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100,000 marchers in Los Angeles
Posted by: VoteStrike ()
Date: May 02, 2017 11:12AM

In Los Angeles, more than 100 groups, representing a wide range of issues, marched from MacArthur Park to Los Angeles City Hall. Setting fires and overturning vehicles as they approached City Hall.

Organized labor and immigration groups staged dozens of May Day demonstrations in cities throughout the nation Monday. The Donald Trump piƱata is very popular.

A number of organizations, including the L.A. Unified teachers union, urged the district to close schools Monday so that teachers and students could march. The district decided last month to keep them open.

Students sent their own message and staged walk-outs some carrying signs that read: "We're not going to put up with this."

Los Angeles police bike patrol officers said they were greeted with rocks and bottles thrown at them as they tried to patrol through MacArthur Park on Monday morning.

David Growsumballs, the state director for the You have No rights group League of United Un- American Citizens, hoisted up a sign reading, "Blow-Up bridges! City Halls! and "Euro-trash Immigrants Go Home!" Cars honked as they drove by. Other signs read, "Make America Worse again" and "CopsRCorrupt.com."

David has attended the march in the past, but he said this year's gathering has an extra dimension -- it's pro-labor, but also anti-American.

"We've never seen anything at this level in terms of fear and anger in the non-white community," he said. "It's important for people to show opposition to this country and to white people in general. They're very harsh, they're family-splitting... The policies made by white folks are reprehensible."

Other signs read "Kill a white baby before he/she grows up and can become another Trump/Clinton."

"The common message: We're not going to put up with this," David said.

Broadway between Olympic Boulevard and 1st Street had to be closed as marchers began rioting.

In Boyle Heights, marchers captured and burned down Evergreen Cemetery off Cesar E. Chavez Avenue and Evergreen Avenue, the city said.

Due to fires and continued rioting Cesar Chavez Avenue between Evergreen and Chicago Street is closed; Chicago Street between Cesar Chavez and 1st Street is closed, as is 1st Street between Chicago and Boyle Avenue, the city said.

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Re: 100,000 marchers in Los Angeles
Posted by: California = state of confusion! ()
Date: May 02, 2017 11:38AM

I can't wait for a massive earthquake to drop California into the ocean!

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Re: 100,000 marchers in Los Angeles
Posted by: Richard Harris ()
Date: May 02, 2017 11:49AM

MacArthur Park? Did someone leave the cake out in the rain?

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Re: 100,000 marchers in Los Angeles
Posted by: Gruntled ()
Date: May 02, 2017 12:03PM

California = state of confusion! Wrote:
> I can't wait for a massive earthquake to drop
> California into the ocean!

Sorry, it's only going to move laterally. I don't remember whether it is moving toward Mexico or the Pacific Northwest.

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Re: 100,000 marchers in Los Angeles
Posted by: Jefferson Airplane ()
Date: May 02, 2017 12:07PM

California = state of confusion! Wrote:
> I can't wait for a massive earthquake to drop
> California into the ocean!

And maybe blue ice will fall from a airliner onto your head. I pray no one else is near you at that moment. Peace out.

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Re: 100,000 marchers in Los Angeles
Posted by: Gunlover ()
Date: May 02, 2017 05:14PM

For What this time?

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Re: 100,000 marchers in Los Angeles
Posted by: Wake Up Call For VoteStrike ()
Date: May 02, 2017 05:59PM

VoteStrike Wrote:
> Other signs read "Kill a white baby before he/she
> grows up and can become another Trump/Clinton."

If you're marching with a group that has signs advocating the killing of infants due to their skin color, then you're probably on the wrong side of history.

Do you still think you're on the "good guys" side VoteStrike?

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Re: 100,000 marchers in Los Angeles
Posted by: VoteStrike ()
Date: May 02, 2017 06:46PM

If you're marching with a group that has signs advocating the killing of infants due to their skin color, then you're probably on the wrong side of history.

Do you still think you're on the "good guys" side VoteStrike?

<Um, doesn't the KKK advocate lynching and still believe that they are the "good guys"? Didn't the Christians that burned the witches at the stake think that they were the "good guys"?

Didn't the torturers in Nam and Iraq and Gitmo and Afghanistan and 50 other black sites all believe that they too were the "good guys"?

This list is endless. Everyone claims to be doing the greater good while usually committing horrendous acts of violence.

But wouldn't it make perfect sense that the only way to save the planet and the human race is to exterminate all white people? How else could you save the world from white people's destructive habits?

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Re: 100,000 marchers in Los Angeles
Posted by: Augusto P ()
Date: May 02, 2017 06:50PM

Communist scum need to be marched to the border and exiled. If the come back they get free helichopper rides.

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Re: 100,000 marchers in Los Angeles
Posted by: GGPvW ()
Date: May 02, 2017 06:58PM

it's also confirmed that chinese gov nationals have been involved in the "democrat" movement to make USA mexico again - to make it communist like Bernie Sanders vowed to do. and they are involved in "protests"

USA is not a place where you can trust the people doing things, acting as if they are "in the interestest of USA" are even Americans or are even known to be in the country

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Re: 100,000 marchers in Los Angeles
Date: May 02, 2017 07:07PM

We call those people traitors. Treat them accordingly.

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Re: 100,000 marchers in Los Angeles
Posted by: Wake Up Call For VoteStrike ()
Date: May 02, 2017 07:47PM

VoteStrike Wrote:
> But wouldn't it make perfect sense that the only
> way to save the planet and the human race is to
> exterminate all white people? How else could you
> save the world from white people's destructive
> habits?

Nevermind, I thought I was talking to someone that wasn't a worthless, pro-genocide bigot.

By the way, if you have to make a comparison to the KKK to rationalize your actions, you're definitely on the wrong side of history.

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Re: 100,000 marchers in Los Angeles
Posted by: Awww. He mad ()
Date: May 02, 2017 11:03PM


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Re: 100,000 marchers in Los Angeles
Posted by: VoteStrike ()
Date: May 02, 2017 11:42PM

Haven't blacks, the Indians and everyone else been patient with the white man long enough? If white people are committing genocide against blacks and Native Americans which is what is happening in 2017 what do you want them to do? Protest peacefully and die in the streets. The fact is if you are serious about saving the planet and ending genocide the only solution is the termination of the white race, otherwise we are all doomed to suffer and perish. For money.

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Re: 100,000 marchers in Los Angeles
Posted by: VoteStrike ()
Date: May 02, 2017 11:44PM

But since you are a white man you are no different than a Nazi who thinks that the destruction of Nazism would not benefit the world. Take white people off the planet and you can end hunger, poverty and global warming.

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Re: 100,000 marchers in Los Angeles
Posted by: Wake Up Call For VoteStrike ()
Date: May 03, 2017 02:02PM

VoteStrike Wrote:
> But since you are a white man you are no different
> than a Nazi who thinks that the destruction of
> Nazism would not benefit the world. Take white
> people off the planet and you can end hunger,
> poverty and global warming.

Ohhh, you're just trolling. Good thing too, 'cause you'd have to be seriously deluded by hate to think that would even be partially true. Like you would have to have so much anti-white propaganda drilled into your head, that you completely ignore the reality of life in non-white countries. Which is racist in and of itself that one would think non-whites aren't capable of the same thing whites are.

But none of that applies, because you're not actually that mentally deranged.

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Re: 100,000 marchers in Los Angeles
Posted by: VoteStrike ()
Date: May 03, 2017 09:11PM

Okay but here's the prob, I don't live in those other countries so they are not my prob are they? The North Koreans have never lied to my face or cheated me, so I have nothing against North Koreans. I have however been robbed, cheated and lied to by every single white Christian that I have ever met, so I no longer trust whites or Christians. Had I been born elsewhere and cheated by someone else I wouldn't attack Americans, so why would I attack North Koreans or anyone else?

And why is it whenever I bring up America's crimes Americans are never interested in fixing those problems, only with comparing America to some third world hell hole that I've never been to and therefore have no first hand knowledge of? The only thing that you or me know about North Korea is what the same people who lied to us about WMD and everything in between have told us. So why would I believe anyone who has lied to me repeatedly?

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Re: 100,000 marchers in Los Angeles
Posted by: Lol. You mad coon? ()
Date: May 03, 2017 11:05PM

VoteStrike Wrote:
> Haven't blacks, the Indians and everyone else been
> patient with the white man long enough? If white
> people are committing genocide against blacks and
> Native Americans which is what is happening in
> 2017 what do you want them to do? Protest
> peacefully and die in the streets. The fact is if
> you are serious about saving the planet and ending
> genocide the only solution is the termination of
> the white race, otherwise we are all doomed to
> suffer and perish. For money.

LMFAO. Between the black on black murder rate (93%), and the fact that your own black women are aborting their little nigglets in epidimic numbers, you idiots are exterminating yourselves quite nicely without the help of anyone. Lolz!

And if you think that blacks and other non-Whites will live in harmony without the White race, you've obviously never took history class, nor studied human biology or non-White history. In fact blacks have the highest violent crime level of any race. That's more rapes, more murders, more armed robberies, more sexual assaults, and more hate crimes against Asians, against Indians, against Whites, and against Hispanics. I can only imagine how peaceful this planet would be without the black savage.

It would be a God damned paradise.

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Re: 100,000 marchers in Los Angeles
Posted by: The only good nigger.... ()
Date: May 03, 2017 11:09PM

.....is a dead nigger.

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Re: 100,000 marchers in Los Angeles
Date: May 04, 2017 07:44AM

All those worthless protesters and the only time I wish somebody actually had access to a fucking flamethrower and M60 to take them all out with.

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