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can anyone recommend a career counselor? for someone in early 40s?
Posted by: gg4g4m ()
Date: December 05, 2016 11:23AM

need to make a career change, unfortunately i'm in a field that isn't marketable and not sure if i have marketable skills for other fields, but need to try as i get old it's only going to get harded to be considered.

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Re: can anyone recommend a career counselor? for someone in early 40s?
Posted by: Don't Be A Tease ()
Date: December 05, 2016 11:38AM

What are the skills you have? You gotta tell us now.

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Re: can anyone recommend a career counselor? for someone in early 40s?
Posted by: Old but not dead ()
Date: December 05, 2016 11:55AM

Im 59 and been out of work for 2 years. A friend of mine told me to file for Social Security (disability) early so I did. I filled out a few pages of paperwork, had a 15 minute examination by their chosen doctor, and lo and behold I'm now receiving $2280/month benefits which is more than my regular payment at 62 would be.

Life is good. And when I reach 65 and can start drawing my pension and 401K, life will be REAL good!

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Re: can anyone recommend a career counselor? for someone in early 40s?
Posted by: Colin Cap-A-Nigga ()
Date: December 05, 2016 02:56PM

Old but not dead Wrote:
> Im 59 and been out of work for 2 years. A friend
> of mine told me to file for Social Security
> (disability) early so I did. I filled out a few
> pages of paperwork, had a 15 minute examination by
> their chosen doctor, and lo and behold I'm now
> receiving $2280/month benefits which is more than
> my regular payment at 62 would be.
> Life is good. And when I reach 65 and can start
> drawing my pension and 401K, life will be REAL
> good!

401K can be drawn at 59 and a half. Are you the OP?

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Re: can anyone recommend a career counselor? for someone in early 40s?
Posted by: e.e. cumshots ()
Date: December 05, 2016 06:18PM

gg4g4m Wrote:
> need to make a career change, unfortunately i'm in
> a field that isn't marketable and not sure if i
> have marketable skills for other fields, but need
> to try as i get old it's only going to get harded
> to be considered.

Spelling, grammar, and punctualization are obviously not your strong skills.

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