little gothic


I should say the deco both respects the Tabernacle, the body of Christ, but also "attracts parishoners".

The stained glass windows were "wow" at the time. The design was meant to attract people to visit - and in the day (and still) .

While gothic exteriors may or may not attract as it had, the interiors in those buildings still do.


on the other hand, Duomo in Milan (seen above), the parts that are restored (many are being re-carved or replaced), the restored sections look surprisingly beautiful compared to the aged sections


anyway. the Church will spend money on cathedrals (let's say donated by a rich person willing to do so). this is somewhat to keep attendance high in important areas - but also became a thing of posterity of an area (city, state) showing their faith is not trivial or second rate

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Re: BREAKING; Muslims attack, set fire to Notre Dame cathedral in Paris
Posted by: hnujx ()
Date: April 16, 2019 10:12PM

France should definitely take the opportunity to make the interior appealing.

From experience I say: the biggest mistake is to redo or finish work that was not "right" to begin with.

if notre dame had "too much wood" and not the attractive appeal - now is a great time to create

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Re: BREAKING; Muslims attack, set fire to Notre Dame cathedral in Paris
Posted by: add animatronic dinosaurs ()
Date: April 16, 2019 10:15PM

They're what make the 'Ark Encounter' such a spiritually enlightening experience.

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Re: BREAKING; Muslims attack, set fire to Notre Dame cathedral in Paris
Posted by: rrgee ()
Date: April 16, 2019 10:25PM


without special lighting notre dame is a darker cathedral without "any" thrills - however given a 360 view (at https://virtualworldtour.net/notre-dame-cathedral-paris-france) shows the with (bright) candle light and unique architecture it is awe inspiring if one is able to "look around" (it is not just a plain hall, it has a design that leads one in to many directions)

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Re: BREAKING; Muslims attack, set fire to Notre Dame cathedral in Paris
Posted by: rrgee ()
Date: April 16, 2019 10:32PM

(by low light level and design i mean the 4th panoramic 360 view offered, which has less special lighting and more candle lighting)

i would go so far as to say the "bright" of the 1st 360 absolutely ruined the careful work of the designers to include low light and candle light to bring architecture to and artistic point, making it appear a room of pillars in comparison


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Re: BREAKING; Muslims attack, set fire to Notre Dame cathedral in Paris
Posted by: pxvxk ()
Date: April 16, 2019 10:36PM


i'm unsure when notre dame appeared this way - with all the paint and colored lighting. you can see the frame in center holding the cross and statues might be carved wood covered with gold leaf

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Re: BREAKING; Muslims attack, set fire to Notre Dame cathedral in Paris
Posted by: satanic fake jew muslim invasion ()
Date: April 16, 2019 10:45PM

europe was over run by muslims from africa and mideast at the behest of fake jew satanists and the christian uprising in europe is what shaped the modern world today

christianity has gotten lazy and allowed the bankster scum to rise again

notre dame burning is what muslims do, destroy and create shitholes


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Re: BREAKING; Muslims attack, set fire to Notre Dame cathedral in Paris
Posted by: erfde ()
Date: April 16, 2019 10:58PM


The fire could have happened during a rain storm: it didn't.

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Re: BREAKING; Muslims attack, set fire to Notre Dame cathedral in Paris
Posted by: nbjpc ()
Date: April 16, 2019 10:58PM

should i guess bob malm was visiting?

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Re: BREAKING; Muslims attack, set fire to Notre Dame cathedral in Paris
Posted by: Pope pius ()
Date: April 16, 2019 11:26PM

Catholic cathedral burning week before Easter= “Muslim Lightning”

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Re: BREAKING; Muslims attack, set fire to Notre Dame cathedral in Paris
Posted by: Tarrant did nothing wrong ()
Date: April 17, 2019 12:15AM


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Re: BREAKING; Muslims attack, set fire to Notre Dame cathedral in Paris
Posted by: Inspector Clue So ()
Date: April 17, 2019 07:40AM

Almost 900 churches in France have been vandalized, including over 120 that have been burned down over the past 12 months. Nothing to see here.....


churches france.jpg

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Re: BREAKING; Muslims attack, set fire to Notre Dame cathedral in Paris
Posted by: gracealexwatch ()
Date: April 17, 2019 10:56AM

Bob Malm didn’t need to travel.

Visit www.gracealexwatch.org to learn more
Social media @gracealexwatch
Bob Malm, perjuring priest

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Re: BREAKING; Muslims attack, set fire to Notre Dame cathedral in Paris
Posted by: Not so much... ()
Date: April 17, 2019 12:27PM

That’s the cathedral in Montreal

pxvxk Wrote:
> src=https://renaissancearchitecture.weebly.com/upl
> oads/2/0/6/9/20696090/347874_orig.jpg>
> i'm unsure when notre dame appeared this way -
> with all the paint and colored lighting. you can
> see the frame in center holding the cross and
> statues might be carved wood covered with gold
> leaf

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