stalking? Wrote:
> victim vs. victim Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > It certainly does appear that William
> "believes"
> > Monique stole the laptop. He may even, in his
> > feeble mind, think she "invited" him to come
> and
> > get it.
> She did very plainly tell him to come get it. the
> texts were posted here. Looks like (from the
> texts) he allowed her a computer to use while he
> was letting her stay at his apartment, but then
> she left with it when he had a tantrum about their
> sex life.
> However once William and Sharon showed up
> > at the Wells residence, Monique made it very
> clear
> > in absolutely no uncertain terms that she did
> not
> > welcome their visit and she did not intend to
> > return the laptop in question. At that point
> the
> > Morenos no longer had any justifiable reason to
> be
> > there and should have left. Yet they remained
> for
> > almost an hour sitting on the curb and skulking
> > around the Wells property as if plotting a
> > burglary -- and doing god-knows-what with a
> coke
> > bottle. They even left briefly and returned.
> The
> > Morenos were clearly stalking, and Monique and
> her
> > family were the victims.
> Not really. Calling the police from outside of a
> thieves house while being completely transparent
> about your intentions is not stalking. They
> probably did stalk her at some other time, but it
> seems you've presented a heavily manipulated and
> inaccurate view of this specific situation.
If you think something has been stolen, you call the police, then leave it up to the legal system to sort things out. If you attempt to steal the item back or harass the person you are accusing, you become a criminal yourself.
Ultimately, two separate police departments determined that no theft had taken place. The Morenos may claim they "thought" Monique had invited them to her house, but Monique clearly was not expecting the visit and she quickly set them straight. Monique told the Morenos they were not welcome and that she was not giving back the laptop. At that point the Morenos had absolutely no reason to remain.
But the Morenos then decided to skulk around the neighborhood just to antagonize Monique and her family, despite multiple messages from Monique and demands to leave. They remained for over an hour, left, and came back later.
This episode demonstrates that both William and Sharon Moreno are definitely insane. Sitting outside Monique's house, they were asked to leave. Not only that but Sharon, for reasons unknown, demanded that Monique stop contacting her.
Sharon and William had no legitimate reason for skulking around Monique's house after they contacted the police. They were stalking. Q.E.D.