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The Holy Bible contains incest, rape and lots of murder
Posted by: VoteStrike ()
Date: December 07, 2016 08:29AM

Your God is DEAD.

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Re: The Holy Bible contains incest, rape and lots of murder
Posted by: Jeezus H. Fruppie ()
Date: December 07, 2016 08:31AM

You're stupid.

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Re: The Holy Bible contains incest, rape and lots of murder
Posted by: VoteStrike ()
Date: December 07, 2016 08:38AM

Yeah I'm stooped but that is your wife sucking my cock, bitch

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Re: The Holy Bible contains incest, rape and lots of murder
Posted by: It would suck to Ge you ()
Date: December 07, 2016 08:40AM

Another post by this op that makes one feel like commiting suicide. Just wondering op, have you ever made someone smile? Because nothing you have posted here has any uplifting qualities, nothing. Have you ever not been a depressing loser? I hope you don't have a job that requires you to be around children. I'll bet your a blast at parties...Not.

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Re: The Holy Bible contains incest, rape and lots of murder
Posted by: Hans Huckibein ()
Date: December 07, 2016 08:45AM

The Bible actually depicts more violence than the Quran, but those depictions are almost purely anecdotal, giving accounts of violent acts that took place within the early period of Judeo-Christian history. Acts of violence in the Quran however are a sort of a "how to" guide to spread the faith and bend non-believers to their will.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/07/2016 08:45AM by Hans Huckibein.

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Re: The Holy Bible contains incest, rape and lots of murder
Posted by: VoteStrike ()
Date: December 07, 2016 08:49AM

Ho go back to church

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Re: The Holy Bible contains incest, rape and lots of murder
Posted by: VoteStrike ()
Date: December 07, 2016 08:51AM

Yeah here's the thang, I'm a happy go lucky guy but like Johnny Cash I'll keep wearing black until the day all this BS stops and I can wear a fucking rainbow, YA DIG?

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Re: The Holy Bible contains incest, rape and lots of murder
Posted by: VoteStrike ()
Date: December 07, 2016 08:52AM

If you feel it, DO IT. Kill yourselves and save me the trouble.

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Re: The Holy Bible contains incest, rape and lots of murder
Posted by: nigga pa lease ()
Date: December 07, 2016 08:53AM

VoteStrike Wrote:
> Yeah here's the thang, I'm a happy go lucky guy
> but like Johnny Cash I'll keep wearing black until
> the day all this BS stops and I can wear a fucking
> rainbow, YA DIG?

Why this guy trying to act like an old school nigger

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Re: The Holy Bible contains incest, rape and lots of murder
Posted by: Nice try son ()
Date: December 07, 2016 08:59AM

Hans Huckibein Wrote:
> The Bible actually depicts more violence than the
> Quran.

Your going to have to provide proof of your claim, thanks.

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Re: The Holy Bible contains incest, rape and lots of murder
Posted by: apologetics ()
Date: December 07, 2016 09:02AM

A lot of the stuff in the old testament is made to be parabolic metaphors rather than be taken literally, but I wouldn't expect a dumb fuck progressive to have any understanding of the good book.

You couldn't even win a rigged election, and I'm supposed to take your word on religion now? That's a good one.

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Re: The Holy Bible contains incest, rape and lots of murder
Posted by: VoteStrike ()
Date: December 07, 2016 09:04AM

FUCK CLINTON, you stupid redneck

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Re: The Holy Bible contains incest, rape and lots of murder
Posted by: who is this girl? ()
Date: December 07, 2016 09:04AM

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Re: The Holy Bible contains incest, rape and lots of murder
Posted by: VoteStrike ()
Date: December 07, 2016 09:06AM

Elections v. Voters

As things stand now, with federal taxes, state taxes, county tax, sales tax, property taxes, car tax, gas tax, phone taxes, etc. “They” take 4 months of our wages every year in taxes. For that kind of money we should have the best schools on the planet, right? But every year 30 to 50% of our kids get left behind. Let me repeat, taxes take 4 months of your wages away from you every year. That's true under Republicans or Democrats!

The U.S. was the largest creditor in the world. Now the debt is in the trillions of dollars. Trillions of dollars transferred from the worlds richest & most powerful country. This is a form of destructive economic management at a level of graft & corruption that has NO parallel. There’s nothing comparable to that in history.

The national debt is in the trillions of dollars, even our kids will never see it paid off. As the administration and Congress argue over cuts in social programs, inequality in America grows more extreme each day. Even the great financial crash didn’t derail this trend. The richest 400 Americans, for example, increased their wealth by 54 percent between 2005 and 2010, while the median middle-class family saw its wealth decline by 35 percent.

It’s not the result of mysterious global forces, or technology, or China, or structural problems concerning the skills and education of our workforce. Rather, it is the direct result of policy choices made by Democrats and Republicans alike.

READ MORE- http://www.copsrcorrupt.com/elections-v.-voters.html

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Re: The Holy Bible contains incest, rape and lots of murder
Posted by: o rly? ()
Date: December 07, 2016 09:08AM

VoteStrike Wrote:
> FUCK CLINTON, you stupid redneck

Stop linking your shitty website here, nobody gives a fuck about your weird articles and they most assuredly don't want to read more

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Re: The Holy Bible contains incest, rape and lots of murder
Posted by: VoteStrike ()
Date: December 07, 2016 09:10AM

Don't read, it won't bother me one bit. I didn't write it for you, I wrote it against you.

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Re: The Holy Bible contains incest, rape and lots of murder
Posted by: VoteStrike ()
Date: December 07, 2016 09:12AM

Ha ha, you thought I wrote for your ugly stoopid asses? Really?? Why would I do something that stupid? It's not for you!!

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Re: The Holy Bible contains incest, rape and lots of murder
Posted by: VoteStrike ()
Date: December 07, 2016 09:21AM

I got money, weed and bitches and no job, do I really care. You dream of having a threesome once in your life while I have one every night. And while you can't get your own wives to put out, let me tell ya, when you're gone, she's a total freak. And I've got pics to prove it too.

Here's my other site. ENJOY!! http://xtcporno.com/gallery

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Re: The Holy Bible contains incest, rape and lots of murder
Posted by: tipd ()
Date: December 07, 2016 09:23AM

The only reason one would hate po po is cuz they are into some illegal shit.
I got facts that claim when one is pulled iver and written a ticket, that person claims some kind of abuse from officer.
Votestrike americas become pussies and liberals brought us there.
Grow up, stop doing drugs or illegal activities, then u wont worry about the po po

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Re: The Holy Bible contains incest, rape and lots of murder
Posted by: VoteStrike ()
Date: December 07, 2016 09:27AM

Do I look like I'm worried about the stupid corrupt police? My URL is Cops R Corrupt. Cops don't scare me because they are in my pocket. I own the mother fuckin' police. Do you understand??

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Re: The Holy Bible contains incest, rape and lots of murder
Posted by: VoteStrike ()
Date: December 07, 2016 09:30AM

Fuck the police they can't touch me. Cops are bitches just like you.

Fuck the Police Don't Just Say It, Do It! Here's How..

By Christopher R Rice

To understand the police, first you must know what the police are not. Your local police are not Adam-12 or CSI or Andy Taylor or Law and Order. Those television shows are mere propaganda (from a supposedly liberal media). There's a huge difference between fantasy (television/Hollywood) and reality.

This constant barrage of indoctrination has affected everyone's thinking. Some well intentioned people have joined the police force believing in the propaganda as we all have. And occasionally we hear about these police officers being fired or harassed by other police officers for stopping a beating or whatever.

Now, lets honestly look at what the police are. First and foremost they are scare crows. You know those sticks people dress up as farmers to scare the crows. How do we know that police are scarecrows? They paint police cars black and white so you can see them coming from a mile away. They are put into each community to scare the citizens into compliance. You know that they are just scarecrows because they make them wear uniforms. The cops that do the real thinking are called detectives and don't wear uniforms.

Besides being scarecrows your local police officer is also the modern day overseer. You know the guy that travelled around the plantation keeping everyone in line with the threat of a bull whip. Which makes every citizen a mere slave. The corporations own everything and you have two choices, (what they call 'free will') you can play by their rules or you can go live in the streets. Those are your only choices.


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Re: The Holy Bible contains incest, rape and lots of murder
Posted by: VoteStrike ()
Date: December 07, 2016 09:32AM

Not only have I beaten the police but I'm also teaching everyone else how to beat LE

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Re: The Holy Bible contains incest, rape and lots of murder
Posted by: VoteStrike ()
Date: December 07, 2016 09:36AM

The picture above is a Mojave Green, the 10th most deadliest snake on the planet. I have 40 of them that I keep as pets. And I hate America and I hate Americans and here is why-

Now do me a really big favor and do what you are suppose to do so we can move to the next step. Thanks.

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Re: The Holy Bible contains incest, rape and lots of murder
Posted by: ()? ()
Date: December 07, 2016 10:21AM

Ok douchebag cops in ur back pocket and ur exposing them, ur more stupid then we thought.
I think u been bit a few times by ur snakes.

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Re: The Holy Bible contains incest, rape and lots of murder
Posted by: It would suck to be you ()
Date: December 07, 2016 10:40AM

VoteStrike Wrote:
> The picture above is a Mojave Green, the 10th most
> deadliest snake on the planet. I have 40 of them
> that I keep as pets. And I hate America and I hate
> Americans and here is why-
> http://www.copsrcorrupt.com/35-reasons-why-i-hate-
> america--ns-.html
> Now do me a really big favor and do what you are
> suppose to do so we can move to the next step.
> Thanks.

I seriously hope that you do not have any opportunities to be around children.

What a fucking weirdo.

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Re: The Holy Bible contains incest, rape and lots of murder
Posted by: VoteStrike ()
Date: December 07, 2016 10:46AM

I drive a school bus for a living, that's what I'm doing now, honestly.

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Re: The Holy Bible contains incest, rape and lots of murder
Posted by: doos ()
Date: December 07, 2016 10:59AM

VoteStrike Wrote:
> I drive a school bus for a living, that's what I'm
> doing now, honestly.
LIAR! Ur working glory holes at interstate rest areas

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Re: The Holy Bible contains incest, rape and lots of murder
Posted by: eesh ()
Date: December 07, 2016 02:49PM

Is this VoteStrike even the real person behind that blog, or is this someone just taking the blogger's persona and pretending to be him on this site?

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Re: The Holy Bible contains incest, rape and lots of murder
Posted by: Righteously! ()
Date: December 07, 2016 02:59PM

Have fun burning in Hell, asshole! Like the Book says, Jesus can't save them all.

Allah's Snackbar

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Re: The Holy Bible contains incest, rape and lots of murder
Posted by: Tuba Lips ()
Date: January 28, 2018 03:22PM

Is it wrong to wack it to the bible?

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Re: The Holy Bible contains incest, rape and lots of murder
Posted by: read a fairy tale ()
Date: January 28, 2018 03:54PM

That stuff goes on in life, what did you expect? A utopia? Bible is honest look at life and how to avoid stuff like that. Glad you still call it Holy mthough. That's a good start.

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Re: The Holy Bible contains incest, rape and lots of murder
Posted by: OP Jesus is God and loves you ()
Date: January 28, 2018 04:30PM

The truth is sometimes ugly and there is a price to pay for sin and everyone has sinned and fallen short. If you can have child like faith maybe you could humble yourself to receive Jesus and his payment for your sins so that you will enter God's kingdom which is here and now and available to all who believe. Why does anyone expect evil not to be a reality in this world? It exists but the cure is found in the World's savior Jesus Christ. John 3:16. John 14:6

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Re: The Holy Bible contains incest, rape and lots of murder
Posted by: Islam...The book of horrors ()
Date: January 28, 2018 04:33PM



"Make war on the infidels living in your neighborhood" Koran 9:123

"When the opportunity arises, kill the infidels wherever you catch them" Koran 9:5

"any religion other than Islam is not acceptable" Koran 3:85

"the Jews and Christians are perverts; fight them" Koran 9:30

"Maim and crucify the infidels if they criticize Islam" Koran 5:33

"Muslims must not take the infidels as friends" Koran 3:28

"terrorize and behead those who believe in scriptures other than the Quran" Koran 8:12

"Punish the unbelievers with garments of fire, boiling water." Koran 22:19

Muslims must muster weapons to terrorize infidels" Koran 8:60

Sura 47:4 Commands Moslems to smite the neck of anyone who did not accept the teachings of Islam. It says to strike them in the neck till many of them have been killed or wounded; until they embrace Islam"

Women are inferior to men, and must be ruled by them.
("Men have authority over women because God has made
the one superior to the other"-- Koran 4:34)

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Re: The Holy Bible contains incest, rape and lots of murder
Posted by: votestrike is such a trumptard ()
Date: January 28, 2018 04:49PM

Probably a Ted Cruz fan, too.

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Re: The Holy Bible contains incest, rape and lots of murder
Posted by: vxewt ()
Date: January 28, 2018 04:52PM

VoteStrike Wrote:
> Your God is DEAD.

so does a jay-Z album. your faggot god might as well be dead.

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Re: The Holy Bible contains incest, rape and lots of murder
Posted by: 6YVDY ()
Date: January 28, 2018 05:52PM

Islam...The book of horrors Wrote:
> https://www.thereligionofpeace.com/pages/quran/ind
> ex.aspx
> ---------------
> "Make war on the infidels living in your
> neighborhood" Koran 9:123
> "When the opportunity arises, kill the infidels
> wherever you catch them" Koran 9:5
> "any religion other than Islam is not acceptable"
> Koran 3:85
> "the Jews and Christians are perverts; fight them"
> Koran 9:30
> "Maim and crucify the infidels if they criticize
> Islam" Koran 5:33
> "Muslims must not take the infidels as friends"
> Koran 3:28
> "terrorize and behead those who believe in
> scriptures other than the Quran" Koran 8:12
> "Punish the unbelievers with garments of fire,
> boiling water." Koran 22:19
> Muslims must muster weapons to terrorize infidels"
> Koran 8:60
> Sura 47:4 Commands Moslems to smite the neck of
> anyone who did not accept the teachings of Islam.
> It says to strike them in the neck till many of
> them have been killed or wounded; until they
> embrace Islam"
> Women are inferior to men, and must be ruled by
> them.
> ("Men have authority over women because God has
> made
> the one superior to the other"-- Koran 4:34)
> -------

From the Christian Bible:

Joshua sent spies to Jericho, the first city of Canaan to be taken, and discovered that the land was in fear of Israel and their God. The Israelites marched around the walls once every day for seven days with the seven priests and the Ark of the Covenant. On the seventh day, they marched around the walls seven times. Then the priests blew their seven ram's horns, the Israelites raised a great shout, and the walls of the city fell. Following God's law of herem the Israelites took no slaves or plunder but slaughtered every man, woman and child in Jericho.

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Re: The Holy Bible contains incest, rape and lots of murder
Posted by: They built a wall! LOL! ()
Date: January 28, 2018 06:00PM

everyone knows walls don't work

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Re: The Holy Bible contains incest, rape and lots of murder
Posted by: sheboon ()
Date: January 28, 2018 06:01PM

Look up Bible doublets. It is when there are absolutely contradictory statements in the Bible, so controdictory one of them cannot possible be true. This means one of two things. It is IMPOSSIBLE for the Bible to be the infallible word of God. Meaning they are anecdotes and nothing more or the Bible is not true.

So every time someone quotes the Bible like it's the end all be all, tell them to research this and get back to you.

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Re: The Holy Bible contains incest, rape and lots of murder
Posted by: damn. ()
Date: February 02, 2018 04:42PM

6YVDY Wrote:
> Islam...The book of horrors Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> >
> https://www.thereligionofpeace.com/pages/quran/ind
> > ex.aspx
> >
> > ---------------
> >
> > "Make war on the infidels living in your
> > neighborhood" Koran 9:123
> >
> > "When the opportunity arises, kill the infidels
> > wherever you catch them" Koran 9:5
> >
> > "any religion other than Islam is not
> acceptable"
> > Koran 3:85
> >
> > "the Jews and Christians are perverts; fight
> them"
> > Koran 9:30
> >
> > "Maim and crucify the infidels if they
> criticize
> > Islam" Koran 5:33
> >
> > "Muslims must not take the infidels as friends"
> > Koran 3:28
> >
> > "terrorize and behead those who believe in
> > scriptures other than the Quran" Koran 8:12
> >
> > "Punish the unbelievers with garments of fire,
> > boiling water." Koran 22:19
> >
> > Muslims must muster weapons to terrorize
> infidels"
> > Koran 8:60
> >
> > Sura 47:4 Commands Moslems to smite the neck of
> > anyone who did not accept the teachings of
> Islam.
> > It says to strike them in the neck till many of
> > them have been killed or wounded; until they
> > embrace Islam"
> >
> > Women are inferior to men, and must be ruled by
> > them.
> > ("Men have authority over women because God has
> > made
> > the one superior to the other"-- Koran 4:34)
> > -------
> From the Christian Bible:
> Joshua sent spies to Jericho, the first city of
> Canaan to be taken, and discovered that the land
> was in fear of Israel and their God. The
> Israelites marched around the walls once every day
> for seven days with the seven priests and the Ark
> of the Covenant. On the seventh day, they marched
> around the walls seven times. Then the priests
> blew their seven ram's horns, the Israelites
> raised a great shout, and the walls of the city
> fell. Following God's law of herem the Israelites
> took no slaves or plunder but slaughtered every
> man, woman and child in Jericho.


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Re: The Holy Bible contains incest, rape and lots of murder
Posted by: VoteStrike ()
Date: February 02, 2018 05:31PM

The violence in the Bible sounds like a "how to" commit war crimes.

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Re: The Holy Bible contains incest, rape and lots of murder
Posted by: FFxu historian ()
Date: February 02, 2018 05:58PM

VoteStrike Wrote:
> The violence in the Bible sounds like a "how to"
> commit war crimes.

The stories in the Bible are not a "how to" for anyone interested in committing rape, plunder and murder. That's the Quran. The stories in the Bible are just that, stories explaining events from the past. The New Testament specifically lays out rules from which Christians are to conduct themselves in society. Give to the poor, love your neighbor. Obey Caesar in all matters related to governance and obey god in all matters related to spirituality and morality.

The Quran by comparison specifically gives Muslims instructions with which how to deal with non-believers, which include rape, slaughter and plunder. Votestrike, you are a terrorist. Plain and simple.

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Re: The Holy Bible contains incest, rape and lots of murder
Posted by: So Does Your Life Creep ()
Date: February 02, 2018 10:34PM

VoteStrike Wrote:
> Your God is DEAD.

So are you.

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Re: The Holy Bible contains incest, rape and lots of murder
Posted by: Mohammed is a pedophile ()
Date: February 03, 2018 12:31AM

Islam...The book of horrors Wrote:
> https://www.thereligionofpeace.com/pages/quran/ind
> ex.aspx
> ---------------
> "Make war on the infidels living in your
> neighborhood" Koran 9:123
> "When the opportunity arises, kill the infidels
> wherever you catch them" Koran 9:5
> "any religion other than Islam is not acceptable"
> Koran 3:85
> "the Jews and Christians are perverts; fight them"
> Koran 9:30
> "Maim and crucify the infidels if they criticize
> Islam" Koran 5:33
> "Muslims must not take the infidels as friends"
> Koran 3:28
> "terrorize and behead those who believe in
> scriptures other than the Quran" Koran 8:12
> "Punish the unbelievers with garments of fire,
> boiling water." Koran 22:19
> Muslims must muster weapons to terrorize infidels"
> Koran 8:60
> Sura 47:4 Commands Moslems to smite the neck of
> anyone who did not accept the teachings of Islam.
> It says to strike them in the neck till many of
> them have been killed or wounded; until they
> embrace Islam"
> Women are inferior to men, and must be ruled by
> them.
> ("Men have authority over women because God has
> made
> the one superior to the other"-- Koran 4:34)
> -------

Very true. Simply imagine how peaceful mankind would be without these inbred mooslims.

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Re: The Holy Bible contains incest, rape and lots of murder
Posted by: sun of god ()
Date: February 03, 2018 05:19AM

Christians are good at blowing up abortion clinics.

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Re: The Koran contains incest, rape and lots of murder
Date: February 03, 2018 07:37AM

Muslims are good at murdering people.

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Re: The Koran contains incest, rape and lots of murder
Posted by: Brother Dickmore ()
Date: February 03, 2018 08:03AM

Muslim pedophiles Wrote:
> Muslims are good at murdering people.
> ------

Yes but Christians are much better at.
Religions-Homicide-Totals-copy (1).jpg

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Re: The Koran contains incest, rape and lots of murder
Posted by: Ravi the rapist ()
Date: February 03, 2018 09:10AM

Brother Dickmore Wrote:
> Muslim pedophiles Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Muslims are good at murdering people.
> > ------
> Yes but Christians are much better at.

Lol at that fake meme...


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Re: The Holy Bible contains incest, rape and lots of murder
Posted by: Outter limits ()
Date: February 03, 2018 09:35AM

To me the meme is speaking about who has died a violent death NOT committed violent murder. So the poster shot himself in the foot
Christians suffer violent deaths more than anyone and it is usually at the hands of radical Muslims

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Re: The Koran contains incest, rape and lots of murder
Posted by: Father Feelmore. ()
Date: February 03, 2018 09:44AM

Muslim pedophiles Wrote:
> Muslims are good at murdering people.
> ------

Why are you such a coward?

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Re: The Holy Bible contains incest, rape and lots of murder
Posted by: wupjn ()
Date: February 03, 2018 09:45AM

hurry up i wanna see who wins!

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Re: The Holy Bible contains incest, rape and lots of murder
Posted by: gfrefee ()
Date: February 03, 2018 09:59AM

> giving accounts of violent acts that
> took place within the early period of
> Judeo-Christian history. Acts of violence in the
> Quran however are a sort of a "how to" guide to
> spread the faith and bend non-believers to their
> will.

outside the bible teachings ...

the Jews almost became extinct, and at least a few mediterranean civilizations DID become extinct

muslims, black (from istanbul?), even Romans (to a lesser extent) all attacked the Jewish - who, due to many muslim attacks - were weak, straggling, begging between cities. hindus killed "visiting jewish christians", and etc.

who didn't attack Jews was the original Egyptians (not the arab muslims that are there today who attacked egypt and won), though the jews were very paranoid they would - it was the Egyptians who became (mostly?) extinct.

jews fought not to become extinct and won. however they didn't win militarily, they often lost to point of near extinction. they won by careful practice of civility, trade, foreign relations, and movement of their people so as not to be found

The Jews did not fill their record with violence. Other cities with other languages did. The Jews recorded it and thought about how to SURVIVE it.

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Re: The Holy Bible contains incest, rape and lots of murder
Posted by: dkwtk ()
Date: February 03, 2018 10:22AM

I project that if Jews didn't migrate to America in the numbers they did before WWII.

Muslims are still trying to take Israeli land and kill off the Jews.

That Muslims would have exterminated Jews long before today (somewhere during or after WWII), and few Americans would have realized it all happened - excepting for the Bible, they knew of the Jews from the Bible.

There are african cities (that once attacked jews) that are still endangered to "disappear" or that recently have. Genocide in Africa is not illegal except for that nuisance UN that keeps threatening them "not to do it".

Disappearing from the face of the earth is certainly NOT a thing of the past.

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