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Redskins chearleader gets dystonia from flu vaccine..........maybe?
Date: October 26, 2009 02:45PM

so she cant walk forward, but can walk backwards. and she can run forward. and she can only speak well when running? this is too fucking weird........

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/26/2009 02:46PM by un-fairfax aboveground.

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Re: Redskins chearleader gets dystonia from flu vaccine..........maybe?
Posted by: Gravis ()
Date: October 26, 2009 02:51PM


if there is a silver lining anywhere, it's that she'll stay in good shape her whole life.

btw, flu shots are for chumps.

"the wisdom of the wise will perish, the intelligence of the intelligent will vanish."095042938540

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/26/2009 02:59PM by Gravis.

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Re: Redskins chearleader gets dystonia from flu vaccine..........maybe?
Date: October 26, 2009 04:14PM

They were talking about this on Fox the other day and an expert from a University (I won't name it, but it is reputable) said that she and her colleagues have reviewed the videos of this gal and think it may be psychosomatic. Either they are going way out on the limb or she is doing a heck of a job of B.S.-ing people.


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Re: Redskins chearleader gets dystonia from flu vaccine..........maybe?
Posted by: fairfaxdude ()
Date: October 26, 2009 04:20PM

Its hard to make sense of the "can walk backward, run forward" but "can't walk forward" conundrum. Either the muscles and nerves required are fucked, or they aren't.


I have had to change the addresses to my retaliatory blogs over half a dozen times.

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Re: Redskins chearleader gets dystonia from flu vaccine..........maybe?
Posted by: ThePackLeader ()
Date: October 26, 2009 04:25PM

WashingTone-Locian Wrote:
> They were talking about this on Fox the other day
> and an expert from a University (I won't name it,
> but it is reputable) said that she and her
> colleagues have reviewed the videos of this gal
> and think it may be psychosomatic. Either they are
> going way out on the limb or she is doing a heck
> of a job of B.S.-ing people.

It's actually a documented condition, which although extremely rare, has been seen in a small number of individuals who received the Seasonal Flu Vaccine. Johns Hopkins acknowledged it.

Saying that this is "Psychogenic" is basically trying to justify the symptoms here by stating that she could somehow manifest them through thought. I find that hard to believe, and it very much seems like a cop out for "The doctor can't explain it".

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Re: Redskins chearleader gets dystonia from flu vaccine..........maybe?
Date: October 26, 2009 06:32PM

ThePackLeader Wrote:

> It's actually a documented condition, which
> although extremely rare, has been seen in a small
> number of individuals who received the Seasonal
> Flu Vaccine. Johns Hopkins acknowledged it.
> Saying that this is "Psychogenic" is basically
> trying to justify the symptoms here by stating
> that she could somehow manifest them through
> thought. I find that hard to believe, and it very
> much seems like a cop out for "The doctor can't
> explain it".

I'm just passing along what this gal said. She also said that the victim could be having these symptoms psychosomatically without being conscious of it. However, it's interesting how much attention she has gotten in recent weeks because of this. And each time there is a new wrinkle to the condition. If you look at the earlier video, she seemed to have some problem walking backward and running. Now she looks perfectly normal when doing those things. Food for thought in the age of the balloon boy.


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Re: Redskins chearleader gets dystonia from flu vaccine..........maybe?
Posted by: Lawsuit ()
Date: October 26, 2009 07:00PM

I wonder if there is any way she can collect damages from the vaccine manufacturer.

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Re: Redskins chearleader gets dystonia from flu vaccine..........maybe?
Date: October 26, 2009 07:09PM

i just don't know what to make of this. i was looking at other videos of people with dystonia and they seem to either have incredibly mild cases, some facial twitching and such, or near paralyzed all the time. none of this i can run but i cant walk bullshit.....

im starting to think its all in her head. Neurologist from university of maryland are saying its psychogenic. this would also be the only case of dystonia coming from a flu vaccine apparently. just because she got the flu shot doesnt mean its where this came from. correlation does not equal causation.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/26/2009 07:11PM by un-fairfax aboveground.

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Re: Redskins chearleader gets dystonia from flu vaccine..........maybe?
Posted by: Registered Voter ()
Date: October 26, 2009 07:18PM

un-fairfax aboveground Wrote:
> i just don't know what to make of this. i was
> looking at other videos of people with dystonia
> and they seem to either have incredibly mild
> cases, some facial twitching and such, or near
> paralyzed all the time. none of this i can run but
> i cant walk bullshit.....
> im starting to think its all in her head.
> Neurologist from university of maryland are saying
> its psychogenic. this would also be the only case
> of dystonia coming from a flu vaccine apparently.
> just because she got the flu shot doesnt mean its
> where this came from. correlation does not equal
> causation.

And people want to accuse me of practicing law? lol.



If you can’t model the past, where you know the answer pretty well, how can you model the future? - William Happer Cyrus Fogg Brackett Professor of Physics Princeton University

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Re: Redskins chearleader gets dystonia from flu vaccine..........maybe?
Posted by: fairfaxdude ()
Date: October 26, 2009 08:04PM

Actually, asswipe, I believe the request was for you to stop acting "AS IF" you were a lawyer.

You actually "PRACTICING" law would be a legal travesty of the highest order.

Don't kid yourself.

No go back to impersonating an internet blowhard.

I have had to change the addresses to my retaliatory blogs over half a dozen times.

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Re: Redskins chearleader gets dystonia from flu vaccine..........maybe?
Posted by: Registered Voter ()
Date: October 26, 2009 09:11PM

Aw - hey kibbles, nice of you to take on Vince's stalker duties. I seem to remember him saying he would stalk - er post - in every thread I posted in. I guess you want to emulate him more? You are doing a good job. Keep up the good work - I am sure your pack of stalker trolls will be right along.

If you can’t model the past, where you know the answer pretty well, how can you model the future? - William Happer Cyrus Fogg Brackett Professor of Physics Princeton University

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Re: Redskins chearleader gets dystonia from flu vaccine..........maybe?
Date: October 26, 2009 09:25PM

un-fairfax aboveground Wrote:
> i just don't know what to make of this. i was
> looking at other videos of people with dystonia
> and they seem to either have incredibly mild
> cases, some facial twitching and such, or near
> paralyzed all the time. none of this i can run but
> i cant walk bullshit.....
> im starting to think its all in her head.
> Neurologist from university of maryland are saying
> its psychogenic. this would also be the only case
> of dystonia coming from a flu vaccine apparently.
> just because she got the flu shot doesnt mean its
> where this came from. correlation does not equal
> causation.


It sounds like she has been trying to be a cheerleader but hasn't been able to make the grade. If her self-esteem is tied up in her looks, failing to make the squad may have prompted this. It also causes her husband to pay more attention to her. The problem is, the attention and goodwill will only go so far.


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Re: Redskins chearleader gets dystonia from flu vaccine..........maybe?
Posted by: ThePackLeader ()
Date: October 27, 2009 12:16AM

WashingTone-Locian Wrote:
> ThePackLeader Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> >
> > It's actually a documented condition, which
> > although extremely rare, has been seen in a
> small
> > number of individuals who received the Seasonal
> > Flu Vaccine. Johns Hopkins acknowledged it.
> >
> > Saying that this is "Psychogenic" is basically
> > trying to justify the symptoms here by stating
> > that she could somehow manifest them through
> > thought. I find that hard to believe, and it
> very
> > much seems like a cop out for "The doctor can't
> > explain it".
> I'm just passing along what this gal said. She
> also said that the victim could be having these
> symptoms psychosomatically without being conscious
> of it. However, it's interesting how much
> attention she has gotten in recent weeks because
> of this. And each time there is a new wrinkle to
> the condition. If you look at the earlier video,
> she seemed to have some problem walking backward
> and running. Now she looks perfectly normal when
> doing those things. Food for thought in the age of
> the balloon boy.

"In the age of the balloon boy", good point there.

Yeah, I won't come out and say that I definitely know one way or the other what the true cause of her condition is, but it is very concerning either way. Whatever the cause, I do feel certain that she is not faking this though. The reason I say that, is first and foremost due to her loss of a great career, and obvious somewhat negative public attention. Second, someone would've most likely already caught her on camera walking and acting normal.

The bottom line though, is that she does need to be further studied and evaluated. We need an answer for this condition.

This is also one of the reasons why I heavily anticipate the latest Medical technology, which allows for drugs to be custom tailored to their recipients. Everyones body behaves and reacts differently to certain medications, and if we can customize treatments and delivery systems based upon their unique genetic make-up, we might also be able to pre-screen them for adverse reactions.

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Re: Redskins chearleader gets dystonia from flu vaccine..........maybe?
Date: November 06, 2009 04:04PM

this bitch can talk now? total fucking hoax, there is no cure for dystonia so how the hell is she better that quickly. how has the media not called her out?

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Re: Redskins chearleader gets dystonia from flu vaccine..........maybe?
Date: November 06, 2009 04:12PM

Hoax! "It's all coming back now." How fucking convenient. HOAX!


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Re: Redskins chearleader gets dystonia from flu vaccine..........maybe?
Posted by: boner ()
Date: November 06, 2009 04:45PM

I'm reading it was a misdiagnose. Something about a severe allergy to eggs and/or mercury. BTW- wtf is there any mercury in there?

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Re: Redskins chearleader gets dystonia from flu vaccine..........maybe?
Date: November 06, 2009 05:14PM

boner Wrote:
> I'm reading it was a misdiagnose. Something about
> a severe allergy to eggs and/or mercury. BTW- wtf
> is there any mercury in there?

That does not look like an allergic reaction. That's crap. The girl is an attention whore. She failed to make the Redskins cheer leading squad. She wanted to get attention from her husband and the media, so she came up with this bullshit. As a result, stupid moms out there didn't get their kids vaccinated.


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/06/2009 05:17PM by WashingTone-Locian.

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Re: Redskins chearleader gets dystonia from flu vaccine..........maybe?
Posted by: Snapple ()
Date: November 06, 2009 05:24PM

Total fucking hoax. The bitch has a professional-looking website set up where you have to register an email address to get the "inside story", whatever that is.


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Re: Redskins chearleader gets dystonia from flu vaccine..........maybe?
Date: November 06, 2009 05:27PM

boner Wrote:
> I'm reading it was a misdiagnose. Something about
> a severe allergy to eggs and/or mercury. BTW- wtf
> is there any mercury in there?

theres probably more mercury in the fish you eat than in the shot. and has she never eaten an egg before? total fucking hoax

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Re: Redskins chearleader gets dystonia from flu vaccine..........maybe?
Posted by: Registered Voter ()
Date: November 06, 2009 05:34PM


Over the course of several weeks she lost the ability to walk or talk normally, and began to suffer violent seizures and recurrent blackouts.

Jennings was misdiagnosed multiple times with a variety of diagnoses since receiving the influenza shot, which she thought would protect her from illness. She has since been diagnosed by her treating physician, Dr. Rashid A. Buttar, with a number of conditions including but not limited to Acute, Viral Post Immunization Encephalopathy and Mercury Toxicity with secondary respiratory and neurological deficits.

Since then her story has made headlines here and abroad, with videos explaining her disorder garnering millions of hits on YouTube. The responses she has received have been overwhelmingly supportive, encouraging…and informative. Celebrity couple Jenny McCarthy and Jim Carey helped point Desiree in the right direction through Generation Rescue, a non-profit organization dedicated to preventing and reversing autism.

The treatments with Dr. Buttar at the Center for Advanced Medicine and Clinical Research in Charlotte, NC are working, and the results are nothing short of amazing. Jennings can now walk and talk normally throughout the vast majority of the day and the seizures/convulsions have significantly decreased. Although her full recovery will take an undetermined amount of time, her family is now for the first time, convinced she will make a complete recovery. She is now more than ever, driven by a desire to educate others to be informed of the potential side effects caused by vaccines and prevent others from suffering a similar fate.

If you can’t model the past, where you know the answer pretty well, how can you model the future? - William Happer Cyrus Fogg Brackett Professor of Physics Princeton University

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Re: Redskins chearleader gets dystonia from flu vaccine..........maybe?
Posted by: trogdor! ()
Date: November 07, 2009 12:00AM

I don't think that was faked...She may be receiving Levodopa and be fine for awhile (while she's on it).


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Re: Redskins chearleader gets dystonia from flu vaccine..........maybe?
Posted by: Gravis ()
Date: November 07, 2009 07:11AM

i dont think she was faking at all. i think most of you dont realized the shear complexity of human biology. the human brain is a very elegant processor and like it's silicon simulant, some "crossed wires" can throw the whole thing into chaos.

"the wisdom of the wise will perish, the intelligence of the intelligent will vanish."095042938540

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Re: Redskins chearleader gets dystonia from flu vaccine..........maybe?
Date: November 07, 2009 10:17AM

This is why I have my doubts about her claims. How many of you know hot 20-something girls? How many of them would be caught dead without makeup, much less shaking on TV? The Redskins didn't call the tv stations for this story. The hospital didn't. The vaccine maker didn't. SHE did.

It simply doesn't pass the smell test, regardless of her symptoms. Don't be shocked if she and her husband have been talking to TLC.


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Re: Redskins chearleader gets dystonia from flu vaccine..........maybe?
Posted by: bloody blisters ()
Date: November 07, 2009 03:07PM

thats a show i wouldnt mind watching even if its fake or not, as long as she didnt talk. if she had to talk i hope she would be running on a treadmill or something. she should really eat some broccoli

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Re: Redskins chearleader gets dystonia from flu vaccine..........maybe?
Posted by: RestonLass ()
Date: November 07, 2009 03:29PM

Gravis Wrote:
> i dont think she was faking at all. i think most
> of you dont realized the shear complexity of human
> biology. the human brain is a very elegant
> processor and like it's silicon simulant, some
> "crossed wires" can throw the whole thing into
> chaos.


I also don't think she's faking, but I'm still not convinced the vaccine alone is responsible.

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Re: Redskins chearleader gets dystonia from flu vaccine..........maybe?
Posted by: Warhawk ()
Date: November 07, 2009 04:44PM

If she is faking, I'm sure that by now somebody would have captured her on camera walking around normally or whatnot.

That's not a ladybug, that's a cannapiller.

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Re: Redskins chearleader gets dystonia from flu vaccine..........maybe?
Date: November 07, 2009 07:04PM

I think the press hasn't been skeptical enough about this story because it is just presumed these days that flu shots are bad for people. In the news reports I have seen, her doctors are never interviewed. The claims of the medical diagnosis are coming from her. Why would a reporter NOT interview the doctors?


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Re: Redskins chearleader gets dystonia from flu vaccine..........maybe?
Posted by: Gravis ()
Date: November 08, 2009 09:00AM

RestonLass Wrote:
> I'm still not convinced the vaccine alone is responsible.

same here. not all correlations are cause and effect.

"the wisdom of the wise will perish, the intelligence of the intelligent will vanish."095042938540

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Re: Redskins chearleader gets dystonia from flu vaccine..........maybe?
Posted by: stanky leg ()
Date: April 19, 2010 12:48PM

I saw her last week in the grocery store and she was just fine, so I think it is not cruel to post this vid now.....


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Re: Redskins chearleader gets dystonia from flu vaccine..........maybe?
Posted by: Radiophile ()
Date: April 29, 2010 06:20AM

RestonLass Wrote:
> Gravis Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > i dont think she was faking at all. i think
> most
> > of you dont realized the shear complexity of
> human
> > biology. the human brain is a very elegant
> > processor and like it's silicon simulant, some
> > "crossed wires" can throw the whole thing into
> > chaos.
> +1
> I also don't think she's faking, but I'm still not
> convinced the vaccine alone is responsible.

I would ask that you see Frontline from a couple of days ago. You can see it for free at Frontline.org

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Re: Redskins chearleader gets dystonia from flu vaccine..........maybe?
Posted by: I know from experience ()
Date: April 29, 2010 12:31PM

I know from experience... Those are not symptoms of dystonia.

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Re: Redskins chearleader gets dystonia from flu vaccine..........maybe?
Posted by: faker ()
Date: April 29, 2010 12:39PM

she was faking it

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Re: Redskins chearleader gets dystonia from flu vaccine..........maybe?
Date: April 29, 2010 12:42PM

Nutty bitch...


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/29/2010 12:43PM by WashingTone-Locian.

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Re: Redskins chearleader gets dystonia from flu vaccine..........maybe?
Posted by: ScatSkinz ()
Date: April 29, 2010 01:12PM

Seriously, who couldn't tell this story was bullshit as soon as they saw the symptoms disappear when she would run, or when walking backwards??? I looked at the clip a couple times, and quickly concluded that she was full of poop.

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Re: Redskins chearleader gets dystonia from flu vaccine..........maybe?
Posted by: Vince(1) ()
Date: April 29, 2010 01:26PM

Registered Voter Wrote:
> > ...
> Over the course of several weeks she lost the
> ability to walk or talk normally, and began to
> suffer violent seizures and recurrent blackouts.
> Jennings was misdiagnosed multiple times with a
> variety of diagnoses since receiving the influenza
> shot, which she thought would protect her from
> illness. She has since been diagnosed by her
> treating physician, Dr. Rashid A. Buttar, with a
> number of conditions including but not limited to
> Acute, Viral Post Immunization Encephalopathy and
> Mercury Toxicity with secondary respiratory and
> neurological deficits.
> Since then her story has made headlines here and
> abroad, with videos explaining her disorder
> garnering millions of hits on YouTube. The
> responses she has received have been
> overwhelmingly supportive, encouraging…and
> informative. Celebrity couple Jenny McCarthy and
> Jim Carey helped point Desiree in the right
> direction through Generation Rescue, a non-profit
> organization dedicated to preventing and reversing
> autism.
> The treatments with Dr. Buttar at the Center for
> Advanced Medicine and Clinical Research in
> Charlotte, NC are working, and the results are
> nothing short of amazing. Jennings can now walk
> and talk normally throughout the vast majority of
> the day and the seizures/convulsions have
> significantly decreased. Although her full
> recovery will take an undetermined amount of time,
> her family is now for the first time, convinced
> she will make a complete recovery. She is now
> more than ever, driven by a desire to educate
> others to be informed of the potential side
> effects caused by vaccines and prevent others from
> suffering a similar fate.
> ...

On a show about the effects if vaccines PBs all but called the girl and the doctor quacks. That's good enough for me, Mr. Not a Lawyer.

Registered Voter...a Big talking coward..big man on FFXU...little man in life.

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Re: Redskins chearleader gets dystonia from flu vaccine..........maybe?
Date: April 29, 2010 01:27PM

ScatSkinz Wrote:
> Seriously, who couldn't tell this story was
> bullshit as soon as they saw the symptoms
> disappear when she would run, or when walking
> backwards??? I looked at the clip a couple times,
> and quickly concluded that she was full of poop.

The question is, how soon after she was exposed to be a fraud by Inside Edition did she post that video in October about "her cure." And was the footage of her and her doctor shot before Inside Edition exposed her? Or after?


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Re: Redskins chearleader gets dystonia from flu vaccine..........maybe?
Posted by: Warhawk ()
Date: April 29, 2010 02:13PM

She's a fucking crazy attention whore. BUSTED.

How soon before her husband leaves her ass and she moves out of the area, because she's completely shunned by the community???

EDIT: I'm still not getting that flu shot!! :)

That's not a ladybug, that's a cannapiller.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/29/2010 02:14PM by Warhawk.

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Re: Redskins chearleader gets dystonia from flu vaccine..........maybe?
Date: April 29, 2010 04:56PM

Warhawk Wrote:
> She's a fucking crazy attention whore. BUSTED.
> How soon before her husband leaves her ass and she
> moves out of the area, because she's completely
> shunned by the community???
> EDIT: I'm still not getting that flu shot!! :)

If she had dystonia, though, think about tapping that phat ass when it was lurching all around like that. It would be like fucking Disney World!


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