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Be sure to immediately call your senators with a simple message: “No vote on Bernanke until we get a vote on Audit the Fed.”
Posted by: worried about the ecconomy ()
Date: January 22, 2010 11:35AM

Be sure to immediately call your senators with a simple message: “No vote on Bernanke until we get a vote on Audit the Fed.”

Click here to find contact information for your senators.

Here’s what’s going on and why you need to act immediately:

Senator Jim DeMint (R-SC) has led the charge to place a “hold” on Bernanke’s nomination to a second term as Fed chairman until the Senate votes on Audit the Fed. This means to get a vote on Bernanke, Harry Reid has to have a vote on “cloture,” and that requires a super-majority of 60 votes. Insiders believe that Harry Reid is threatening to ram through a cloture vote as early as next week.

Senator DeMint is joined by David Vitter, Jim Bunning, and Bernie Sanders in his efforts, but these senators cannot succeed alone. A strong message from Audit the Fed activists like you could start a stampede in the Senate that will make Harry Reid back off of Bernanke and give us a vote on Audit the Fed.

Click here to find contact information for your senators.

Make sure you let them know that:

1.) If they are not cosponsoring Audit the Fed, you expect them to sign on in support of finding out what the Fed has done with trillions of our dollars. Tell them you will make sure their constituents know of their action or inaction on this issue. (Click here to see which senators are cosponsors of S. 604 to Audit the Fed.)
2.) They must vote “no” on cloture until after there is a vote on Audit the Fed. No vote should be taken on Ben Bernanke’s confirmation, or the nomination of anyone else for Fed Chairman, until Audit the Fed has received a public, up or down vote. The real issue here is not the Fed chairman himself. It is the need for complete transparency.

Ben Bernanke’s term as Fed chairman expires on January 31, so Harry Reid is under pressure from President Obama to act quickly.

It’s time to turn up the pressure.

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Re: Be sure to immediately call your senators with a simple message: “No vote on Bernanke until we get a vote on Audit the Fed.”
Posted by: Scat Brown(R) ()
Date: January 22, 2010 11:42AM

Wasn't Bernanke GWB's and the Republican's handpicked guy? If so, get him out of there before he screws something else up.

Oh, and you misspelled "economy." That's not good.

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Re: Be sure to immediately call your senators with a simple message: “No vote on Bernanke until we get a vote on Audit the Fed.”
Posted by: Warhawk ()
Date: January 22, 2010 11:44AM

And the "click here for contact information" isn't very helpful either.

That's not a ladybug, that's a cannapiller.

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Re: Be sure to immediately call your senators with a simple message: “No vote on Bernanke until we get a vote on Audit the Fed.”
Posted by: Arty Burns ()
Date: January 22, 2010 11:45AM

This is a waste of time and taxpayer money. The Fed's books have five
internal audits plus their Inspector General. The books are open to
the House and Senate Banking Committee's. This "audit the Fed" BS is
only a publicity stunt by a handfull of politicians who think they
can ride it for name recognition. Even if they do audit, they won't
find anything worth mentioning.

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Re: Be sure to immediately call your senators with a simple message: “No vote on Bernanke until we get a vote on Audit the Fed.”
Date: January 22, 2010 11:55AM

Arty Burns Wrote:
> This is a waste of time and taxpayer money. The
> Fed's books have five
> internal audits plus their Inspector General. The
> books are open to
> the House and Senate Banking Committee's. This
> "audit the Fed" BS is
> only a publicity stunt by a handfull of
> politicians who think they
> can ride it for name recognition. Even if they do
> audit, they won't
> find anything worth mentioning.

But...but...maybe they'll find Obama's REAL birth certificate!


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Re: Be sure to immediately call your senators with a simple message: “No vote on Bernanke until we get a vote on Audit the Fed.”
Posted by: Arty Burns is a moron ()
Date: January 22, 2010 12:09PM

There are 3 reasons the Federal Reserve should be audited.

1: The founding fathers explicitly warned against using a private central bank to control your currency's inflation and interest rates, the US was never supposed to have a private federal reserve to begin with. Andrew Jackson successfully defeated the National Bank (1800's version of the Federal Reserve) that was formed by Biddle in the 1800's, Jackson's presidency was the only time in US history we were not in debt.

2. The Federal Reserve fails to properly set interest rates.

3. The Federal Reserve fails to properly control inflation. (Remember the Great Depression, Bernanke himself admits the Fed was one of the main catalysts in causing it.)

The Federal Reserve is resisting a GAO audit mainly due to not wanting scrutiny on the credit swaps and loans between the Fed, other central banks around the world, and other international banks in general. The Fed isnt required to give the names of the banks and institutions it lends your and my tax dollars to, this is un-American and wrong.

Many in Washington consider the Federal Reserve to be the most secretive institution, more so than the CIA.

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