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Date: October 11, 2006 12:05PM

First off, this isn't for me, this is for my sisters sig. other. He is currently getting screwed over by someone who has already brought him to several court cases which have each been thrown out in several different counties. Then they filed their case through Faquier County. Supposedly the judge in the case is actually related to the people that charged him. I don't know all of the details in the case but what I do know is that he was denied the right to a fair trial. He told the judge he could not afford an attourny and that he would like a court appointed attourny/public defender. The judge denied his request. Now I thought this was impossible but apparently in faquier it isn't. Like I said, they can't really afford a lawyer but they desperately need a good lawyer because they're getting screwed over by a crooked judge.

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Re: Legal Info
Posted by: § ()
Date: October 11, 2006 12:50PM

Hard to say without the details. Is this a criminal or civil matter? It depends on income re: court appt. atty being granted. If there is a clear conflict of interest with the judge, you will have to prove this in order to change venue. Details? -§

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Re: Legal Info
Date: October 11, 2006 04:44PM

I believe it is a civil matter. Unfortunately I have to get the details through my mother because my sisters sig other doesn't want anyone to know whats going, so I'm sure she won't talk to me about it. Most of the info I was given might not even be correct. Basically, the deal is my "brother in law" we'll call him in a contractor, works on houses etc. This woman claims he screwed up her house and tried to sue him in Fairfax County and the judge threw the case out. So she went to Loudon County, same thing, now she's brought him to Faquier which is the county this whole incident happened in to begin with and the first thing the judge did was throw him in jail for what sounded to me like Contempt of court. Now I know my bro-in-law can be a smart ass but I know he'd never be a smart ass in court. Eventually the people my bro-in-law works for found out whats going on and apparently this lady has tried doing this numerous times to not only their company, but a few others. It sounds like she gets her living off of suing people. I wish I could provide more details but I can't. And I wish our family could afford to get him a good lawyer, considering they already gave a lawyer 6 grand it he didn't even appear the day the judge threw him in jail...at least thats what I've been told. Keep in mind this is passed down info which could be totally wrong.

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Re: Legal Info
Posted by: pgens ()
Date: October 11, 2006 05:43PM

Sounds like the brother-in-law needs to 1) keep his trap shut, and 2) consult other contractors in his business who have probably dealt with this kind of thing in the past. You have already identified others that have been sued by this woman... what happened in their cases? They may have attorney referrals. You may get offers from someone here to represent, but I sure wouldn't take legal advice from posts.

If nothing else, maybe a countersuit for legal harassment would make the lady go away.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/11/2006 05:43PM by pgens.

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Re: Legal Info
Posted by: § ()
Date: October 11, 2006 07:16PM

If the other cases are pending, you could seek consolidation if the claims are identical. Alos, try to hold that atty accountable that rec'd $6k in fees (that's a small retainer BTW - probably had a rainmaking client with more $$$ at the time of hearing - overbooking happens often at that level.) -§

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