Re: New GOP Logo
Posted by:
Rape, murder - just a shot away
Date: December 05, 2017 07:24PM
Weiner endorsed for Senat by Don Wrote:
> I'm confused Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > I thought Anthony Weiner was a democrat. Did
> he
> > change while he is in jail for trying to fuck
> > children?
> you are right weiner is a scumbag that tried to
> fuck teens. See how easy that is to say! Try it
> with Moore ok
> By they way is the President of the United States
> endorsing Weiner for Senate? nope just the GOP
> perv. The logo belongs to the Presidents party
> friend - swallow that you you gobble up your
> boyfriends cum load.
Your multiple spelling errors indicate major butthurtery. Simmer down there little fella. The sun will still rise the next day, even after Moore wins. You're way too worked up over something that affects you not at all.