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"antisemitic" congresswoman is jewish and a freemason....just more satanic fake attack to protect the guilty
Posted by: satanic freemasons talmudic jews ()
Date: February 13, 2019 09:24PM

From our Minneapolis bureau- "Do you know that Ilhan Omar’s Mother is Yemeni Jew! Also Omar is Muslim Mason! There’s no reason as Somalis to hate the Jewish people so Omar must be working for somebody else."


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Re: "antisemitic" congresswoman is jewish and a freemason....just more satanic fake attack to protect the guilty
Date: February 14, 2019 02:35PM

Women can't be Masons; only men.

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Re: "antisemitic" congresswoman is jewish and a freemason....just more satanic fake attack to protect the guilty
Posted by: Dealz ()
Date: February 14, 2019 02:43PM

What is up with the animosity towards the Freemasons? I’ve witnessed anything nefarious since I joined.

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Re: "antisemitic" congresswoman is jewish and a freemason....just more satanic fake attack to protect the guilty
Date: February 14, 2019 03:00PM

Dealz Wrote:
> What is up with the animosity towards the Freemasons?

They have always been viewed with suspicion and hated.

The Catholic Church in particular doesn't like them,
and you will be excommunicated if join the Masons.
That's why the competing Knights Of Columbus exists.

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Re: "antisemitic" congresswoman is jewish and a freemason....just more satanic fake attack to protect the guilty
Posted by: Dealz ()
Date: February 14, 2019 03:12PM

This Just In Fairfax Wrote:
> Dealz Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > What is up with the animosity towards the
> Freemasons?
> They have always been viewed with suspicion and
> hated.
> The Catholic Church in particular doesn't like
> them,
> and you will be excommunicated if join the
> Masons.
> That's why the competing Knights Of Columbus
> exists.

Yeah I’m aware of the stigma from the Church, I’m Catholic myself and also a member of the kofc. We’ve had joint meetings and never had any problems.

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Re: "antisemitic" congresswoman is jewish and a freemason....just more satanic fake attack to protect the guilty
Posted by: I read it as ASHMATIC ()
Date: February 14, 2019 03:23PM

That's what reading fast will do for ya!

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Re: "antisemitic" congresswoman is jewish and a freemason....just more satanic fake attack to protect the guilty
Posted by: fypdp ()
Date: February 14, 2019 05:24PM

washington and his fellows did help with some of the stone in DC, but ...

freemasons did not build the White House after it burned down, Russians did because they were immigrants with the skills, and they were paid

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Re: "antisemitic" congresswoman is jewish and a freemason....just more satanic fake attack to protect the guilty
Posted by: fypdp ()
Date: February 14, 2019 05:25PM

(i'm unsure they all immigrated - they were "borrowed" skilled laborers from russia might be more accurate, that russia wanted back)

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Re: "antisemitic" congresswoman is jewish and a freemason....just more satanic fake attack to protect the guilty
Posted by: Boo fn hoo ()
Date: February 14, 2019 09:54PM

DeAlz, you are no longer Catholic...you get the automatic boot..going to Communion now is a mortal sin

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Re: "antisemitic" congresswoman is jewish and a freemason....just more satanic fake attack to protect the guilty
Posted by: masonic satanist ()
Date: February 14, 2019 10:52PM

"fools" in the lower levels have no clue and not unless they reach the highest levels do they find out freemasonry is satanic

same thing as scientologists not finding out until highest level that they are in a cult by a bad sf writer

there is a guy who was a life long intergenerational freemason who became born again and reveals what he learned

not today satan !

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Re: "antisemitic" congresswoman is jewish and a freemason....just more satanic fake attack to protect the guilty
Posted by: USA is a Mason Conspiracy ()
Date: February 14, 2019 11:28PM

Back in 18th century the Freemasons hatched a plot to design and build the greatest country in all of history. They knew full well that 2 centuries later the libtards would STILL be triggered about it but they went ahead anyway!

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Re: "antisemitic" congresswoman is jewish and a freemason....just more satanic fake attack to protect the guilty
Posted by: What crap! ()
Date: February 15, 2019 02:47PM

All this hocus pocus isn't necessary.
A couple of facts.
1.) AIPAC Is a very influential lobby to the US Congress.
2.) AIPAC has as its goal the furtherance of the interests of Israel.
3.) Stating the above facts is NOT anti-Semitic.
Those politicians that state otherwise should direct their energy to their nation.
With all the talk about collusion with foreign governments, this situation is almost never mentioned and the US politicians that cry the loudest demonstrate who owns them.

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