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Re: Be careful when posting about Bob Malm on ffxu
Posted by:
better late than never
Date: March 14, 2019 06:09PM
Sentinel Wrote:
> He’s got connections within local and state
> government as well as with police.
Re: Be careful when posting about Bob Malm on ffxu
Posted by:
Date: March 14, 2019 06:29PM
So why didn't you just leave. There is an Episcopal Church two miles away. There are other denominations close by. Just because you don't like the guy does not mean that other perishoners have to give him up.
Re: Be careful when posting about Bob Malm on ffxu
Posted by:
Date: March 14, 2019 06:35PM
You are absolutely right.
If people are good with a priest who commits perjury, they are welcome to Bob Malm. I’d only add that that speaks to the ethics of anyone who would have Bob as a priest, including the Episcopal Diocese of Virginia.
The fact that the diocese is good with his conduct tells you everything you need to know about the diocese.
Re: Be careful when posting about Bob Malm on ffxu
Posted by:
Date: March 14, 2019 09:46PM
Like the fact you have spent months dragging him and your former church through the mud speaks volumes about your character "Eric". Not sure what Malm did to leave you all butt hurt and thanks to your incessant posting I don't care.
Re: Be careful when posting about Bob Malm on ffxu
Posted by:
Res ipsa loquitor
Date: March 14, 2019 10:21PM
Unfortunately for Bob Malm, one-third of his pledging units do care and have quit pledging. Moreover, the dearth of twenty-something’s makes clear that the church’s days are numbered.
You’ve got Bob as company, though. As long as he gets his retirement he doesn’t give a fuck. And people aren’t stupid—-people at Grace Church increasingly realize.
Re: Be careful when posting about Bob Malm on ffxu
Posted by:
Quoter of Homo BullShit
Date: March 15, 2019 04:02PM
Eric_Bonetti Wrote:
> You are absolutely right.
> If people are good with a priest who commits
> perjury, they are welcome to Bob Malm. I’d only
> add that that speaks to the ethics of anyone who
> would have Bob as a priest, including the
> Episcopal Diocese of Virginia.
> The fact that the diocese is good with his conduct
> tells you everything you need to know about the
> diocese.
With Trump as president you think a bit of perjury by a man of the cloth is something to get all worked up about? Dumb ass all clergy are hypocrites. So go suck some cock.
Re: Be careful when posting about Bob Malm on ffxu
Posted by:
Date: March 16, 2019 09:31PM
Hopefully Bob’s contacts at NORAD etc. can get him to behave in a way that his next assistant rector — if there is one — can actually stay for three years
Re: Be careful when posting about Bob Malm on ffxu
Posted by:
Date: March 16, 2019 10:59PM
Sentinel Wrote:
> He’s got connections within local and state
> government as well as with police.
So does the president of mexico.
Infact, Shron Bulova admitted to working for a wealthy hispanic immigrant just before winning office. SHES FROM MARYLAND