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Denounce the Hate, Mr. Trump
Date: November 11, 2016 08:21AM

"In his victory speech early Wednesday morning, Donald Trump pledged that he “will be president for all Americans,” and he asked those who did not support him “for your guidance and your help so that we can work together and unify our great country.”

Here’s some guidance right off the bat, Mr. President-elect: Those sentiments will have more force if you immediately and unequivocally repudiate the outpouring of racist, sexist, xenophobic, anti-Semitic and homophobic insults, threats and attacks being associated with your name. Do this in a personal plea to people who supported your candidacy. Tell them this is not what you stand for, nor is it what your new administration will tolerate.

Explicit expressions of bigotry and hatred by Trump supporters were common throughout the campaign, and they have become even more intense since his election. On a department-store window in Philadelphia, vandals spray-painted “Sieg Heil 2016” and Mr. Trump’s name written with a swastika. In a Minnesota high-school bathroom, vandals scrawled the Trump campaign slogan, “Make America Great Again,” and next to it, “Go back to Africa.” There are many more reports pouring in of verbal and physical harassment of Muslims, Latinos and other members of minorities. Though not all are verifiable, the atmosphere of intimidation and fear is unquestionably real and will keep growing. Mr. Trump may not be able to stop it by himself, but he must do everything he can.

The problem, of course, is that Mr. Trump’s campaign was based on appeals — some explicit, some coded — to racial and ethnic resentment and division. His followers heard it starting with his speech declaring his candidacy, warning of Mexican immigrant “rapists,” continuing to a rally last weekend where he promised to bar all Syrian refugees because they “will import generations of terrorism, extremism and radicalism into your schools and throughout your communities.” These statements emboldened and even encouraged those who have been looking for a license to lash out against immigrants, refugees, minorities and anyone else they find threatening. They take his victory as vindication of their feelings.

David Duke, the former Louisiana lawmaker and former imperial wizard of the Ku Klux Klan, tweeted that Mr. Trump’s victory was “one of the most exciting nights of my life,” and also, “Our people have played a HUGE role in electing Trump!” In another tweet, he wrote, “Anyone telling you this was a vote for ‘unity’ is a liar and they know it!”

As a candidate, Mr. Trump could get away with ignoring racist and sexist abuse by his supporters. But as the president-elect, he has the moral duty to reject it in the most aggressive terms. There should be no space in American political discourse for violent or abusive behavior. And that includes, of course, acts of vandalism and other violence by anti-Trump demonstrators.

In a little more than two months, Donald Trump will take charge of a country of more than 320 million people of all races, ethnicities and religions. Every one of them deserves to live in safety, with dignity."


Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Denounce the Hate, Mr. Trump
Posted by: kY6Ck ()
Date: November 11, 2016 08:28AM

Denounce the riots, the assaults, and the vandalisms liberals.

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Re: Denounce the Hate, Mr. Trump
Posted by: yNjdT ()
Date: November 11, 2016 08:42AM

Go fuck a goat Gerry.

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Re: Denounce the Hate, Mr. Trump
Date: November 11, 2016 08:46AM

kY6Ck Wrote:
> Denounce the riots, the assaults, and the
> vandalisms liberals.

I denounce riots, assaults, or vandalism by anti-President-Elect SHITGIBBON protesters.

I fully support peaceful anti-President-Elect SHITGIBBON protests.

Happy now?

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Denounce the Hate, Mr. Trump
Posted by: ironylostonlibs ()
Date: November 11, 2016 08:49AM

Denounce the Hate, Mr. Trump
Posted by: President-Elect SHITGIBBON ()


No sense of irony here at all.

Tip: "Fat, drunk, and stupid is no way to go through life, son." It's going to be a long long 8 years for you - just live your live and let it go. No sense in being miserable for 8 years over a presidential election.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Denounce the Hate, Mr. Trump
Posted by: Tip: Armistice Day ()
Date: November 11, 2016 09:03AM

ironylostonlibs Wrote:
> Denounce the Hate, Mr. Trump
> Posted by: President-Elect SHITGIBBON ()
> -----
> No sense of irony here at all.
> Tip: "Fat, drunk, and stupid is no way to go
> through life, son." It's going to be a long long
> 8 years for you - just live your live and let it
> go. No sense in being miserable for 8 years over
> a presidential election.

You were referring to Conservatives?

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Denounce the Hate, Mr. Trump
Date: November 11, 2016 09:11AM

ironylostonlibs Wrote:
> It's going to be a long long 8 years for you

If the Congress passes half of the hateful shit President-Elect SHITGIBBON has proposed, the GOP will lose the House and the Senate in 2018. Then, President-Elect SHITGIBBON gets put on a shelf until 20120 when we will evict that tiny fingered, Cheeto-faced, ferret wearing disgrace from our White House.

> just live your live


Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Denounce the Hate, Mr. Trump
Posted by: widdleDem ()
Date: November 11, 2016 09:25AM

President-Elect SHITGIBBON Wrote:
> "In his victory speech early Wednesday morning,
> Donald Trump pledged that he “will be president
> for all Americans,” and he asked those who did
> not support him “for your guidance and your help
> so that we can work together and unify our great
> country.”
> Here’s some guidance right off the bat, Mr.
> President-elect: Those sentiments will have more
> force if you immediately and unequivocally
> repudiate the outpouring of racist, sexist,
> xenophobic, anti-Semitic and homophobic insults,
> threats and attacks being associated with your
> name. Do this in a personal plea to people who
> supported your candidacy. Tell them this is not
> what you stand for, nor is it what your new
> administration will tolerate.
> Explicit expressions of bigotry and hatred by
> Trump supporters were common throughout the
> campaign, and they have become even more intense
> since his election. On a department-store window
> in Philadelphia, vandals spray-painted “Sieg
> Heil 2016” and Mr. Trump’s name written with a
> swastika. In a Minnesota high-school bathroom,
> vandals scrawled the Trump campaign slogan,
> “Make America Great Again,” and next to it,
> “Go back to Africa.” There are many more
> reports pouring in of verbal and physical
> harassment of Muslims, Latinos and other members
> of minorities. Though not all are verifiable, the
> atmosphere of intimidation and fear is
> unquestionably real and will keep growing. Mr.
> Trump may not be able to stop it by himself, but
> he must do everything he can.
> The problem, of course, is that Mr. Trump’s
> campaign was based on appeals — some explicit,
> some coded — to racial and ethnic resentment and
> division. His followers heard it starting with his
> speech declaring his candidacy, warning of Mexican
> immigrant “rapists,” continuing to a rally
> last weekend where he promised to bar all Syrian
> refugees because they “will import generations
> of terrorism, extremism and radicalism into your
> schools and throughout your communities.” These
> statements emboldened and even encouraged those
> who have been looking for a license to lash out
> against immigrants, refugees, minorities and
> anyone else they find threatening. They take his
> victory as vindication of their feelings.
> David Duke, the former Louisiana lawmaker and
> former imperial wizard of the Ku Klux Klan,
> tweeted that Mr. Trump’s victory was “one of
> the most exciting nights of my life,” and also,
> “Our people have played a HUGE role in electing
> Trump!” In another tweet, he wrote, “Anyone
> telling you this was a vote for ‘unity’ is a
> liar and they know it!”
> As a candidate, Mr. Trump could get away with
> ignoring racist and sexist abuse by his
> supporters. But as the president-elect, he has the
> moral duty to reject it in the most aggressive
> terms. There should be no space in American
> political discourse for violent or abusive
> behavior. And that includes, of course, acts of
> vandalism and other violence by anti-Trump
> demonstrators.
> In a little more than two months, Donald Trump
> will take charge of a country of more than 320
> million people of all races, ethnicities and
> religions. Every one of them deserves to live in
> safety, with dignity."

> http://www.nytimes.com/2016/11/11/opinion/denounce
> -the-hate-mr-trump.html?_r=0


Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Denounce the Hate, Mr. Trump
Posted by: That Does Make Me Happy, Yes ()
Date: November 11, 2016 09:31AM

President-Elect SHITGIBBON Wrote:
> kY6Ck Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Denounce the riots, the assaults, and the
> > vandalisms liberals.
> I denounce riots, assaults, or vandalism by
> anti-President-Elect SHITGIBBON protesters.
> I fully support peaceful anti-President-Elect
> SHITGIBBON protests.
> Happy now?

Actually yes. Now if only your opinion was shared by more fellow libs, my opinion that violent white supremacist morons need to be like dogs would probably also be more prevalent. But as long as it's the anti-Trumpers burning shit, beating up old people, and vandalizing property, most people aren't going to see the KKK as the group causing the most damage.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Denounce the Hate, Mr. Trump
Date: November 11, 2016 09:35AM

That Does Make Me Happy, Yes Wrote:
> President-Elect SHITGIBBON Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > kY6Ck Wrote:
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> > -----
> > > Denounce the riots, the assaults, and the
> > > vandalisms liberals.
> >
> > I denounce riots, assaults, or vandalism by
> > anti-President-Elect SHITGIBBON protesters.
> >
> > I fully support peaceful anti-President-Elect
> > SHITGIBBON protests.
> >
> > Happy now?
> Actually yes.


Are you now ready to denounce the virulent hate of Trump supporters?

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Denounce the Hate, Mr. Trump
Posted by: KKKillary KKKlinton. ()
Date: November 11, 2016 09:41AM

Libs are insane.

Enforcing the Constitution and the rule of law is not hate you fucking idiots!

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Denounce the Hate, Mr. Trump
Posted by: not going well for him ()
Date: November 11, 2016 09:45AM

ironylostonlibs Wrote:
> Denounce the Hate, Mr. Trump
> Posted by: President-Elect SHITGIBBON ()
> -----
> No sense of irony here at all.
> Tip: "Fat, drunk, and stupid is no way to go
> through life, son." It's going to be a long long
> 8 years for you - just live your live and let it
> go. No sense in being miserable for 8 years over
> a presidential election.

He's building ridiculous strawmen, acting like a petulant child and spamming images and it's only been two days. Poor guy is going to have a mental breakdown at the rate he's progressing.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Denounce the Hate, Mr. Trump
Posted by: Trump-tards! ()
Date: November 11, 2016 09:47AM

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Denounce the Hate, Mr. Trump
Posted by: That Does Make Me Happy, Yes ()
Date: November 11, 2016 09:51AM

President-Elect SHITGIBBON Wrote:
> That Does Make Me Happy, Yes Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > President-Elect SHITGIBBON Wrote:
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> > -----
> > > kY6Ck Wrote:
> > >
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> >
> > > -----
> > > > Denounce the riots, the assaults, and the
> > > > vandalisms liberals.
> > >
> > > I denounce riots, assaults, or vandalism by
> > > anti-President-Elect SHITGIBBON protesters.
> > >
> > > I fully support peaceful anti-President-Elect
> > > SHITGIBBON protests.
> > >
> > > Happy now?
> >
> > Actually yes.
> Great.

Are you now ready to denounce the virulent
> hate of Trump supporters?

Guess you didn't read the rest of my message where I said, but I'll repeat it since you missed it somehow, violent white supremacist morons need be put down like dogs. More than likely I've got a far more hardline stance on violent bigots on my side than you do on yours.

This is the problem. I, we disavow these mongoloids time and time again, but you don't listen. You don't want to listen. You just want to hate. And you lost go because it.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Denounce the Hate, Mr. Trump
Posted by: KKKillary KKKlinton. ()
Date: November 11, 2016 09:52AM

Eye for an eye is not hate.

Liberalism is hate.

You anti American libs just wouldn't stop spewing hate a fascism and poked the bear too many times.

Elections have consequences motherfucker!

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Denounce the Hate, Mr. Trump
Date: November 11, 2016 09:56AM

That Does Make Me Happy, Yes Wrote:
> This is the problem. I, we disavow these
> mongoloids time and time again, but you don't
> listen.

You know, despite your protestations to the contrary, I never seem to hear anyone in the leadership of your 'movement'/party/whatever it is that you affiliate yourself with denouncing 'these mongoloids'.

Why is that?

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Denounce the Hate, Mr. Trump
Posted by: That Does Make Me Happy, Yes ()
Date: November 11, 2016 10:00AM

President-Elect SHITGIBBON Wrote:

You know, despite your protestations to the
> contrary, I never seem to hear anyone in the
> leadership of your 'movement'/party/whatever it is
> that you affiliate yourself with denouncing 'these
> mongoloids'.
> Why is that?

The same applies to you with regards to the shittiness on your side. Why is that?

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Denounce the Hate, Mr. Trump
Posted by: Delusional Liberal ()
Date: November 11, 2016 10:17AM

That Does Make Me Happy, Yes Wrote:
> The same applies to you with regards to the
> shittiness on your side. Why is that?

Because our shittiness is progressive and will make a better world!

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Denounce the Hate, Mr. Trump
Posted by: Gerrytarded ()
Date: November 11, 2016 11:08AM

President-Elect SHITGIBBON Wrote:
> "In his victory speech early Wednesday morning,
> Donald Trump pledged that he “will be president
> for all Americans,” and he asked those who did
> not support him “for your guidance and your help
> so that we can work together and unify our great
> country.”
> Here’s some guidance right off the bat, Mr.
> President-elect: Those sentiments will have more
> force if you immediately and unequivocally
> repudiate the outpouring of racist, sexist,
> xenophobic, anti-Semitic and homophobic insults,
> threats and attacks being associated with your
> name. Do this in a personal plea to people who
> supported your candidacy. Tell them this is not
> what you stand for, nor is it what your new
> administration will tolerate.
> Explicit expressions of bigotry and hatred by
> Trump supporters were common throughout the
> campaign, and they have become even more intense
> since his election. On a department-store window
> in Philadelphia, vandals spray-painted “Sieg
> Heil 2016” and Mr. Trump’s name written with a
> swastika. In a Minnesota high-school bathroom,
> vandals scrawled the Trump campaign slogan,
> “Make America Great Again,” and next to it,
> “Go back to Africa.” There are many more
> reports pouring in of verbal and physical
> harassment of Muslims, Latinos and other members
> of minorities. Though not all are verifiable, the
> atmosphere of intimidation and fear is
> unquestionably real and will keep growing. Mr.
> Trump may not be able to stop it by himself, but
> he must do everything he can.
> The problem, of course, is that Mr. Trump’s
> campaign was based on appeals — some explicit,
> some coded — to racial and ethnic resentment and
> division. His followers heard it starting with his
> speech declaring his candidacy, warning of Mexican
> immigrant “rapists,” continuing to a rally
> last weekend where he promised to bar all Syrian
> refugees because they “will import generations
> of terrorism, extremism and radicalism into your
> schools and throughout your communities.” These
> statements emboldened and even encouraged those
> who have been looking for a license to lash out
> against immigrants, refugees, minorities and
> anyone else they find threatening. They take his
> victory as vindication of their feelings.
> David Duke, the former Louisiana lawmaker and
> former imperial wizard of the Ku Klux Klan,
> tweeted that Mr. Trump’s victory was “one of
> the most exciting nights of my life,” and also,
> “Our people have played a HUGE role in electing
> Trump!” In another tweet, he wrote, “Anyone
> telling you this was a vote for ‘unity’ is a
> liar and they know it!”
> As a candidate, Mr. Trump could get away with
> ignoring racist and sexist abuse by his
> supporters. But as the president-elect, he has the
> moral duty to reject it in the most aggressive
> terms. There should be no space in American
> political discourse for violent or abusive
> behavior. And that includes, of course, acts of
> vandalism and other violence by anti-Trump
> demonstrators.
> In a little more than two months, Donald Trump
> will take charge of a country of more than 320
> million people of all races, ethnicities and
> religions. Every one of them deserves to live in
> safety, with dignity."

> http://www.nytimes.com/2016/11/11/opinion/denounce
> -the-hate-mr-trump.html?_r=0

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Denounce the Hate, Mr. Trump
Date: November 11, 2016 01:02PM

not going well for him Wrote:
> He's building ridiculous strawmen, acting like a
> petulant child and spamming images


Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Denounce the Hate, Mr. Trump
Posted by: Try to learn ()
Date: November 11, 2016 01:05PM

Gerry, Every time you post some stupid shit I just lauch my mothafuckin ass off. It reminds me what a fucking PUSSY~CRY BABY you and all the other Libs are. YOU LOST>>>ACCEPT IT! You little fuckhead!

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Denounce the Hate, Mr. Trump
Date: November 11, 2016 01:09PM

Try to learn Wrote:
> Gerry, Every time you post some stupid shit I just
> lauch my mothafuckin ass off.

Off what do you launch your mothafuckin ass?

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Denounce the Hate, Mr. Trump
Posted by: Sorry GoatGerry ()
Date: November 11, 2016 01:18PM

Sorry GOATFUCKER, I was LAUGHING MY ASS OFF when posting...and you are still a loser. Did Hillary win? NO! Did Trump win? Yes! Pretty simple you ignorant sack of shit.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Denounce the Hate, Mr. Trump
Posted by: Gunlover ()
Date: November 11, 2016 01:20PM

Why don't Hillary and Obama denounce it, its their idiots.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Denounce the Hate, Mr. Trump
Posted by: H ()
Date: November 11, 2016 01:23PM

Gunlover Wrote:
> Why don't Hillary and Obama denounce it, its their
> idiots.
gunlover bitch boy.jpg

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Denounce the Hate, Mr. Trump
Posted by: nah Bro ()
Date: November 11, 2016 02:12PM

Denounce the hate? Like that nigger has been doing for the past 8 years?! LOLZ

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Denounce the Hate, Mr. Trump
Date: November 11, 2016 02:15PM

nah Bro Wrote:
> Denounce the hate? Like that nigger has been doing
> for the past 8 years?! LOLZ

I see that you're full of it.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Denounce the Hate, Mr. Trump
Posted by: Libtards! LoLz! ()
Date: November 11, 2016 02:17PM

President-Elect SHITGIBBON Wrote:
> nah Bro Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Denounce the hate? Like that nigger has been
> doing
> > for the past 8 years?! LOLZ
> I see that you're full of it.

I see you lost.



Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Denounce the Hate, Mr. Trump
Date: November 11, 2016 02:19PM

Libtards! LoLz! Wrote:
> I see you lost.
> Libtards!
> LoLz!

You lost, too. You just haven't realized it yet.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Denounce the Hate, Mr. Trump
Posted by: Zip codes ()
Date: November 11, 2016 02:23PM

President-Elect SHITGIBBON Wrote:
> ironylostonlibs Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > It's going to be a long long 8 years for you
> If the Congress passes half of the hateful shit
> President-Elect SHITGIBBON has proposed, the GOP
> will lose the House and the Senate in 2018. Then,
> President-Elect SHITGIBBON gets put on a shelf
> until 20120 when we will evict that tiny fingered,
> Cheeto-faced, ferret wearing disgrace from our
> White House.
> > just live your live
> Moron.

Until 20120? You idiot lol

I see you Centreville

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Denounce the Hate, Mr. Trump
Posted by: 30kd3k ()
Date: November 11, 2016 02:31PM

Ironic how the libturds cry about the supposed hate from Trump and his supporters yet THEY are the ones rioting and destroying propterty. THEY are the ones who HATE Trump supporters. Hypocrites. Most of the people that voted for Trump were appalled when Obama was elected yet they didn't protest and riot. Fucking libturds are despicable.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Denounce the Hate, Mr. Trump
Posted by: Progressives Suck ()
Date: November 11, 2016 02:47PM

30kd3k Wrote:
> Ironic how the libturds cry about the supposed
> hate from Trump and his supporters yet THEY are
> the ones rioting and destroying propterty. THEY
> are the ones who HATE Trump supporters.
> Hypocrites. Most of the people that voted for
> Trump were appalled when Obama was elected yet
> they didn't protest and riot. Fucking libturds
> are despicable.


AND, we (Trump supporters) had to wait through 8 years of hell and watch the liberals destroy this country. The liberal douches seem to neglect the fact that half the country voted for Trump and want him to change the way this country is headed.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Denounce the Hate, Mr. Trump
Date: November 11, 2016 02:56PM

Progressives Suck Wrote:
> Trump supporters had to wait through 8 years of
> hell and watch the liberals destroy this country.

With President-Elect SHITGIBBON is gearing up, you ain't nothing yet.

> The liberal douches seem to neglect the fact that
> half the country voted for Trump

Actually, 45% of the 50% of voting-eligible citizens who voted voted for President-Elect SHITGIBBON, which is less than a quarter of the country.

Quiz Time! Who won more votes than President-Elect SHITGIBBON?

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Denounce the Hate, Mr. Trump
Posted by: Vexxxed ()
Date: November 11, 2016 02:56PM

Memo to the New York Times: Being proven beyond a shadow of a doubt to be the most manipulative news service on the planet while being the least accurate news source isn't enough for you?

Wouldn't it be better if you spend a little quite time contemplating your future lining the bottom of bird cages?

PS: Sorry about the decline in private bird ownership, say goodbye to all your circulation.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Denounce the Hate, Mr. Trump
Posted by: Libtarded Butthurt ()
Date: November 11, 2016 02:59PM

President-Elect SHITGIBBON Wrote:
> Progressives Suck Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Trump supporters had to wait through 8 years of
> > hell and watch the liberals destroy this
> country.

With President-Elect SHITGIBBON is gearing up,
> you ain't nothing yet.

> > The liberal douches seem to neglect the fact
> that
> > half the country voted for Trump

Actually, 45% of the 50% of voting-eligible
> citizens who voted voted for President-Elect
> SHITGIBBON, which is less than a quarter of the
> country.
> Quiz Time! Who won more votes than President-Elect

Loving the major butt hurt! It's over, your side lost, fuck off and deal with it. Libtardz Lolz

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Denounce the Hate, Mr. Trump
Date: November 11, 2016 03:02PM

Vexxxed Wrote:
> Memo to the New York Times: Proven beyond a shadow
> of a doubt to be the most manipulative news
> service on the planet while being the least
> accurate news source

No. The title of most manipulative, least accurate news source belongs to Breitbart.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Denounce the Hate, Mr. Trump
Posted by: shhh friend, only Trump now ()
Date: November 11, 2016 03:32PM

President-Elect SHITGIBBON Wrote:
> Progressives Suck Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Trump supporters had to wait through 8 years of
> > hell and watch the liberals destroy this
> country.

With President-Elect SHITGIBBON is gearing up,
> you ain't nothing yet.

> > The liberal douches seem to neglect the fact
> that
> > half the country voted for Trump

Actually, 45% of the 50% of voting-eligible
> citizens who voted voted for President-Elect
> SHITGIBBON, which is less than a quarter of the
> country.
> Quiz Time! Who won more votes than President-Elect

Yes my angry friend. And Obama won in 2012 with about 27% of the eligible vote. It cuts both ways. But we are stronger together and your seat on the Trump train is warm and toasty. I've already saved the pillow and blankie for you.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Denounce the Hate, Mr. Trump
Date: November 11, 2016 03:36PM

shhh friend, only Trump now Wrote:
> Obama won in 2012 with about 27% of the eligible
> vote.

And the truth shall set you free: 'Half the country' did not vote for President-Elect SHITGIBBON.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/11/2016 03:36PM by President-Elect SHITGIBBON.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Denounce the Hate, Mr. Trump
Posted by: Trumps Big Shoulders ()
Date: November 11, 2016 03:45PM

President-Elect SHITGIBBON Wrote:
> shhh friend, only Trump now Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Obama won in 2012 with about 27% of the
> eligible
> > vote.

And the truth shall set you free: 'Half the
> country' did not vote for President-Elect

And half the country did not vote for Hillary (or Bill for that matter) either. But that's OK. Elections have consequences and such according to our current glorious leader. And Trump won. So let's all get together for strength and pitch in to make America great again. I'm there for you buddy. Lean on me.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Denounce the Hate, Mr. Trump
Posted by: Trump is Love ()
Date: November 11, 2016 03:58PM

Every decent American denounces the ignorant hatred of the anti-Trump rioters. Trump has already denounced them, of course. Still waiting on hillary and 0bama.

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