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dropping out of the rat race.
Posted by: quitter ()
Date: November 20, 2009 05:47PM

so let's say you've decided that there has to be more out of life than sitting in a cubicle all day, working until you die.

you have no debt, no close friends, no wife, kids, or girlfriends, and no family. you want to be free. go where you want, do what you want, and answer to no one.

what do you do? what do you take with you?

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Re: dropping out of the rat race.
Posted by: nomad ()
Date: November 20, 2009 05:52PM

quitter Wrote:
> so let's say you've decided that there has to be
> more out of life than sitting in a cubicle all
> day, working until you die.
> you have no debt, no close friends, no wife, kids,
> or girlfriends, and no family. you want to be
> free. go where you want, do what you want, and
> answer to no one.
> what do you do? what do you take with you?

My friend, im doing the SAME THING. I'm graduating from grad school in a month and peacing out to rural china. TONS of jobs out there. That, plus the way of life is simpler. i did it once when i joined peace corps a few years ago....best thing you can do for yourself. the way of life here has its perks, but i'll take the lower standard of living for the peace of mind that goes with it

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Re: dropping out of the rat race.
Posted by: ยง ()
Date: November 20, 2009 06:05PM

Don't forget your Blackberry.

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Re: dropping out of the rat race.
Posted by: quitter ()
Date: November 20, 2009 06:07PM

i was thinking about just driving around the United States for a while. work odd jobs, beg, borrow, steal, survive. rely on the hospitality of strangers, chasing the ever-elusive ghost of human kindness, see what real life is like.

or maybe get stabbed by a hobo three months after i leave. either way, it has to be better than making money to buy shit i don't need to impress people i don't even like for the sake of "fitting in."

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Re: dropping out of the rat race.
Posted by: curious ()
Date: November 20, 2009 07:25PM

Be careful on the coal trains . . .

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Re: dropping out of the rat race.
Posted by: Warhawk ()
Date: November 20, 2009 07:35PM

Ask me in 10 years. My daughter will be in college and my son will have graduated well before then. At that point, my life's plan is to quit the bullshit around here, move out to a small town in Colorado, Wyoming, Idaho or Montana, get some average joe job where when I leave for the day I don't even think about work and just live a simpler life. Preferably by myself.

That's not a ladybug, that's a cannapiller.

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Re: dropping out of the rat race.
Posted by: eesh ()
Date: November 20, 2009 07:47PM

nomad Wrote:

> My friend, im doing the SAME THING. I'm graduating
> from grad school in a month and peacing out to
> rural china. TONS of jobs out there. That, plus
> the way of life is simpler.

I'm doing the same thing, moving to Pyongyang, TONS of jobs there. The standard of living may be lower, and food isn't always available, but it beats the long lines at Safeway and the traffic in Falls Church.

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Re: dropping out of the rat race.
Date: November 20, 2009 07:57PM

quitter Wrote:
> i was thinking about just driving around the
> United States for a while. work odd jobs, beg,
> borrow, steal, survive. rely on the hospitality
> of strangers, chasing the ever-elusive ghost of
> human kindness, see what real life is like.
> or maybe get stabbed by a hobo three months after
> i leave. either way, it has to be better than
> making money to buy shit i don't need to impress
> people i don't even like for the sake of "fitting
> in."

you want to learn about human kindness by stealing from other people? youre an asshole. if you want to live your life with no strings attached then go for it but when you start stealing from people who probably dont have the easiest way of life either than youre a waste of life.

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Re: dropping out of the rat race.
Posted by: Meat ()
Date: November 20, 2009 07:57PM

eesh Wrote:
> ...and food isn't always available...

Where there's a kitteh...

There's a meal!

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Re: dropping out of the rat race.
Date: November 20, 2009 07:58PM

eesh Wrote:
> nomad Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> >
> >
> > My friend, im doing the SAME THING. I'm
> graduating
> > from grad school in a month and peacing out to
> > rural china. TONS of jobs out there. That, plus
> > the way of life is simpler.
> I'm doing the same thing, moving to Pyongyang,
> TONS of jobs there. The standard of living may be
> lower, and food isn't always available, but it
> beats the long lines at Safeway and the traffic in
> Falls Church.

I'm doing the same thing, moving to Somalia. Tons of jobs out there in the local militias, and you can kill people for food. It definitely beats sitting in the long lines at safeway. And theres barely any roads so woohoo no traffic.

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Re: dropping out of the rat race.
Posted by: moosha ()
Date: November 20, 2009 08:01PM

back pack europe. get the hell out of the states for awhile and learn something different.

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Re: dropping out of the rat race.
Posted by: eesh ()
Date: November 20, 2009 08:03PM

un-fairfax aboveground Wrote:
And theres
> barely any roads so woohoo no traffic.

No problem, most third world militias use Toyota Hilux trucks. No roads necessary!

cobus_nam3.jpgBlessed are the murderous.

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Re: dropping out of the rat race.
Posted by: xxx ()
Date: November 20, 2009 08:03PM

un-fairfax aboveground Wrote:
> eesh Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > nomad Wrote:
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> > -----
> >
> > >
> > >
> > > My friend, im doing the SAME THING. I'm
> > graduating
> > > from grad school in a month and peacing out
> to
> > > rural china. TONS of jobs out there. That,
> plus
> > > the way of life is simpler.
> >
> >
> >
> > I'm doing the same thing, moving to Pyongyang,
> > TONS of jobs there. The standard of living may
> be
> > lower, and food isn't always available, but it
> > beats the long lines at Safeway and the traffic
> in
> > Falls Church.
> I'm doing the same thing, moving to Somalia. Tons
> of jobs out there in the local militias, and you
> can kill people for food. It definitely beats
> sitting in the long lines at safeway. And theres
> barely any roads so woohoo no traffic.

yo fuck you nigger. you've probably never even left VA

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Re: dropping out of the rat race.
Date: November 20, 2009 08:08PM

And you probably never graduated from high school

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Re: dropping out of the rat race.
Posted by: eesh ()
Date: November 20, 2009 08:13PM

xxx Wrote:

> yo fuck you nigger. you've probably never even
> left VA


The internet has done wonders for racism. This guy probably never utters a racist word out in the real world, but once he can hide behind an avatar on the internet... BAM! Mr. KKK the Nazi Loving Aryan Prince rears his ugly head.

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Re: dropping out of the rat race.
Posted by: quitter ()
Date: November 20, 2009 08:46PM

un-fairfax aboveground Wrote:
> you want to learn about human kindness by stealing
> from other people? youre an asshole. if you want
> to live your life with no strings attached then go
> for it but when you start stealing from people who
> probably dont have the easiest way of life either
> than youre a waste of life.

i think you missed the point.

if you're happy working some bullshit job so you can make enough money to have a minivan and some kids to take to soccer practice, maybe a little yappy dog and a garage to park your car in, good for you. for some people, it's not worth it.

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Re: dropping out of the rat race.
Posted by: trogdor! ()
Date: November 21, 2009 12:41AM

quitter Wrote:
> so let's say you've decided that there has to be
> more out of life than sitting in a cubicle all
> day, working until you die.
> you have no debt, no close friends, no wife, kids,
> or girlfriends, and no family. you want to be
> free. go where you want, do what you want, and
> answer to no one.
> what do you do? what do you take with you?

Here's the video guide for that. Watch it and learn it now, cause there won't be any electricity up in Alaska.


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/21/2009 12:42AM by trogdor!.

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Re: dropping out of the rat race.
Posted by: eesh ()
Date: November 21, 2009 01:07AM

trogdor! Wrote:

> Here's the video guide for that. Watch it and
> learn it now, cause there won't be any electricity
> up in Alaska.

Forget about the OP, I want to know about "nomad" and his plan to get a job in rural China and live the simple life.

Blessed are the murderous.

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Re: dropping out of the rat race.
Posted by: nomad ()
Date: November 21, 2009 01:15AM

eesh, What specifically do you want to know?

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Re: dropping out of the rat race.
Posted by: eesh ()
Date: November 21, 2009 01:21AM

nomad Wrote:
> eesh, What specifically do you want to know?

Assuming you're the same person that posted earlier and not someone that stole his handle, where the fuck are the tons of jobs in rural China?

Blessed are the murderous.

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Re: dropping out of the rat race.
Posted by: nomad ()
Date: November 21, 2009 01:48AM

eesh Wrote:
> nomad Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > eesh, What specifically do you want to know?
> Assuming you're the same person that posted
> earlier and not someone that stole his handle,
> where the fuck are the tons of jobs in rural
> China?

a majority of the opportunities are in the rural areas, like Guiz Hau province...southwestern china. There are plenty of opportunities to be an educator at many levels. There are many english teaching jobs, as well as jobs in universities and trade schools with little more than a bachelors degree. This does not apply to the wealthier east coast...competition is more fierce and international. It's the undeveloped regions that have the most potential

Aside from a multitude of education gigs, almost any kind of entrepreneurial activity has a good chance. Coming in with a small investment from the United States (say, $10,000), considering the exchange rate the the elbow grease you are willing to put into your project, your small investment can have a substantial return. Remember, there is a larger middle class in these yet-untouched regions that have substantial amounts of money and NOTHING to spend it on. The same thing worked in parts of South Africa...open a KFC in the hills and you will have your rent met every day by the lunch rush. Just fry chicken. Or get some host country nationals to do it and oversee them with little regulation. THe Kingdom of Lesotho is a capitalists wet dream.

Of course you would have to be into learning a new way of life and culture. That does not appeal to most people. It does to me. I like dipping out from time to time and seeing the world while learning + trying something new...learning a new language, seeing the world through a different lens, and really immersing yourself in a different culture is such a rush to me, moreso than sitting in the EPA or DOT like my classmates clicking away at a keyboard, wasting their life. I've done this in 2 countries already, and china will be my third.

So, there's education gigs, almost guarenteed return on restaurants and entertainment in booming local areas, any health position is valued..shit...most bachelors degrees, PERIOD will get you further than in the USA. Why gradeuate and spend the first years of life at $40K-$50K, probably in the lower $40K range, when I can just jump to china, fuck hot asian bitches, ball hard with a great exchange rate, get stimulated by a new culture and way of life, have more time to myself any my family (should i want one), make some money, and life an "authentic" life. Opportunity comes and goes in waves and pulses, and right now there are parts of the "developing world" that aren't too far different than the USA in the 1970s. It's not hard to find air conditioning, taxis, or whatever you want, as long as you are able to rough it a little sometimes. Do you REALLY need a car? Do you REALLY need Perry Ellis perfume? I'll come back to NOVA one day, probably in my early 30s and go "conventional"...but for now, at 28, I've seen a lot and I want to see more, at least while I have the means. I might not always be in such good health or wealth. When I'm old, I'll look back and say it was so worth it, that I lived an "authentic" life, and didn't get "rich" necessarily, but lived comfortably, while being challenged in a different land, and being a big fish in a small pond, so to speak.

Really, anything you can do here, you can do there...but you will rise faster. Your education means more there. In VA, you are a JMU grad in a sea of JMU grads. In Yunnan province, where pot grows wild, the jobs are growing, the grass is green, and the girls are pretty, your degree will give you a HUGE edge over. Xio Ping from Yunnan Tech.

If there's anything else specifically you want to know, let me know. I can not prevent anybody from using the name "nomad" since I'm anonymous, but I'll do my best.

Its very hippyish in a way, but just let go man....you think you're gettin laid now? head to a poorer country and get a HOT bitch. Just having a CAR will get you laid on some places...kind of like being 17 all over again :-)

I hope that helps a little.

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Re: dropping out of the rat race.
Posted by: ThePackLeader ()
Date: November 21, 2009 02:42AM

quitter Wrote:
> i was thinking about just driving around the
> United States for a while. work odd jobs, beg,
> borrow, steal, survive. rely on the hospitality
> of strangers, chasing the ever-elusive ghost of
> human kindness, see what real life is like.
> or maybe get stabbed by a hobo three months after
> i leave. either way, it has to be better than
> making money to buy shit i don't need to impress
> people i don't even like for the sake of "fitting
> in."

If you want to steal, be sure to do it in Texas.

"And if any women or children get their legs torn off, or faces caved in, well, it's tough shit for them." -2LT. Bert Stiles, 505th, 339th (On Berlin Bombardier Mission, 1944).

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Re: dropping out of the rat race.
Posted by: Tiger Woods ()
Date: November 21, 2009 03:06AM

hole in one

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Re: dropping out of the rat race.
Posted by: Harry Tuttle ()
Date: November 21, 2009 06:33AM

Haha, the unicorns are a nice touch...

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