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Re: A city in tatters, Petersburg, Virginia faces fiscal ruin
Posted by: Gerrymanderer2 ()
Date: September 06, 2016 09:27AM

Rightards are garbage. Thank God they don't manage big cities.

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Re: A city in tatters, Petersburg, Virginia faces fiscal ruin
Posted by: Well Shit ()
Date: September 06, 2016 10:22AM

Gerrymanderer2 Wrote:
> Rightards are garbage. Thank God they don't manage
> big cities.

Yes, Gerry - thank God they don't. Because if they did, the cities would thrive and work well. The exact fucking opposite of what the retarded niggers (you love so much) do to everything they touch.

from the article...

In his 46 years minding state ledgers in various roles, Virginia Finance Secretary Ric Brown has never seen anything like it. “As a rule, most Virginia localities are in pretty good shape,” Brown said.

Why? Because they are run by Republicans.

When will you soft headed democrats learn that NOT PAYING YOUR FUCKING BILLS FOREVER is not a management method?

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Re: A city in tatters, Petersburg, Virginia faces fiscal ruin
Posted by: Petersburg #1 income ()
Date: September 06, 2016 10:29AM

It's time to add even more speed traps on 95, they need to start competing with Emporia.

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Re: A city in tatters, Petersburg, Virginia faces fiscal ruin
Posted by: vEKxn ()
Date: September 06, 2016 10:56AM


Petersburg is run by and full of welfare niggers.

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Re: A city in tatters, Petersburg, Virginia faces fiscal ruin
Posted by: Poles ()
Date: September 06, 2016 10:58AM

Nuff sed:

Because Petersburg has a predominant black population (which votes heavily Democratic), the city has been a Democratic stronghold. It is represented by Joseph Preston in the House of Delegates (63rd District) and Rosalyn R. Dance in the State Senate (16th District). Both Preston and Dance are Democrats. Six of the City Council representatives are confirmed Democrats including the mayor and vice-mayor. All the local constitutional officers are also Democrats. In 2008, Petersburg gave the second-largest percentage of votes for the Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama than any other municipality in the nation.

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Re: A city in tatters, Petersburg, Virginia faces fiscal ruin
Posted by: deep pockets ()
Date: September 06, 2016 11:08AM

They should give Trey Songz a call. He's from Petersburg.

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Re: A city in tatters, Petersburg, Virginia faces fiscal ruin
Posted by: eesh ()
Date: September 06, 2016 10:42PM

Petersburg #1 income Wrote:
> It's time to add even more speed traps on 95, they
> need to start competing with Emporia.

Hopewell is way worse. The area near Fort Lee is notorious for a 2 mile speed trap. Look for Dodge Challengers and Chargers parked on the shoulder.

If you have a New York, New Jersey, or Quebec license plate, and you are driving on the interstate south of the Varina-Enon bridge, you might as well budget for a speeding ticket.

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Re: A city in tatters, Petersburg, Virginia faces fiscal ruin
Posted by: Black Death ()
Date: September 06, 2016 10:57PM

No amount of tickets can bail these cities out.

Niggers can burn through more cash than you can print. You could give them trillions and they would still blow it all and be bankrupt.

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Re: A city in tatters, Petersburg, Virginia faces fiscal ruin
Posted by: city point va ()
Date: September 06, 2016 10:58PM

Hopewell gets pretty shitty the further you drive into it, made the mistake of getting off the highway there once and took a drive around trying to find my way back. it's crummy. major civil war stuff there too, it was the HQ of the whole Union army for a year, it's a shame it's not more tourist-oriented.

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Re: A city in tatters, Petersburg, Virginia faces fiscal ruin
Posted by: eesh ()
Date: September 06, 2016 11:06PM

city point va Wrote:
> Hopewell gets pretty shitty the further you drive
> into it, made the mistake of getting off the
> highway there once and took a drive around trying
> to find my way back. it's crummy. major civil
> war stuff there too, it was the HQ of the whole
> Union army for a year, it's a shame it's not more
> tourist-oriented.

Downtown Hopewell feels like a ghost town.

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Re: A city in tatters, Petersburg, Virginia faces fiscal ruin
Posted by: Hopelesswell ()
Date: September 06, 2016 11:08PM

eesh Wrote:
> city point va Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Hopewell gets pretty shitty the further you
> drive
> > into it, made the mistake of getting off the
> > highway there once and took a drive around
> trying
> > to find my way back. it's crummy. major civil
> > war stuff there too, it was the HQ of the whole
> > Union army for a year, it's a shame it's not
> more
> > tourist-oriented.

> Downtown Hopewell feels like a ghost town.

That's because it is.

Has been for probably 25 years or more.

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Re: A city in tatters, Petersburg, Virginia faces fiscal ruin
Posted by: 4wwHD ()
Date: September 06, 2016 11:08PM

With the new meals tax the state can take more money from Fairfax county to redistribute.

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Re: A city in tatters, Petersburg, Virginia faces fiscal ruin
Posted by: did they fill that crater? ()
Date: September 06, 2016 11:14PM

Isn't that where the yanks tried to blow a hole in the reb lines by tunneling underneath and setting off a huge explosion, but then all charged into the resulting crater and got trapped and then got killed by the rebs?

The crater would probably make a good swimming hole.

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Re: A city in tatters, Petersburg, Virginia faces fiscal ruin
Posted by: eesh ()
Date: September 06, 2016 11:15PM

The state is keeping an eye on the situation. Gov. Terry McAuliffe (D) recently told a Richmond radio program that he would consider sending in state troopers to help ensure public safety.

He should send in the Virginia Defense Force.

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Re: A city in tatters, Petersburg, Virginia faces fiscal ruin
Posted by: VDF? Not a good idea. ()
Date: September 06, 2016 11:35PM

eesh Wrote:
> The state is keeping an eye on the situation.
> Gov. Terry McAuliffe (D) recently told a Richmond
> radio program that he would consider sending in
> state troopers to help ensure public safety.

> He should send in the Virginia Defense Force.

Without police protection, they'd probably get mugged by middle-schoolers.

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Re: A city in tatters, Petersburg, Virginia faces fiscal ruin
Posted by: Gunlover ()
Date: September 07, 2016 04:31AM



Its those yankees and General Ambrose Burnside Fault. If Burnside would had used all them Nogs like he was supposed to at the battle of the crater they wouldn't been around Petersburg today and he wouldn't have been relieved at second time. After the battle they discharged all them excess homeless useless Nogs in Petersburg and they still haven't left. Naw let all them fine northern white boys die because they wouldn't have stuck around afterwards.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/07/2016 04:36AM by Gunlover.

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Re: A city in tatters, Petersburg, Virginia faces fiscal ruin
Posted by: Faglover ()
Date: September 07, 2016 04:36AM

Gunlover Wrote:
> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_the_Crater
> http://www.civilwar.org/battlefields/the-crater.ht
> ml
> Its those yankees and General Ambrose Burnside
> Fault. If Burnside would had used all them Nogs
> like he supposed to at the battle of the crater
> they wouldn't been around Petersburg today and he
> wouldn't have been relieved at second time. After
> the battle they discharged all them excess
> homeless useless Nogs in Petersburg and they still
> haven't left.

go away Faglover

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Re: A city in tatters, Petersburg, Virginia faces fiscal ruin
Posted by: war hero ()
Date: September 07, 2016 05:30AM

did they fill that crater? Wrote:
> Isn't that where the yanks tried to blow a hole in
> the reb lines by tunneling underneath and setting
> off a huge explosion, but then all charged into
> the resulting crater and got trapped and then got
> killed by the rebs?

Yes, you can visit the Crater battlefield park a few miles east of downtown Petersburg. You can still see the tunnel entrance used by the union miners.

That whole area from south of Petersburg all the way up the east side of Richmond up to Mechanicsville was one long continuous series of manned earthworks and trenches from June 1864 to the end of the war. Over 100,000 troops pointing guns at each other for almost a whole year. You can probably find some neat stuff around there if you have a metal detector.

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Re: A city in tatters, Petersburg, Virginia faces fiscal ruin
Posted by: just saying ()
Date: September 07, 2016 05:51AM

It's illegal to use metal detectors on any public land around the Petersburg area. They enforce it. Civil war scavengers were the cause years ago. I wouldn't suggest it.

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Re: A city in tatters, Petersburg, Virginia faces fiscal ruin
Posted by: I dug up some skulls ()
Date: September 07, 2016 05:53AM

last time I was there. Have them on my bookcase now.

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Re: A city in tatters, Petersburg, Virginia faces fiscal ruin
Posted by: Meade can lead ()
Date: September 07, 2016 08:18AM

Petersburg should hire Meade to balance the books and get that city's shit together.

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Re: A city in tatters, Petersburg, Virginia faces fiscal ruin
Posted by: wouldn't be too good ()
Date: September 07, 2016 08:42AM

Meade can lead Wrote:
> Petersburg should hire Meade to balance the books
> and get that city's shit together.

Meade Skelton suffers from violent sociopathic outbursts whenever he's around black people.

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Re: A city in tatters, Petersburg, Virginia faces fiscal ruin
Posted by: Boss Tweed ()
Date: September 07, 2016 08:47AM

Gerrymanderer2 Wrote:
> Rightards are garbage. Thank God they don't manage
> big cities.

You mean like Detroit, Chicago, or Harrisburg for example?

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Re: A city in tatters, Petersburg, Virginia faces fiscal ruin
Posted by: Gruntled ()
Date: September 07, 2016 09:29AM

I once read a book by a participant of the Battle of the Crater (I swear it's true: a FFU participant read a book!) that placed the blame on Meade's interference, and a couple of Union officers who were busy getting "bombed" in a bomb-proof bunker, that is, too drunk to follow the plan.

Apparently, black troops had been training heavily for the specifics of the attack, but in an attack of PC, Meade changed the lead unit to a white one on very short notice. The book claimed that he didn't want to be depicted as using blacks for cannon fodder.

Burnside deserves the blame for "Burnsides Bridge" at Antietam, and for Fredericksburg, but I'm not so sure about the Crater. Lincoln did say afterwards that only Burnside could have wrenched one last defeat out of the jaws of victory.

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Re: A city in tatters, Petersburg, Virginia faces fiscal ruin
Posted by: explosions ()
Date: September 07, 2016 09:50AM

Those are correct, historically accepted accounts of the Crater. I don't think it's been proven in fact that the union commanders were getting drunk during the execution of the assault, but Grant definitely suspected it based on talk around camp that day, he's written that into his account of the war, and others have too.

And yes, the black troops were perfectly trained lead the assault AROUND the crater, but they were switched with another unit only a few hours before the blast because command didn't want a reputation that they were simply sending black troops on suicide missions.

If you want to read about another Union bungle with mass explosives, read about the battle at Fort Fisher, NC that happened a few months later. They packed a whole ship full of dynamite and ran it into a coastal fort in the middle of the night. Probably the biggest explosion ever to happen in the US at the time. It basically did nothing too and was a major embarrassment.

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Re: A city in tatters, Petersburg, Virginia faces fiscal ruin
Posted by: Gruntled ()
Date: September 07, 2016 09:56AM

explosions Wrote:
> Those are correct, historically accepted accounts
> of the Crater. I don't think it's been proven in
> fact that the union commanders were getting drunk
> during the execution of the assault, but Grant
> definitely suspected it based on talk around camp
> that day, he's written that into his account of
> the war, and others have too.
> And yes, the black troops were perfectly trained
> lead the assault AROUND the crater, but they were
> switched with another unit only a few hours before
> the blast because command didn't want a reputation
> that they were simply sending black troops on
> suicide missions.
> If you want to read about another Union bungle
> with mass explosives, read about the battle at
> Fort Fisher, NC that happened a few months later.
> They packed a whole ship full of dynamite and ran
> it into a coastal fort in the middle of the night.
> Probably the biggest explosion ever to happen in
> the US at the time. It basically did nothing too
> and was a major embarrassment.

I can't recall the title of the book, but it was a short one sold at the souveneir shop at one of the battlefields I visited. It may have been by Pleasants, and he specifically mentioned the drunk officers.

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Re: A city in tatters, Petersburg, Virginia faces fiscal ruin
Posted by: Meals Tax ()
Date: September 07, 2016 04:43PM

You'll be absolutely stunned how the DEM controlled council solved their budget problem.

From the Associated Press...

PETERSBURG, Va. (AP) — The Petersburg City Council has approved tax increases aimed at closing the city’s $12 million budget gap.

Local news organizations report that the seven-member council voted Tuesday to raise the lodging tax from 6 percent to 10 percent, the meals tax from 6 percent to 7 percent, the cigarette tax from 10 cents per pack to 90 cents and the monthly trash-removal fee from $14 to $20.

The council decided to defer a proposed personal property tax increase to the next meeting.

Vice Mayor Samuel Parham says Gov. Terry McAuliffe made it clear that Petersburg must overcome the crisis on its own, without financial assistance from the state.

The council’s decision won’t take effect until Oct. 1.

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Re: A city in tatters, Petersburg, Virginia faces fiscal ruin
Posted by: eesh ()
Date: September 07, 2016 05:21PM

Meals Tax Wrote:
> Local news organizations report that the
> seven-member council voted Tuesday to raise the
> lodging tax from 6 percent to 10 percent

The previous article talked of how few tourists come to the city. The only ones that use lodging in Petersburg are the people that live in motels.

> cigarette tax from 10 cents per pack to 90 cents

People will go down the road to Colonial Heights to any of the tobacco shops that line Route 1.

> and the monthly trash-removal fee from $14 to
> $20.

People will start dumping their trash bags in commercial bins at night or in the trash cans by gas pumps.

> The council decided to defer a proposed personal
> property tax increase to the next meeting.

Previous article talked of all the abandoned property in Petersburg. Property tax increases will just drive away more people.

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Re: A city in tatters, Petersburg, Virginia faces fiscal ruin
Posted by: Gunlover ()
Date: September 07, 2016 05:25PM

Meals Tax Wrote:

You'll be absolutely stunned how the DEM
> controlled council solved their budget problem.
> From the Associated Press...

> Petersburg City Council has approved tax increases
> aimed at closing the city’s $12 million budget
> gap.
> Local news organizations report that the
> seven-member council voted Tuesday to raise the
> lodging tax from 6 percent to 10 percent, the
> meals tax from 6 percent to 7 percent, the
> cigarette tax from 10 cents per pack to 90 cents
> and the monthly trash-removal fee from $14 to
> $20.
> The council decided to defer a proposed personal
> property tax increase to the next meeting.
> Vice Mayor Samuel Parham says Gov. Terry McAuliffe
> made it clear that Petersburg must overcome the
> crisis on its own, without financial assistance
> from the state.
> The council’s decision won’t take effect until
> Oct. 1.

Burnside should have used them Nogs.

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Re: A city in tatters, Petersburg, Virginia faces fiscal ruin
Posted by: Gunlover's House ()
Date: September 07, 2016 05:38PM

located in beautiful Petersburg, VA


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Re: A city in tatters, Petersburg, Virginia faces fiscal ruin
Posted by: Lazy Cux ()
Date: September 07, 2016 05:41PM

The place looks like the kind of town where you'll find lots of Hillary supporters.

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Re: A city in tatters, Petersburg, Virginia faces fiscal ruin
Posted by: heartland of america ()
Date: September 07, 2016 05:50PM

Lazy Cux Wrote:
> The place looks like the kind of town where you'll
> find lots of Hillary supporters.

it honestly doesn't look any different than any smalltown USA. mostly older homes, a dying business district competing with shopping malls and walmart, signs of industry that hasn't been there in decades. alot of america is like this outside of major metropolitan areas.

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Re: A city in tatters, Petersburg, Virginia faces fiscal ruin
Posted by: Letsgetrealnow ()
Date: September 07, 2016 09:12PM

Petersburg is 80% Negro. Its one of blackest cities in all of Virginia.

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Re: A city in tatters, Petersburg, Virginia faces fiscal ruin
Posted by: Fucking Meade!!!!!!!!! ()
Date: September 07, 2016 09:29PM

Gruntled Wrote:

> Meade's interference, ... Meade changed the lead unit to a white one
> on very short notice.

What HASN'T Meade Skelton ruined?

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Re: A city in tatters, Petersburg, Virginia faces fiscal ruin
Posted by: #revokepetersburg ()
Date: September 07, 2016 09:46PM

Revoke the city's charter and reapportion its territory among the surrounding counties.

Because cities are independent entities in Virginia, the next largest governmental entity would have to do this, meaning the Virginia General Assembly, which granted Petersburg its charter in the first place.


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Re: A city in tatters, Petersburg, Virginia faces fiscal ruin
Posted by: brefdc ()
Date: June 03, 2021 12:52AM

The more things change, the more they stay the same.

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Re: A city in tatters, Petersburg, Virginia faces fiscal ruin
Posted by: A Facial in Petersburg ()
Date: June 03, 2021 12:59AM


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Re: A city in tatters, Petersburg, Virginia faces fiscal ruin
Posted by: Governor Youngkin FTW! ()
Date: January 30, 2022 11:13PM

Governor Youngkin will get Petersburg on the right path in no time. It will take a lot of work to fix what racist democrats have done to the city, but governor Youngkin is smart and has put together the most diverse government in the history of the commonwealth.

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Re: A city in tatters, Petersburg, Virginia faces fiscal ruin
Posted by: Nuke Hopewell ()
Date: January 30, 2022 11:27PM

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Re: A city in tatters, Petersburg, Virginia faces fiscal ruin
Posted by: Amazondotcom ()
Date: January 30, 2022 11:39PM

Str8 fax homie

Just like amazon.com


Amazon.com sells a lot of stuff check us out Amazon.com open 24 hours a day, 365

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Re: A city in tatters, Petersburg, Virginia faces fiscal ruin
Posted by: Mick Jagger Stones ()
Date: January 30, 2022 11:43PM

I've set it a million times.

You Work and work for love and sex. This city Petersburg is in tatters.

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Re: A city in tatters, Petersburg, Virginia faces fiscal ruin
Posted by: It is because it was ()
Date: January 31, 2022 07:57AM

Governor Youngkin FTW! Wrote:
> Governor Youngkin will get Petersburg on the right
> path in no time. It will take a lot of work to fix
> what racist democrats have done to the city, but
> governor Youngkin is smart and has put together
> the most diverse government in the history of the
> commonwealth.

Laughed and laughed, and then I realized you were serious.

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Re: A city in tatters, Petersburg, Virginia faces fiscal ruin
Posted by: Bdug ()
Date: August 31, 2022 09:43PM

Is Petersburg still fucked up?

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