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Preferred methods of suicide - Choice #1
Posted by: White Flag ()
Date: January 15, 2017 02:25PM

Ive decided I'm going to do it, just can't decide on my method. I'm leaning toward carbon monoxide poisoning.

In the car, in the middle of nowhere so I wont be interupted. Hose from exhaust pipe into car.

Length of time to die?
Success/failure rate?
Chances of not dying and ending up a hopeless vegetable?
Any pain involved or do you just pass out? I'm thinking of drinking straight vodka while I wait for unconsciousness to dull the sensations.

Serious comments ONLY please. This is not a joke!

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Re: Preferred methods of suicide - Choice #1
Posted by: you're a faggot ()
Date: January 15, 2017 02:27PM

Considering your faggot ass drives a Prius, you will not die.

Make America Great Again!

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Re: Preferred methods of suicide - Choice #1
Posted by: White Flag ()
Date: January 15, 2017 02:29PM

Oh one more question. Does this take a long time so I should fill the gas tank first?

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Re: Preferred methods of suicide - Choice #1
Posted by: 10 stitches ()
Date: January 15, 2017 02:30PM

Hanging yourself with a red tie from a door knob.

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Re: Preferred methods of suicide - Choice #1
Posted by: HDUcv ()
Date: January 15, 2017 02:37PM

>... ending up a hopeless vegetable?

Could you tell the difference? You are posting here.

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Re: Preferred methods of suicide - Choice #1
Posted by: Still Alive! ()
Date: January 15, 2017 03:09PM

I've been told this no longer works with the advent of catalytic converters on cars. Don't remember who told me this, but it was a person who was still alive after trying.

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Re: Preferred methods of suicide - Choice #1
Posted by: Hi William ()
Date: January 15, 2017 03:23PM

White Flag Wrote:
> Ive decided I'm going to do it, just can't decide
> on my method. I'm leaning toward carbon monoxide
> poisoning.
> In the car, in the middle of nowhere so I wont be
> interupted. Hose from exhaust pipe into car.
> Length of time to die?
> Success/failure rate?
> Chances of not dying and ending up a hopeless
> vegetable?
> Any pain involved or do you just pass out? I'm
> thinking of drinking straight vodka while I wait
> for unconsciousness to dull the sensations.
> Serious comments ONLY please. This is not a joke!

Just keep posting your threats until the emergency personnel intervene. Then sue the person who called. You can get a couple million dollars and all your problems will be solved.

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Re: Preferred methods of suicide - Choice #1
Posted by: Dog Walker1 ()
Date: January 15, 2017 04:44PM

I can't tell whether you are serious, but I will take this seriously.

Please talk to family and friends before you take such a drastic and probably unchangeable action. Carefully consider how this will affect those who know you and care about you.

Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem, at least in the overwhelming majority of cases.

About 80% of those who try suicide by jumping off San Francisco's Golden Gate die.

About 13 or more years back, a book author interviewed almost all of the recent jumpers who survived.

The author found that all of those 20% who jumped and lived regretted jumping as soon as they left the bridge. The first thought after jumping was "why did I jump, this was not a good decision!"

A friend in high school decades back tried suicide, but fortunately lived. When I saw her decades later, she was happily married and had a child.

A friend, who I had not seen in a while, tried suicide unsuccessfully about 12 years ago. As he was recovering in a hospital in another state, he couldn't believe that his thought processes had led him to make such a poor decision.

Anyway, he's happy now. He said that cognitive therapy from a clinical psychologist augmented by careful reading of the book "Feeling Good" by clinical psychologist Dr. David Burns helped him change his negative and self-sabotaging thought patterns.

In addition to seeing a counselor, you should find a sport that you enjoy and can do several times a week. Swimming is a great sport, but you might want to try tennis, basketball, ping pong, or some other sport that is social so you will meet others and expand your number of friends. Exercise is a great way to lift one's mood.

If you can't do sports for some reason, try chess, backgammon, cards, or some other games that you can do socially.

Try to join a church or other place of worship or other social groups.

Also, do not spend too much time with negative people or too much time on this message board.


It's nice to be important, but it's more important to be nice. - John Cassis on manners

Ignoring juvenile attacks and remarks on the internet for over two decades.

Arguing by deflection or name-calling is an admission that you don't have a rational argument.

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Re: Preferred methods of suicide - Choice #1
Posted by: Bud Hoal... ()
Date: January 15, 2017 10:00PM

You're better off listening to some mellow Johnny Mandel and getting a solid night of sleep.


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Re: Preferred methods of suicide - Choice #1
Posted by: mJuuh ()
Date: January 15, 2017 10:52PM

White Flag Wrote:
> Ive decided I'm going to do it, just can't decide
> on my method. I'm leaning toward carbon monoxide
> poisoning.
> In the car, in the middle of nowhere so I wont be
> interupted. Hose from exhaust pipe into car.
> Length of time to die?
> Success/failure rate?
> Chances of not dying and ending up a hopeless
> vegetable?
> Any pain involved or do you just pass out? I'm
> thinking of drinking straight vodka while I wait
> for unconsciousness to dull the sensations.
> Serious comments ONLY please. This is not a joke!

Yeah, I think that will work well. So go ahead and do it, and then report back and tell us how it worked out.

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Re: Preferred methods of suicide - Choice #1
Posted by: SWAT yourself ()
Date: January 16, 2017 12:30AM

that's the favorite on this board. If it fails, you can always blame eesh.

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Re: Preferred methods of suicide - Choice #1
Posted by: Put together a bucket list first ()
Date: January 16, 2017 06:29AM

Put together a bucket list of things that you've always wanted to do, then do them!

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Re: Preferred methods of suicide - Choice #1
Posted by: electric eels ()
Date: January 16, 2017 06:43AM

But a loy, by which I mean a fuckload, of electirc eels at the pet shop. Put them in your neighborhood pool. Then jump in. Problem solved!

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Re: Preferred methods of suicide - Choice #1
Posted by: doss ()
Date: January 16, 2017 07:04AM

White Flag Wrote:
> Ive decided I'm going to do it, just can't decide
> on my method. I'm leaning toward carbon monoxide
> poisoning.
> In the car, in the middle of nowhere so I wont be
> interupted. Hose from exhaust pipe into car.
> Length of time to die?
> Success/failure rate?
> Chances of not dying and ending up a hopeless
> vegetable?
> Any pain involved or do you just pass out? I'm
> thinking of drinking straight vodka while I wait
> for unconsciousness to dull the sensations.
> Serious comments ONLY please. This is not a joke!

Dont do the vodka, I do that everyday u will just wake up with horrible headache and hangover, and make life worse than it is

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Re: Preferred methods of suicide - Choice #1
Posted by: still here ()
Date: January 16, 2017 07:21AM

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Re: Preferred methods of suicide - Choice #1
Posted by: Combustion guy ()
Date: January 16, 2017 08:49AM

White Flag Wrote:
> Ive decided I'm going to do it, just can't decide
> on my method. I'm leaning toward carbon monoxide
> poisoning.
> In the car, in the middle of nowhere so I wont be
> interupted. Hose from exhaust pipe into car.
> Length of time to die?
> Success/failure rate?
> Chances of not dying and ending up a hopeless
> vegetable?
> Any pain involved or do you just pass out? I'm
> thinking of drinking straight vodka while I wait
> for unconsciousness to dull the sensations.
> Serious comments ONLY please. This is not a joke!

To do this properly with a modern car you really need to get the vehicle in a reasonably sealed enclosure such as a garage. With the open air method you describe the engine will have unlimited access to fresh air which will keep CO levels low and you might just get brain damage.
In a garage the same air is cycled through the combustion process over and over. Each time the combustion air goes through less and less oxygen will be present and you get the high level of CO that you need for certain death.
If you do use this method it would be nice to post warning signs to let anyone know the danger that exists after you pass away.

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Re: Preferred methods of suicide - Choice #1
Posted by: Dog Walker1 ()
Date: January 16, 2017 06:10PM

In addition to following suggestions that I made above, you should consider getting a pet, preferably from an animal shelter.

I'm partial towards dogs, but a cat might be better suited for you if you would be away from home for many hours every work day. Both animals have advantages and disadvantages.

Also, get involved in helping people through a charity or on your own. That could help elevate your mood.



It's nice to be important, but it's more important to be nice. - John Cassis on manners

Ignoring juvenile attacks and remarks on the internet for over two decades.

Arguing by deflection or name-calling is an admission that you don't have a rational argument.

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Re: Preferred methods of suicide - Choice #1
Posted by: Dog Walker1 ()
Date: January 16, 2017 06:23PM

White Flag Wrote:
> Ive decided I'm going to do it, just can't decide
> on my method. I'm leaning toward carbon monoxide
> poisoning.
> In the car, in the middle of nowhere so I wont be
> interupted. Hose from exhaust pipe into car.
> Length of time to die?
> Success/failure rate?
> Chances of not dying and ending up a hopeless
> vegetable?
> Any pain involved or do you just pass out? I'm
> thinking of drinking straight vodka while I wait
> for unconsciousness to dull the sensations.
> Serious comments ONLY please. This is not a joke!

What is it that is causing your suicidal thoughts?

Did you lose a job? Divorce or separate from a spouse? Medical or financial circumstances? Suffer some other loss?

It occurs to me that I've only been suggesting things that might help lift your mood. I should also be trying to understand what is causing your blues.


It's nice to be important, but it's more important to be nice. - John Cassis on manners

Ignoring juvenile attacks and remarks on the internet for over two decades.

Arguing by deflection or name-calling is an admission that you don't have a rational argument.

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Re: Preferred methods of suicide - Choice #1
Posted by: naxx ()
Date: January 16, 2017 06:34PM

Dog Walker1 Wrote:
> White Flag Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Ive decided I'm going to do it, just can't
> decide
> > on my method. I'm leaning toward carbon
> monoxide
> > poisoning.
> >
> > In the car, in the middle of nowhere so I wont
> be
> > interupted. Hose from exhaust pipe into car.
> >
> > Length of time to die?
> > Success/failure rate?
> > Chances of not dying and ending up a hopeless
> > vegetable?
> > Any pain involved or do you just pass out? I'm
> > thinking of drinking straight vodka while I
> wait
> > for unconsciousness to dull the sensations.
> >
> > Serious comments ONLY please. This is not a
> joke!
> What is it that is causing your suicidal
> thoughts?
> Did you lose a job? Divorce or separate from a
> spouse? Medical or financial circumstances? Suffer
> some other loss?
> It occurs to me that I've only been suggesting
> things that might help lift your mood. I should
> also be trying to understand what is causing your
> blues.

Stop with the smart talk idiot, we're looking for serious help or funny replies.
Ur post hurts our heads.

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