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Absistence Works!
Posted by: Vince(1) ()
Date: February 03, 2010 07:45AM

That's the question facing educators this week after a groundbreaking study found that students who take classes emphasizing abstinence are less likely to have sex than those who take classes teaching safe sex.


The thing is..the study eems to have missed the point. The end result we are lookingfor isnt reduced fucking...it's reduced baby making. If the girls who recieved the absistence only training are out there having tons more babies...the training is a failure.

Registered Voter...a Big talking coward..big man on FFXU...little man in life.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/03/2010 07:46AM by Vince(1).

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Re: Absistence Works!
Date: February 03, 2010 07:49AM

The study shows that abstinence education works if you take the moral preaching out of it. If you talk to kids like they aren't complete idiots and explain how babies are made and the threat of STDs and HIV, they get it. Unfortunately, that's not what most religion-based abstinence programs do. They teach that if you have sex before marriage, you are going to hell. It ignores the immediate threat of STDs or pregnancy in favor of an intangible, long-term threat that many of the kids probably don't believe in anyway.


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Re: Absistence Works!
Posted by: Radiophile ()
Date: February 03, 2010 08:50AM

While I haven't read the study yet, I do know that "abstinence only" teachings generally miss the point. Sadly, that is the one our former President and Congress were funding.

I know of at least one girl from Alaska who failed at the abstinence only learnings.

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