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Fairfax Underground
Welcome to Fairfax Underground, a project site designed to improve communication among residents of Fairfax County, VA. Feel free to post anything Northern Virginia residents would find interesting.
putok' Wrote:
> I am putok.
> I am doom.
> You bring glory to the arch-faggot o'meara. I
> bring ruin,
putok if you post that picture repeatedly about 40 times it will probably crash this thread. Please don’t do that, you fucking asshole. We like discussing TMOS.
Jen Ettix Wrote:
> peekza Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > 4...Semper Fam
> Only one thing...
> I'm not an agent...
> And there is no job...
> I love cock...
Jennifer Lopez Wrote:
> putok' Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > I am putok.
> >
> I vote Major League Faggot, but a TMOS rube
> nonetheless!
Jennifer Lopez Wrote:
> putok' Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > I am putok.
> >
> I vote Major League Faggot, but a TMOS rube
> nonetheless!
BOAD guy bgbg Wrote:
> No mention of no show yesterday. Transparency.
> Big O forgets his first anniversary. MBA but no
> common sense.
> Blobs wife hates the show. She used to go to
> everything. Now, she cucks blob and embarrasses
> him on the show.
Boooring nobody cares. You should just go suck another gay man’s cock instead of constantly fantisizing about these men on the forum.
Hey Frase Wrote:
> Mikes bitching about the announcers in the
> playoffs like he is a real baseball fan. He hates
> stats!
Jennifer Lopez Wrote:
> putok' Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > I am putok
> I was right!!!
Yes you were. Putok (aka nog cock) is a MLF for sure!
you all are faggots Wrote:
> The nog cocks post from MD and NoVA
> Putock posts from San Diego, MI, NJ, and Buffalo.
> Not the same set of people. Plus, I'm certain one
> of the nog cocks would image fuck the forum if it
> wouldn't get their IP banned.
I don't care. They're all the same faggot as far as I'm concerned.
Mike suggested a getting a jar with a sign saying "Gambling Tips" in vegas....So tacky.
The theater is an "intimate setting". Ie, it is small. And, people are selling tickets in the Klub to get out of it every day with that shitty 80's show not sold out.
Daddy issues like you dream about. That butthole has definitely been on the receiving end of some attention. Only a matter of time before we see it too.
Honestly, the show got so fucking stale and boring, there wasn't even unintentional comedy to laugh at...Just entitled Mike, whining and bitching and bullying his co-workers...If it weren't for his daughter, the exhibitionist errr I mean actress, I would have tapped out long ago
peekza Wrote:
> No, the discussion is waning because there aren't
> enough of us who still listen, myself included
... More like Nog cock turned you into his little bitch.
Jen Ettix Wrote:
> Mike read the list of victims from the liberal
> anti Semitic Pittsburgh shooter to his tens of
> listeners today.
> Shrug....
Ten's of listeners? Does that include crew and family?
blobster Wrote:
> Jen Ettix Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Mike read the list of victims from the liberal
> > anti Semitic Pittsburgh shooter to his tens of
> > listeners today.
> > Shrug....
> Ten's of listeners? Does that include crew and
> family?
Jen Ettix Wrote:
> Mike read the list of victims from the liberal
> anti Semitic Pittsburgh shooter to his tens of
> listeners today.
> Shrug....
Shows how the mighty show has fallen. We need a poem dammit notnjust a list of names. Come on omeara try harder!!
Boring posts by boring trolls about boring people and boring events results in only more bored people. People don't like it when they're bored, so they move on to other things and they don't care about the old boring things any more with the result that nobody cares; nobody. When people read boring things they don't care about those things because they're bored. Reading boring things makes you bored so you don't care. This is why nobody cares about whoever these Moreno people are or their money. Nobody cares; nobody.
nobody cares Wrote:
> Boring posts by boring trolls about boring people
> and boring events results in only more bored
> people. People don't like it when they're bored,
> so they move on to other things and they don't
> care about the old boring things any more with the
> result that nobody cares; nobody. When people read
> boring things they don't care about those things
> because they're bored. Reading boring things makes
> you bored so you don't care. This is why nobody
> cares about whoever these Moreno people are or
> their money. Nobody cares; nobody.
Apparently you care, since you've posted this exact same message on at lease 10 different threads. By the way, this isn't a Moreno thread you dumb fuck. I guess what they say about you is true Miz, you really are a mental midget.
He lives in a retirement community with a five year old. He has to go to a strip mall to trunk or treat.
TMOS threatens no meet and greet after the Vegas prime show. (300 people; LOL) Trying to force people to come to the Mystery show the next night (200 seats sold.) The Klubbers opting out of prime show every day.
Two observations, one, they are not fooling anybody holding the camera up high like that, we know Robb and Linda Hirw are fatasses...and two, Robb is a nonsmoker, why are his teeth so yellow? Is that due to a lack of brushing?
Why are all the people in that photo so huge? Are all of Mike's fans the size of him and Robbay? And who is the guy in the front right with the glasses? He looks very familiar.