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Re: Lizzie completes second week - approaches Hump Day
Posted by:
Definitely NOT lizzie!
Date: October 29, 2019 09:08PM
definitely eesh Wrote:
> katie and I hope that lizzie will come down to
> join us for Thanksgiving.
Re: Lizzie completes second week - approaches Hump Day
Posted by:
Definitely NOT lizzie!
Date: October 29, 2019 09:11PM
this is normal behavior? Wrote:
> High as a kite tossing shit around the apartment
> like a savage little chimp? I'm surprised miz
> wasn't evicted!
Re: Lizzie completes second week - approaches Hump Day
Posted by:
OK let's get this all straight
Date: October 29, 2019 09:11PM
lizzie has completely blocked eesh and katie from her mind. (this is probably best for all concerned.) She is on speaking terms with miz. (this is probably NOT so good.) She remembers myeesha, but is not attracted to myeesha. myeesha wanted lizzie.
Re: Lizzie completes second week - approaches Hump Day
Posted by:
Definitely NOT lizzie!
Date: October 29, 2019 09:18PM
because both are unstable Wrote:
> Definitely NOT lizzie! Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Why isn't speaking terms with Miz good? All is
> > forgiven.
> miz and lizzie have fallen out and then made up
> before. Last time, it ended with three years in
> prison for lizzie.
if lizzie didn't do that she would have ended up there on a murder charge eventually
Re: Lizzie completes second week - approaches Hump Day
Posted by:
Definitely NOT peep
Date: October 29, 2019 09:20PM
women's prison. Wrote:
> a bunch of lizzie clones, sitting around watching
> bad tv 12 hours a day.
Oh, most certainly not. Drugs, sex, music, more drugs, sex, fights, drugs, death, food, the yard, dogs, college, drugs, sex, famous inmates.
Re: Lizzie completes second week - approaches Hump Day
Posted by:
definitely not gerry
Date: October 29, 2019 09:20PM
Definitely NOT lizzie! Wrote:
> >
> > miz and lizzie have fallen out and then made up
> > before. Last time, it ended with three years in
> > prison for lizzie.
> if lizzie hangs with miz she will end up
> there on a murder charge eventually
Re: Lizzie completes second week - approaches Hump Day
Posted by:
Gray Bar Motel
Date: October 29, 2019 09:21PM
women's prison. Wrote:
> a bunch of lizzie clones, sitting around watching
> bad tv 12 hours a day.
...and having a major chimp-out over the last McNugget. Giiiiirl...
Re: Lizzie completes second week - approaches Hump Day
Posted by:
Definitely NOT Michael Scott
Date: October 29, 2019 10:08PM
Definitely NOT peep Wrote:
> Definitely NOT myeesha! Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > bitches got stitches
> Only Miz
Re: Lizzie completes second week - approaches Hump Day
Posted by:
so nice lizzie's back
Date: October 29, 2019 10:14PM
Wish somebody had filmed the chimpout where she was throwing everything in the room at miz. I bet miz was terrified! Kind of funny the fight was over tator tots, who was about to get sent off to prison anyhow. For being a pedo no less - ideal roomie for miz!
Question for lizzie - do you still have the Ray Bans? They have become as iconic on FFU as eesh's camo capris.
Re: Lizzie completes second week - approaches Hump Day
Posted by:
Definitely NOT lizzie!
Date: October 29, 2019 10:37PM
don't regret or feel particularly bad about what happened but really wasn't trying to bust his head open it took me breaking my hand on a door to realize that violence isn't the answer
Re: Lizzie completes second week - approaches Hump Day
Posted by:
Definitely NOT lizzie!Â
Date: October 29, 2019 10:42PM
so nice lizzie's back Wrote:
> Wish somebody had filmed the chimpout where she
> was throwing everything in the room at miz. I bet
> miz was terrified! Kind of funny the fight was
> over tator tots, who was about to get sent off to
> prison anyhow. For being a pedo no less - ideal
> roomie for miz!
> Question for lizzie - do you still have the Ray
> Bans? They have become as iconic on FFU as eesh's
> camo capris.
Maybe Tator Tots was filming the chimpout? If so, we need to find out who has his phone, or if it's with his civilian clothes at prison.
Re: Lizzie completes second week - approaches Hump Day
Posted by:
Definitely NOT the Weasel
Date: October 29, 2019 10:49PM
Definitely NOT lizzie! Wrote:
> there is video on my phone but miz has it but got
> the glasses and don't find it funny that he was
> probably scared
What happened to the purple dildo? There has been much speculation about whether you had it in prison, whether Tator was using it on Miz, or whether Miz kept it to use on Sharon. Can you please help clear up this burning question?
Re: Lizzie completes second week - approaches Hump Day
Posted by:
Definitely not Reggie
Date: October 29, 2019 11:03PM
three year for an accident? Wrote:
> Many of us felt it was scandalous that you should
> serve so much time for an act that could be
> construed as a public service.
Haha. Thanks but I deserved to be there for all of the other stuff I've done.
Re: Lizzie completes second week - approaches Hump Day
Posted by:
Posting from Cabell Library
Date: October 29, 2019 11:07PM
Definitely NOT lizzie! Wrote:
> so nice lizzie's back Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Wish somebody had filmed the chimpout where she
> > was throwing everything in the room at miz. I
> bet
> > miz was terrified! Kind of funny the fight was
> > over tator tots, who was about to get sent off
> to
> > prison anyhow. For being a pedo no less - ideal
> > roomie for miz!
> >
> > Question for lizzie - do you still have the Ray
> > Bans? They have become as iconic on FFU as
> eesh's
> > camo capris.
> Maybe Tator Tots was filming the chimpout? If so,
> we need to find out who has his phone, or if it's
> with his civilian clothes at prison.
All of Tator's electronic devices are locked away as evidence...and when he gets out, he is permanently banned from accessing the internet.
Re: Lizzie completes second week - approaches Hump Day
Posted by:
Definitely NOT TheNorthman
Date: October 29, 2019 11:14PM
as to tator tots..... Wrote:
> Does miz keep in touch with him?
How would I know that?
> Also, did you really send tootguy a Christmas card
> after he died?
> Because, that was mean, even if sharon is a
> psycho....
LMAO yes I did. I forgot all about that. Oh man. I can't even lie I felt bad about that and God kept speaking to me telling me not to send it and yet I did and got some serious instant karma on that one.
Re: Lizzie completes second week - approaches Hump Day
Posted by:
Definitely not Tasha
Date: October 29, 2019 11:30PM
My boyfriend is going to break up with me now! :(
Not allowed on here after midnight or ever again. His "key logger" snitched me out. He said I need to be banned from the internet and need to seek help.
I can't even be mad or offended because it's true. I have to go for real.
Re: Lizzie completes second week - approaches Hump Day
Posted by:
Definitely NOT lizzie!
Date: October 29, 2019 11:35PM
take a picture frame Wrote:
> and bash his fucking head in! That'll show him!
No. I never did that to anyone and never will. I'm such a piece of shit. All he asked was that I not come here and he'd help me with anything I need and he did and I couldn't even hold up to my end of the bargain. He let's me drive his car and stay here rent free, cooks, blah. Time to go back to prison. I don't deserve him.
Re: Lizzie completes second week - approaches Hump Day
Posted by:
Definitely NOT BTYB!
Date: October 29, 2019 11:40PM
Definitely NOT lizzie! Wrote:
> take a picture frame Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > and bash his fucking head in! That'll show him!
> No. I never did that to anyone and never will. I'm
> such a piece of shit. All he asked was that I not
> come here and he'd help me with anything I need
> and he did and I couldn't even hold up to my end
> of the bargain. He let's me drive his car and stay
> here rent free, cooks, blah. Time to go back to
> prison. I don't deserve him.
Re: Lizzie completes second week - approaches Hump Day
Posted by:
Definitely NOT Chuck Buchanan
Date: October 29, 2019 11:41PM
Did you talk to Natalie Keepers and did she say anything about Charles Severance or his ties to Whitey Bulger? Did she play chess by any chance, or maybe 2d6 Chess? Did she know anything about the murder of Ted Christopher? Coincidentally Charles Severance had a townhouse at One Loudoun near Myeesha's old hangout.
Re: Lizzie completes second week - approaches Hump Day
Posted by:
Definitely NOT lizzie!
Date: October 29, 2019 11:42PM
Definitely NOT BTYB! Wrote:
> Definitely NOT lizzie! Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > take a picture frame Wrote:
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> > -----
> > > and bash his fucking head in! That'll show
> him!
> >
> >
> > No. I never did that to anyone and never will.
> I'm
> > such a piece of shit. All he asked was that I
> not
> > come here and he'd help me with anything I need
> > and he did and I couldn't even hold up to my
> end
> > of the bargain. He let's me drive his car and
> stay
> > here rent free, cooks, blah. Time to go back to
> > prison. I don't deserve him.
> True.
Yeah. I really suck. He only wants the best for me but I just don't feel like I deserve someone so good so I'm self sabotaging. It's okay. I don't mind Fluvanna.
Re: Lizzie completes second week - approaches Hump Day
Posted by:
Definitely NOT lizzie!
Date: October 29, 2019 11:43PM
Definitely NOT Chuck Buchanan Wrote:
> Did you talk to Natalie Keepers and did she say
> anything about Charles Severance or his ties to
> Whitey Bulger? Did she play chess by any chance,
> or maybe 2d6 Chess? Did she know anything about
> the murder of Ted Christopher? Coincidentally
> Charles Severance had a townhouse at One Loudoun
> near Myeesha's old hangout.
I fucked her before I found out what her crime was.
Re: Lizzie completes second week - approaches Hump Day
Posted by:
Definitely NOT Roger Carter
Date: October 29, 2019 11:54PM
Did you hear anything about Charles Severance from Natalie? He is not a serial killer but was set up by some very bad people, some of whom he was associating with.
Re: Lizzie completes second week - approaches Hump Day
Posted by:
Definitely NOT lizzie!
Date: October 29, 2019 11:56PM
I only have five minutes left until I can never post here again or he really will kick me out. I'm going to leave. No more self sabotaging. I did my time. I deserve to be happy.
Re: Lizzie completes second week - approaches Hump Day
Posted by:
Definitely NOT lizzie!
Date: October 29, 2019 11:58PM
well, your boyfriend is right Wrote:
> I think eesh was a terrible influence on you and
> set you on the path to ruin....
No one had any influence on me. If anything I had influence on him. I do whatever I want. I make my own decisions. They may not be the best for me but I always a second chance to make things better. There are some women I know who don't have that luxury. They are not ever getting out of prison.
Re: Lizzie completes second week - approaches Hump Day
Posted by:
Definitely NOT lizzie!
Date: October 29, 2019 11:59PM
Definitely NOT Roger Carter Wrote:
> Did you hear anything about Charles Severance from
> Natalie? He is not a serial killer but was set up
> by some very bad people, some of whom he was
> associating with.
Re: Lizzie completes second week - approaches Hump Day
Posted by:
Definitely NOT Justin
Date: October 30, 2019 12:00AM
what about sharon? Wrote:
> Are you on speaking terms with her? I keep wishing
> that juvenile fella from WaPo would do a follow up
> story to the 'reign of terror' piece.
The Post got a lot of egg on its face with that article. It wasn't just that Justin Jouvenal had a predetermined agenda, omitted essential facts, misrepresented other facts, and deliberately misquoted people. He also became an active participant in the story he was supposed to write, which is a major no-no. He's lucky to be still employed.
Re: Lizzie completes second week - approaches Hump Day
Posted by:
hence the need for a new article
Date: October 30, 2019 12:03AM
Definitely NOT Justin Wrote:
> The Post got a lot of egg on its face with that
> article. It wasn't just that Justin Jouvenal had
> a predetermined agenda, omitted essential facts,
> misrepresented other facts, and deliberately
> misquoted people. He also became an active
> participant in the story he was supposed to write,
> which is a major no-no. He's lucky to be still
> employed.
A new, TRUTHFUL story of what happened, written by Mr Juvenal. Right next to it? An editorial in the importance of journalistic integrity, written by Jeff bezos himself!