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Kris Askins and Christopher Tator are in fact the same person
Posted by: Todd L. ()
Date: March 21, 2017 06:57PM

William Moreno is suddenly attempting to distance himself from his accomplice/roommate/fellow pedophile the twice-convicted child molester Chris Tator. Chris lived together with William and Lizzie and was a full-fledged member of the Moreno Crime Family, participating in the stalking/trespassing missions against eesh, attending court with the Morenos, etc. Yet he now seems to have fallen out of favor.

William Moreno harbored Chris Tator in his Fairfax apartment and assisted Chris in evading the requirement to inform the State Police Sex Offender Registry of his home address.

Chris Tator accompanied the Moreno family to the courthouse last July for the eesh trial. Chris Tator sat with the Morenos when they conferred with the Assistant Commonwealth Attorney, sat with them in the courtroom, and stood together with them before leaving the courthouse. Chris was photographed at this event.

Chris Tator went on stalking missions with Monique in William's car. Chris and Monique drove to Richmond to stalk eesh, trespassed in eesh's backyard, and posed for selfies in the act. It is likely they made more than one of these stalking missions, and may have committed other crimes as well.
chris tator.png
William Moreno Kris Askins.jpg
PW GDC.png
fatass burke lake.jpg

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Re: Kris Askins and Christopher Tator are in fact the same person
Posted by: bDbY6 ()
Date: March 23, 2017 08:25PM


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Re: Kris Askins and Christopher Tator are in fact the same person
Posted by: Dookie Monster. ()
Date: March 24, 2017 09:39AM

2 scumbags!

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Re: Kris Askins and Christopher Tator are in fact the same person
Posted by: WSH LAX Back From The Dead. ()
Date: March 25, 2017 11:57AM

WHAT IS Up Bronarski's?

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Re: Kris Askins and Christopher Tator are in fact the same person
Posted by: WSH LAX Hair Pi ()
Date: May 02, 2017 01:11PM


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Re: Kris Askins and Christopher Tator are in fact the same person
Posted by: Tator Salad Love ()
Date: May 10, 2017 11:34AM

Harboring a criminal..pedo to boot. Great Miz.

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Re: Kris Askins and Christopher Tator are in fact the same person
Date: May 10, 2017 01:24PM

WSH LAX Back From The Dead. Wrote:
> WHAT IS Up Bronarski's?

Shower Boners!

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Re: Kris Askins and Christopher Tator are in fact the same person
Posted by: Updates soon ()
Date: May 10, 2017 03:54PM


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Re: Kris Askins and Christopher Tator are in fact the same person
Posted by: Around the corner ()
Date: May 16, 2017 03:47PM

lurks some info...

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Re: Kris Askins and Christopher Tator are in fact the same person
Posted by: Fochs Nuuse ()
Date: May 17, 2017 01:18PM


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Re: Kris Askins and Christopher Tator are in fact the same person
Posted by: BarStan The Crazy Cat ()
Date: May 18, 2017 08:28AM

News at 11

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Re: Kris Askins and Christopher Tator are in fact the same person
Posted by: More than that ()
Date: May 18, 2017 12:36PM

Tator Salad Love Wrote:
> Harboring a criminal..pedo to boot. Great Miz.

Miz actually has to pay Tator to be his friend.

Even other child molesters find Miz disgusting.

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Re: Kris Askins and Christopher Tator are in fact the same person
Posted by: Baked Stuffed Tator ()
Date: May 21, 2017 10:59AM


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Re: Kris Askins and Christopher Tator are in fact the same person
Posted by: Terry Huttle ()
Date: May 25, 2017 12:40PM

This is absurd.

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Re: Kris Askins and Christopher Tator are in fact the same person
Posted by: Absurd? nahhhh..... ()
Date: August 11, 2017 01:42AM

Terry Huttle Wrote:
> This is absurd.

This is FFU.

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Re: Kris Askins and Christopher Tator are in fact the same person
Posted by: Jdy3n ()
Date: August 11, 2017 01:43PM

Looks like he was convicted in December of providing false information.

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Re: Kris Askins and Christopher Tator are in fact the same person
Posted by: rapid weight gain ()
Date: September 12, 2017 06:52PM

Chris/Kris has put on a lot of weight, but he is the same person. He is hard of hearing and the court documents for Chris Tator indicate he had an ASL sign language interpreter for his felony child molestation cases.

PW conviction pleadings.png
PW conviction.png

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Re: Kris Askins and Christopher Tator are in fact the same person
Posted by: 275 lbs ()
Date: September 12, 2017 06:56PM

According to the VA Sex Offender Registry, Chris Tator is 5'10" and 275 lbs, which is the same as Kris Askins.
fatass 2.png

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Re: Kris Askins and Christopher Tator are in fact the same person
Posted by: bastard uploaded porn here ()
Date: September 26, 2018 12:27AM

Remember when he tried to get this place shut down by posting kiddie porn?

Fuck him.

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Re: Kris Askins and Christopher Tator are in fact the same person
Posted by: Release Date: 2031 ()
Date: February 19, 2019 01:27PM

william moreno roommate monique wells boyfriend.jpg

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Re: Kris Askins and Christopher Tator are in fact the same person
Posted by: it really burned Miz ()
Date: July 21, 2020 11:42AM

Lizzie had sex with Tator right in front of Moreno, but never had sex with Moreno himself.

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Re: Kris Askins and Christopher Tator are in fact the same person
Posted by: Liz had sex with Miz not Chris ()
Date: July 21, 2020 11:45AM

That never happened

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Re: Kris Askins and Christopher Tator are in fact the same person
Posted by: Miz never had no Mo ()
Date: July 21, 2020 11:48AM

Sorry William, the only thing your little needle dick has ever penetrated is your mom Sharon's ass.
anybody fuck their mom up ass.png

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Re: Kris Askins and Christopher Tator are in fact the same person
Posted by: Well since I'm really Lizzie ()
Date: July 21, 2020 11:48AM

I'd know

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Re: Kris Askins and Christopher Tator are in fact the same person
Posted by: Well since I'm really Shane ()
Date: July 21, 2020 11:52AM

Well since I'm really Lizzie Wrote:
> I'd know

Oh, another fake lizzie. Since I'm dead I'd know.

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Re: Kris Askins and Christopher Tator are in fact the same person
Posted by: What if I told you ()
Date: July 21, 2020 11:55AM

I really was Lizzie?

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Re: Kris Askins and Christopher Tator are in fact the same person
Posted by: I'm Meade Skelton ()
Date: July 21, 2020 11:57AM

What if I told you Wrote:
> I really was Lizzie?

I'd laugh. Fake lizzies are a dime a dozen. Lizzie has many, many registered names she could use.

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Re: Kris Askins and Christopher Tator are in fact the same person
Posted by: Shows how much you know ()
Date: July 21, 2020 12:04PM

But everyone knows lizzie posts anon all the time. And if you actually knew Lizzie the way you claim you do you'd know when she is posting anon.

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Re: Kris Askins and Christopher Tator are in fact the same person
Posted by: And spoil all the fun? ()
Date: July 21, 2020 12:05PM

I'm Meade Skelton Wrote:
> Lizzie has many, many registered names she could
> use.

What would be the point of that? If I made a new name and posted under it you think that'd somehow make me lizzie?

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Re: Kris Askins and Christopher Tator are in fact the same person
Posted by: nope. ()
Date: July 21, 2020 12:07PM

Lizzie has not posted since she got out of prison.

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Re: Kris Askins and Christopher Tator are in fact the same person
Posted by: Lizzie's posting right now LMAO ()
Date: July 21, 2020 12:09PM

What actually makes you think that? Seriously.

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Re: Kris Askins and Christopher Tator are in fact the same person
Posted by: LMAO. ()
Date: July 21, 2020 12:12PM

The world is filled with lizzie impersonators. The real lizzie could easily use one of her registered names which are known to be her. But she hasn't. Nor have any of the impersonators posted any information which would confirm their identity as Monique.


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Re: Kris Askins and Christopher Tator are in fact the same person
Posted by: Again no point in that ()
Date: July 21, 2020 12:16PM

Do you really think someone would remember passwords to 50 names from five years ago? Even when she posted from the lizzie name it wasn't believed so again what's the point? And I've posted lots of info that only Lizzie would know.

What sort of evidence would you like, lady?

Even funnier is when I was posting in the Lizzie thread about a week ago I stepped away to take a call and looked back and there were multiple impersonations. It was hilarious indeed.

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Re: Kris Askins and Christopher Tator are in fact the same person
Posted by: still no lizzie ()
Date: July 21, 2020 12:34PM

Again no point in that Wrote:
> Do you really think someone would remember
> passwords to 50 names from five years ago?

Yes, why not? She certainly seemed able to remember them all before her chimpout and prison stay. Having 50 possibilities increases the odds of remembering the password to at least one.

> Even
> when she posted from the lizzie name it wasn't
> believed

The recent post from the lizzie name was clearly made by Moreno. And if she had access to the account, why hasn't she made any more posts?

> What sort of evidence would you like, lady?
> Even funnier is when I was posting in the Lizzie
> thread about a week ago I stepped away to take a
> call and looked back and there were multiple
> impersonations. It was hilarious indeed.

The real lizzie has not posted in the lizzie thread. There are however countless people pretending to know Monique and pretending to have inside information about her. None of the details can be verified, so what is the point?

At this point it seems likely that lizzie will go back to prison before she ever posts again.


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Re: Kris Askins and Christopher Tator are in fact the same person
Posted by: Finally happy ()
Date: July 21, 2020 12:45PM

still no lizzie Wrote:
> Yes, why not? She certainly seemed able to
> remember them all before her chimpout and prison
> stay.

Which was almost five years ago..dumbass.

> The recent post from the lizzie name was clearly
> made by Moreno. And if she had access to the
> account, why hasn't she made any more posts?

LMFAO! Please explain how a picture of lizzie on the lizzie name was "clearly made by moreno" and if it were why hasn't he made anymore posts?

As for Lizzie, she doesn't need to post from a registered name. She always posted anon, everyone knows this. So why stop now?

> The real lizzie has not posted in the lizzie
> thread.

I've posted a few hundred times on there. Maybe thousands. I haven't read it all though, probably never will. I got to page three and got tired. Such repetitive bullshit, so many lies, it's incredible.

I have no idea who this Kyle person is that I supposedly talked to at Panera. And went to some lacrosse game with William with.

Even funnier that he supposedly went to PVI high and would come over after school but I worked at Panera in the summertime LMAO!

> At this point it seems likely that lizzie will go
> back to prison before she ever posts again.

Except I'm never going to prison again, sorry. Got way too much money now for that. I can pay someone to do my bidding. Besides, life is too good now to throw away.

Back then I didn't give a fuck. Wasn't in touch with my family, didn't have a girlfriend or vehicle or place of my own, etc.

Now I have everything I've ever wanted plus more. William doesn't know he did me a huge favor by having me locked up.

Best part is now he's the one who wants me back in his life. Nah, I'm good. Not going backwards. He messed up and can live with that for the rest of his lonely miserable life.

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Re: Kris Askins and Christopher Tator are in fact the same person
Posted by: Hi William. ()
Date: July 21, 2020 12:57PM

^ We see you are back impersonating lizzie again. You have still failed to provide a credible explanation of the posts from the lizzie account: how the posts were made while Monique was incarcerated, why at least one of them was directed at her (drugs), and why there has been only one post since her release and why the post keeps getting edited.

You really gave yourself away when you posted lizzie's phone number from the lizzie account though.

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Re: Kris Askins and Christopher Tator are in fact the same person
Posted by: Definitely NOT William ()
Date: July 21, 2020 01:01PM

Chris made the posts. This has already been said.

There's only been one post because that's all she wanted to say.

The post keeps getting edited simply just to fuck with you and keep you guessing. You know, like how Lizzie always does.

And that was her OLD number from before she got locked up.

What sort of evidence would you like, I asked you this already.

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Re: Kris Askins and Christopher Tator are in fact the same person
Posted by: another thing Miz, ()
Date: July 21, 2020 01:02PM

Everyone knows you fucked with Kyle, just as you harassed and fucked with many other innocent people including Colton West, Walter Cox, and even the Leiser's children.

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Re: Kris Askins and Christopher Tator are in fact the same person
Posted by: I can swear on the Bible ()
Date: July 21, 2020 01:04PM

William may have fucked with Kyle but I, Monique Danette Wells can swear to God, on my mother's life, on my freedom, my relationship and everything I hold dear that I have absolutely no fucking idea who the fuck that's supposed to be and never talked to someone at Panera. I don't like people. I'm not going to sit and fucking chit chat with a mother fucker at work. So nah, never happened. Never went to any lacrosse game with William.

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Re: Kris Askins and Christopher Tator are in fact the same person
Posted by: They can both DIAF ()
Date: July 21, 2020 01:21PM

Monique actively participated in much of the stalking and and harassment carried out by the Moreno Crime Family, a considerable amount of which targeted innocent victims.

Monique is just as evil as Moreno or more so; in a different way, but evil nonetheless.

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Re: Kris Askins and Christopher Tator are in fact the same person
Posted by: I'm a teacher of lessons ()
Date: July 21, 2020 01:28PM

Except for whoever the fuck Kyle is. And no. Anyone who I ever fucked with was not innocent. They all did something to deserve the shit they got. And I taught each and every single one of them a lesson because they stopped their fucking bullshit. Never fuck with me. Because not only will I get you, karma will too. It never fails. I've seen it happen and I've gotten mine too.

Best part is my karma propelled me into living my best life!

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Re: Kris Askins and Christopher Tator are in fact the same person
Posted by: bullseye ()
Date: July 21, 2020 01:36PM

I'm a teacher of lessons Wrote:
> Except for whoever the fuck Kyle is. And no.
> Anyone who I ever fucked with was not innocent.
> They all did something to deserve the shit they
> got. And I taught each and every single one of
> them a lesson because they stopped their fucking
> bullshit. Never fuck with me. Because not only
> will I get you, karma will too. It never fails.
> I've seen it happen and I've gotten mine too.
> Best part is my karma propelled me into living my
> best life!

Keep telling yourself that. You have no idea. Just because you imagined or thought someone did something to you does not make it so. You harassed and defamed people who had done nothing whatsoever to you.

Those "lessons" might just come back to you when and in a manner you least expect. So enjoy that life while it lasts, LOL.

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Re: Kris Askins and Christopher Tator are in fact the same person
Posted by: Bitch you know nothing at all ()
Date: July 21, 2020 01:39PM

LMFAO no bitch. YOU have no idea. You don't know WTF anyone has done to anyone else. Contrary to popular belief not everything that happens gets posted on this website.

And that's great. I look forward to once again winning and bashing heads in as usual.

I'm going to keep enjoying my life. Sorry the same can't be said for you.

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Re: Kris Askins and Christopher Tator are in fact the same person
Posted by: lizzie truly believes her lies ()
Date: July 21, 2020 02:15PM

First of all, Monique is mildly retarded and a delusional paranoid schizophrenic. Thus it is natural that she would be unable to sort through life's events and complex situations with incomplete information. Thus based on whatever she thinks she "knows", Monique simply decides in her mind that someone has "wronged" her. She then she feels completely self-justified in meting out whatever type of retribution she feels is suited.

Hence when Monique says she doesn't remember someone, or claims that the innocent victims she harassed and defamed "deserved" it, she truly believes herself. She will never acknowledge any culpability because she believes her own incorrect conclusions, lies, and misinformation.

Whether that matters will depend on whether she is in front of a judge or not. More karma is probably coming her way in any event.

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Re: Kris Askins and Christopher Tator are in fact the same person
Posted by: Everyone gets theirs in the end ()
Date: July 21, 2020 02:23PM

There's a difference between not remembering someone and people completely making up bullshit.

Lizzie owns up to all her shit. Always has. Just like the recording of her admitting to stalking Katie.

Yet she wasn't convicted of stalking Katie nor did her two violation of protective order charges stick.

Why do you think that is? Because she's so mildly retarded and delusional? Makes sense LMAO

As for karma? Of course it's always in the works as it is for EVERYONE, including you.

Once again, everyone I fucked with did something to me or was connected to someone who did.

I simply did into others and am STILL WINNING and always will be.

Two time felon
$30,000.00 in the bank without working
An amazing girlfriend who I don't have to beat
My own truck and own place

Not 40 years old begging anyone for friendship and not bankrupt LMFAO

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Re: Kris Askins and Christopher Tator are in fact the same person
Posted by: Most definitely Lizzie ()
Date: July 21, 2020 02:26PM

Oh yeah and two time felon, did two years in jail, one in prison and still fucked more women in one years than most of the men on this website have in their entire lives.

Not living in my mom's house or driving her car or forever tainted by a massive amount of mugshots online LOL

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Re: Kris Askins and Christopher Tator are in fact the same person
Posted by: Executioner ()
Date: July 21, 2020 02:46PM

Everyone gets theirs in the end Wrote:
> There's a difference between not remembering
> someone and people completely making up bullshit.
> Once again, everyone I fucked with did something
> to me or was connected to someone who did.

A more accurate phrasing would be: "Everyone I fucked with I believed had done something to me or was connected to someone who did."

Lizzie has a low threshold for deciding who has "done something to her". Those snap judgments coupled with her fairly low capacity for complex thought often result in lizzie assigning blame to innocent bystanders who have only a tenuous connection at best. She acts to assign blame and punishment based on what she thinks she knows. There is no pause to ensure she has grasped the whole entire picture or that she's heard what she thinks she heard.

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Re: Kris Askins and Christopher Tator are in fact the same person
Posted by: Worry about your own life ()
Date: July 21, 2020 02:53PM

Of course you can't name one single person who didn't do anything or wasn't connected to someone who did so anything you're saying is moot at this point.

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Re: Kris Askins and Christopher Tator are in fact the same person
Posted by: No need for names ()
Date: July 21, 2020 03:05PM

Worry about your own life Wrote:
> Of course you can't name one single person who
> didn't do anything or wasn't connected to someone
> who did so anything you're saying is moot at this
> point.

There are about 20 or so victims of the MCF in total, ranging in culpability from allies of eesh to totally innocent bystanders. A nearly complete list has been posted previously, but they aren't on trial so there's no need to drag their names up for further defamation.

For those people who did nothing whatsoever to her, lizzie certainly imagines and has convinced herself that they did. No amount of actual facts would change lizzie's mind once made up. Names would serve no purpose other than more harassment.

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Re: Kris Askins and Christopher Tator are in fact the same person
Posted by: Because they don't exist ()
Date: July 21, 2020 03:10PM

LMFAO exactly because there is no one and hahahaha allies of eesh LMAO no such thing!

Funny part is there's not that many people and those imaginary people have all moved on with their lives and don't give a shit about some internet drama from half a decade ago.

It's time you move on too.

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Re: Kris Askins and Christopher Tator are in fact the same person
Posted by: Collateral Danage ()
Date: July 21, 2020 03:10PM

Everyone gets theirs in the end Wrote:

> Once again, everyone I fucked with did something
> to me or was connected to someone who did.

What sort of person thinks it is okay to take revenge out on a person because they are 'connected' with the real target? That is really a lame justification for bad behavior.

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Re: Kris Askins and Christopher Tator are in fact the same person
Posted by: lizzie was not around for all ()
Date: July 21, 2020 03:13PM

Lizzie was already behind bars the time Miz was in full swing going after Kyle. She may not remember him. Same for Walter C. Nobody really knows how Miz was involved with Colton, but his body was found on July 24 2017 and lizzie's chimpout was Sept 11 2016.

So those 3 were all Miz.

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Re: Kris Askins and Christopher Tator are in fact the same person
Posted by: allies ()
Date: July 21, 2020 03:15PM

Because they don't exist Wrote:
> LMFAO exactly because there is no one and hahahaha
> allies of eesh LMAO no such thing!
> Funny part is there's not that many people and
> those imaginary people have all moved on with
> their lives and don't give a shit about some
> internet drama from half a decade ago.
> It's time you move on too.

"Allies of eesh" would include, at a minimum, his father and late mother, who have been targeted by the Moreno Crime Family.

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Re: Kris Askins and Christopher Tator are in fact the same person
Posted by: Did I say it was okay? Nope ()
Date: July 21, 2020 03:16PM

Collateral Danage Wrote:
> What sort of person thinks it is okay to take
> revenge out on a person because they are
> 'connected' with the real target? That is really
> a lame justification for bad behavior.

EVERYONE here has done it. So it was done to them. That thing called karma, payback? Yeah. That's how you play the game. At least I can fucking admit to my shit.

You fuck with me I will make you regret it. Period.

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Re: Kris Askins and Christopher Tator are in fact the same person
Posted by: Stupid is as dumbasses do ()
Date: July 21, 2020 03:19PM

lizzie was not around for all Wrote:
> Lizzie was already behind bars the time Miz was in
> full swing going after Kyle.

I can't remember someone I never fucking met LoL. I had no involvement with whatever or whoever that was.

I read a post of some idiot saying some shit about me avoiding the topic. Since when do I avoid any topic? LMAO. I post EVERYTHING.

I don't click on threads that don't interest me. Meade, Gerry, political shit, etc. So nah I never read any of that shit. Never went to any games with William. Ever. Bitch please. Yall are some crazy assess. Making up all kinds of shit about me. I love it. Keep it up. Keeps you from knowing what's really going on.

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Re: Kris Askins and Christopher Tator are in fact the same person
Posted by: In that case yes ()
Date: July 21, 2020 03:20PM

allies Wrote:
> "Allies of eesh" would include, at a minimum, his
> father and late mother, who have been targeted by
> the Moreno Crime Family.

Don't think dead people can be an ally.

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Re: Kris Askins and Christopher Tator are in fact the same person
Posted by: Not everyone has done it ()
Date: July 21, 2020 03:21PM

Did I say it was okay? Nope Wrote:
> Collateral Danage Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > What sort of person thinks it is okay to take
> > revenge out on a person because they are
> > 'connected' with the real target? That is
> really
> > a lame justification for bad behavior.
> EVERYONE here has done it. So it was done to them.
> That thing called karma, payback? Yeah. That's how
> you play the game. At least I can fucking admit to
> my shit.
> You fuck with me I will make you regret it.
> Period.

No. It's fair to say that Katie's sister, brother, and child never did anything to lizzie or the Morenos. Nor did the witnesses the Morenos intimidated and harassed. For that matter, the magistrates, judges, and lawyers were just doing their jobs yet they were also defamed and harassed by the Moreno Crime Family.

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Re: Kris Askins and Christopher Tator are in fact the same person
Posted by: alive and well ()
Date: July 21, 2020 03:25PM

In that case yes Wrote:
> allies Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > "Allies of eesh" would include, at a minimum,
> his
> > father and late mother, who have been targeted
> by
> > the Moreno Crime Family.
> Don't think dead people can be an ally.

Eesh's father is very much alive yet he is harassed constantly, despite never taking any public stand in the affairs.

Likewise Katie's parents are alive and they are still hareassed

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Re: Kris Askins and Christopher Tator are in fact the same person
Posted by: Get over it. Nobody cares ()
Date: July 21, 2020 03:32PM

I'm sorry you feel that way. Bullying can be tough and hurts the imaginary victims.

The same can be said about everyone else. And the more you bitch about it the more it'll keep happening.

None of those people come on this site so I doubt they're as broken up about it as you.

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Re: Kris Askins and Christopher Tator are in fact the same person
Posted by: More Moreno Madness ()
Date: July 21, 2020 03:47PM

Get over it. Nobody cares Wrote:
> I'm sorry you feel that way. Bullying can be tough
> and hurts the imaginary victims.
> The same can be said about everyone else. And the
> more you bitch about it the more it'll keep
> happening.
> None of those people come on this site so I doubt
> they're as broken up about it as you.

Miz and lizzie are bullies and their victims are definitely not imaginary (apart from Kyle's imaginary frineds). Because both Miz and lizzie are uneducated, unemployed, uneducated, poor (yes, POOR) criminal losers at the bottom rungs of society, most people don't pay much attention to them. Indeed the victims may not be much broken up about it or even cognizant of the bullying. But because the offending defamatory posts have not gone away, the possibility remains open.

Being ignored by their victims has only served to embolden the MCF bullies.They have continued to harass and defame their victims and even added a few more since lizzie was locked up.

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Re: Kris Askins and Christopher Tator are in fact the same person
Posted by: Who's gonna check me bitch?! ()
Date: July 21, 2020 03:59PM

Nobody cares. In fact I'm going to show you how much no one cares by spamming Katie's nudes. Yep. Me Lizzie. Admitting to it LMFAO and what?!

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Re: Kris Askins and Christopher Tator are in fact the same person
Posted by: Evil bully LMFAO ()
Date: July 21, 2020 04:01PM

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Re: Kris Askins and Christopher Tator are in fact the same person
Posted by: someone cares ()
Date: July 21, 2020 04:14PM

Who's gonna check me bitch?! Wrote:
> Nobody cares. In fact I'm going to show you how
> much no one cares by spamming Katie's nudes. Yep.
> Me Lizzie. Admitting to it LMFAO and what?!

So you do care.

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Re: Kris Askins and Christopher Tator are in fact the same person
Posted by: I most certainly do care ()
Date: July 21, 2020 04:16PM

I care so much I'm leaving now. Bye.

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Re: Kris Askins and Christopher Tator are in fact the same person
Posted by: Bye William ()
Date: July 21, 2020 04:17PM

I most certainly do care Wrote:
> I care so much I'm leaving now. Bye.

See you later tonight, as usual

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