Love is love Wrote:
> If a woman says she’s a woman, she is. End of story.
Believe All Women.
My 11 year old niece and nephew love to watch Supergirl on TV.
One of the main characters introduced this season is Nia Nia,
a fellow (oh poor word choice) super hero who also has a hidden
identity and works with Supergirl at the newspaper. Her hero name
is Dreamer Girl and she is an illegal alien who was brought to the
United State by her parents when she was young (from another planet).
She was born male but as a young girl realized she was in the wrong
kind of body, and so she had the surgery and has been living as a
woman since that time. Now she is about 24 and coming into her own.
She is saving the world alongside Supergirl and they have many
heart-to-heart talks about being who you are (trans) and so on.
She has a big crush on another super hero, Brainiac.
She is always trying to trick him into dating her and having sex.
He has been clueless but he is coming around.
I don't know if he is a "cis male" because he is an organic robot
from the future or something, but he just seems to be a geeky guy.
He is falling in love with the trans girl.
And you should be, too!
My niece and nephew have not asked to "trans" yet,
but they understand how wonderful it is and they might.
Almost 12 you know.
I just don't know where we would be without Hollywood.
Dreamer Girl is played by a famous real-life trans activist.
I never secretly masturbate to Dreamer Girl.
Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 04/12/2019 01:13PM by This Just In Fairfax.