un-fairfax aboveground Wrote:
> i just don't know what to make of this. i was
> looking at other videos of people with dystonia
> and they seem to either have incredibly mild
> cases, some facial twitching and such, or near
> paralyzed all the time. none of this i can run but
> i cant walk bullshit.....
> im starting to think its all in her head.
> Neurologist from university of maryland are saying
> its psychogenic. this would also be the only case
> of dystonia coming from a flu vaccine apparently.
> just because she got the flu shot doesnt mean its
> where this came from. correlation does not equal
> causation.
It sounds like she has been trying to be a cheerleader but hasn't been able to make the grade. If her self-esteem is tied up in her looks, failing to make the squad may have prompted this. It also causes her husband to pay more attention to her. The problem is, the attention and goodwill will only go so far.