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A second chance from Obama - now rearrested
Posted by: Thanks, Obama ()
Date: February 08, 2017 12:41AM

from: http://www.expressnews.com/news/local/article/A-second-chance-from-Obama-then-another-10907050.php

A second chance from Obama — then another cocaine arrest

By Guillermo Contreras, San Antonio Express-News
February 3, 2017 Updated: February 4, 2017 6:32pm

A San Antonio man who was freed from life in prison by President Barack Obama is back behind bars, accused of crashing his car into another vehicle while fleeing from officers after a drug deal Thursday.

[click on link above to get the rest]


Obama-freed guy had over a lb of cocaine on him. Fled police at high speed & crashed into another vehicle. Now charged with narcotics trafficing and eluding police. Held without bond.

The story doesn't indicate whether the innocent civilian was injured when the perp's car crashed into the civilian's car. At any rate, the civilian should at least send Obama the bill for his car repairs.

Officers and civilian lives at risk during criminal's attempts to escape police because Obama freed that criminal. How many more crimes will occur from all of those criminals freed by Obama?

For years to come, civilians and officers will be at risk from Obama's misguided mass-freeing of guilty inmates.

Thanks, Obama!

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Re: A second chance from Obama - now rearrested
Posted by: dHm93 ()
Date: February 08, 2017 01:38AM

It won't take long for the rest of the recidivists freed by POS obamao to make thewir way back to a nice free bed and breakfast in prison. Buy prison stocks. Can't lose here!

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Re: A second chance from Obama - now rearrested
Posted by: Vexxxed ()
Date: February 08, 2017 05:25AM

And Obama's true legacy lives on.

Chaos. That's all we ever got from the community organizer.

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Re: A second chance from Obama - now rearrested
Posted by: What say you Gerrymanderer2? ()
Date: February 08, 2017 02:16PM

Hey Gerry.

If you were the unlucky guy whose car was crashed into by this guy, what would you say?

Not wishing anyone ill, but I have to say it. It would be poetic justice if it was an Obama voter whose car was hit by the criminal freed by Obama.

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