> Clearly Alito's open spot has to be filled, but
> who's next? Ginsburg hasn't been looking so good
> lately.
> Can you imagine? Court swings to 6-3 during his
> first term? And they're not getting younger, could
> be even more replacements during his second.
> Just hope he appoints young ones so they're in
> place for a good long time and can serve as a
> bulwark against rising statism from the left.
You make some very good points.
One minor correction: you probably were just tired from the late night waiting for returns and
mistakenly indicated that Justice Alito's seat is open. It was Justice Scalia who died last February.
As you correctly note, Ruth Buzzi Ginsberg is the next Justice likely to retire. Below is photo of her in younger days when she was happily on 60's TV show Rowan & Martin's Laugh-In.
About the other Justices, there are 2 or 3 others, mainly liberals, who are long in the tooth.
On the other hand, the Dems carried Hillary through her part-time campaign (until the last 2 weeks when she went full time) like she was Bernie's body in Weekend at Bernies movie.
Maybe the lib forces could carry barely alive Justices around for years. Just let their law clerks write the decisions.
It's nice to be important, but it's more important to be nice. - John Cassis on manners
Ignoring juvenile attacks and remarks on the internet for over two decades.
Arguing by deflection or name-calling is an admission that you don't have a rational argument.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/09/2016 11:31PM by Dog Walker1.