William Moreno is suddenly attempting to distance himself from his accomplice/roommate/fellow pedophile the twice-convicted child molester Chris Tator. Chris lived together with William and Lizzie and was a full-fledged member of the Moreno Crime Family, participating in the stalking/trespassing missions against eesh, attending court with the Morenos, etc. Yet he now seems to have fallen out of favor.
William Moreno harbored Chris Tator in his Fairfax apartment and assisted Chris in evading the requirement to inform the State Police Sex Offender Registry of his home address.
Chris Tator accompanied the Moreno family to the courthouse last July for the eesh trial. Chris Tator sat with the Morenos when they conferred with the Assistant Commonwealth Attorney, sat with them in the courtroom, and stood together with them before leaving the courthouse. Chris was photographed at this event.
Chris Tator went on stalking missions with Monique in William's car. Chris and Monique drove to Richmond to stalk eesh, trespassed in eesh's backyard, and posed for selfies in the act. It is likely they made more than one of these stalking missions, and may have committed other crimes as well.