Superman 4 Wrote:
> 9/11 was an inside job.
> People in NOVA are oblivious to this.
Once again, let's follow the logic of the conspiracy theorists...
1. Two radio controlled airliners were flown into the WTC.
2. The World Trade Center was full of explosives that brought the towers down.
3. Having successfully used two remote-controlled planes to fly into the World Trade Center, the government, for some reason, decides to use a cruise missile to hit the Pentagon instead.
4. Instead of using a radio-controlled plane to crash into a field in Pennsylvania, the government just blew a big crater in the ground, even though eyewitnesses saw a plane go down.
5. The government needed 9/11 in order to justify a War with Iraq, even though we didn't need a 9/11 in 1990 to justify War with Iraq.
Seems like a lot of fucked up moving parts that would be more easily explained by a terrorist organization hijacking planes and flying them into buildings.