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Karate teacher posts Youtube vid of his student stomping a man in DC in 1984
Posted by: Concerned viewer ()
Date: August 21, 2009 07:10PM

Has anybody heard about this? A guy who used to teach karate in DC posted a video to Youtube that has one of his students fighting a guy who is supposedly mentally ill, and then stomping his head, possibly killing him.

This isn't for sensitive viewers: http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=e55_1250787987

Apparently a bunch of people online have picked up on it and have been investigating it: http://www.bullshido.net/forums/showthread.php?t=88535 People say they have forwarded the video and information to news agencies and police, but there doesn't seem to be anything in the local or national news yet.

The teacher's name is apparently Bobby J Blythe. Does anyone know anything about this guy, his dojo, or this incident?

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Re: Karate teacher posts Youtube vid of his student stomping a man in DC in 1984
Posted by: Warhawk ()
Date: August 21, 2009 07:23PM

FYI - there's a thread in the off topic section about this...

The dude's dojo is in Dumfries and this happened around 1984.

That's not a ladybug, that's a cannapiller.

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Re: Karate teacher posts Youtube vid of his student stomping a man in DC in 1984
Posted by: trogdor! ()
Date: August 31, 2009 11:20PM

Warhawk Wrote:
> FYI - there's a thread in the off topic section
> about this...
> The dude's dojo is in Dumfries and this happened
> around 1984.


"A police chief in California -- where the dojo leader now lives -- got into the act and went on local television vowing local, state and federal investigations into what he called a "cold case."

Except the case isn't cold, and the man wasn't killed. The viral video is another example of what can happen so easily on the Internet, with sketchy information leading to wild speculation -- and wild-goose chases for police. "

"Feldbush saw the man in the days after the incident and noticed him limping.

"You could tell he had been beaten severely," Feldbush said. "He wasn't very cooperative and didn't want to pursue charges."

""There was some egregious behavior on that video," Feldbush said, adding that he saw it for the first time in recent days. "And it has caused a fervor because of what people have been saying about it. You have an African American male beaten into the ground and he's allegedly murdered and the police did nothing. That's as far from the truth as you can imagine. They've weaved quite a tale here.""

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Re: Karate teacher posts Youtube vid of his student stomping a man in DC in 1984
Date: August 31, 2009 11:33PM

Sounds to me like the Prince William cops are full of shit. Some cop says he remembers the guy after he was beaten, but the guy wouldn't talk about it? It was 25 years ago, you morons! Can the cop seriously recall that it was a) this same person; b) he saw him after this event was taped and not before (during some other beating); and c) that the guy survived after the cop supposedly saw him?

Bullshit. They need to start a case file on it and investigate it.


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Re: Karate teacher posts Youtube vid of his student stomping a man in DC in 1984
Posted by: WingNut ()
Date: August 31, 2009 11:34PM

I read the Post story today too. I thought it would be a worse mismatch. The homeless guy had pretty good form (though a little dramatic) but the instructor fought with his head. Ducking is as important as hitting, the instructor played it right.

The last couple of stomps were excessive enough to warrent a charge, regardless if the guy was hurt or not. The guy probably was a pain in the ass and they needed rid of him.

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Re: Karate teacher posts Youtube vid of his student stomping a man in DC in 1984
Posted by: WingNut ()
Date: August 31, 2009 11:37PM

I don't think its the original, but the only version of this on Youtube has only 323 hits. I kind of thought this was a nationwide sensation. Maybe the orig was taken down?

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Re: Karate teacher posts Youtube vid of his student stomping a man in DC in 1984
Posted by: Thurston Moore ()
Date: September 01, 2009 01:51AM

WashingTone-Locian Wrote:
> Sounds to me like the Prince William cops are full
> of shit. Some cop says he remembers the guy after
> he was beaten, but the guy wouldn't talk about it?
> It was 25 years ago, you morons! Can the cop
> seriously recall that it was a) this same person;
> b) he saw him after this event was taped and not
> before (during some other beating); and c) that
> the guy survived after the cop supposedly saw
> him?
> Bullshit. They need to start a case file on it and
> investigate it.

I wouldn't discount the "cop to cop exchange" as a very quick and decisive way to end an investigation.

I still have absolutely no doubt from seeing the skull shattering stomp to his head, after the kick to the throat, and hearing his forced, labored breathing, that this guy was only minutes or hours away from dying without immediate medical care.

Whether the cop being mentioned was involved and is attempting to shunt the investigation, or if he simply made a mistake in connecting two seperate incidents, it doesn't matter.

There should be a continuing investigation until they locate the actual person, dead or alive, and determine whether he died from the skull fractures in that video, or whatever other circumstances. If they stop investigating because some Barney Fife said "yah! I sawdem jes dee otter day! He's all happyz and singing satchmo songz and me maw even baked him a apple pie!" then they are either lazy or just don't want to dredge up the past on fellow cops.

Don't discount the fact that there may be FBI agents who once worked in PW county, or who know them. It's a "thin blue line" and it protects itself.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 09/01/2009 01:53AM by Thurston Moore.

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Re: Karate teacher posts Youtube vid of his student stomping a man in DC in 1984
Posted by: Spacy ()
Date: September 01, 2009 05:39AM

Some more videos:

"Gun down" someone in front of little children:

"We can do what we want, anytime we want..."
Appears to be the set-up lecture prior to luring the homeless,
mentally disabled man into the dojo for his execution.
"It's open season!"

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Re: Karate teacher posts Youtube vid of his student stomping a man in DC in 1984
Posted by: Spacy ()
Date: September 01, 2009 11:29AM

I received a note back from Mr. Zingg, who was Mr. Blythe's assistant at the school, some considerable time prior to the incident. When I contacted him, I said I'd post his response on the forum; here it is in it's entirety.


Your anger over the video is understandable. However, I had already left Mr. Blythe's school approx 8 months earlier and moved to WV to start my own school and do my own thing. Although I have maintained occasional contact with Mr. Blythe over the years I have not received any instruction from him in over 25 years. I have gone on to learn from other instructors and represent other organizations.

I do not condone the actions in the video. It certainly did not portray the school I remember.

Yes, Mr. Blythe was my instructor from 1971 to 1984, and the references to him on my website are an historical record of my martial arts training. I will not deny who I have trained with over they years, nor will I run away from it.

This incident was investigated over 15 years ago and I was interviewed by the police then, and will certainly cooperate again, however I can add nothing that has not already been said. This video has caused a firestorm of righteous indignation and people are looking for justice, but due to the ongoing investigation I will not comment further nor speculate on the many conspiracy theories being expounded on the net.

The best information about the video can be viewed by going to the www.Bullshido.net website and viewing their investigative discussion group there.

Your concerns are well taken, but I travel a different path than Mr. Blythe.

Thank you for your time, and take care.

Rob Zingg

So apparently not everyone from there is a criminal psycho asshole.

Interesting factoid that the police did at least some
kind of followup, interviewing someone from the school
was not present (but might know something).
How serious was the investigation,
I doubt we'll ever really know.

Edited 5 time(s). Last edit at 09/01/2009 11:43AM by Spacy.

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Re: Karate teacher posts Youtube vid of his student stomping a man in DC in 1984
Posted by: Spacy ()
Date: September 01, 2009 11:40AM

Weird, my message detailing the identity of the assailant (who is on probation in Florida for an assault in 2007) appears to have been removed from the forum? Also the one with the information about Mr. Zingg (before his response). Some other posts are missing, too. This topic used to be 2 pages. Maybe I, at least, have been violating some forum rules that I don't know about. Or else the forum could just be messed up, I guess.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 09/01/2009 11:43AM by Spacy.

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Re: Karate teacher posts Youtube vid of his student stomping a man in DC in 1984
Posted by: TheMeeper ()
Date: September 01, 2009 12:08PM

Spacy- there are several threads about this incident. Your comments weren't deleted, they're posted over in this other thread:


Spacy Wrote:
> Weird, my message detailing the identity of the
> assailant (who is on probation in Florida for an
> assault in 2007) appears to have been removed from
> the forum? Also the one with the information
> about Mr. Zingg (before his response). Some other
> posts are missing, too. This topic used to be 2
> pages. Maybe I, at least, have been violating
> some forum rules that I don't know about. Or else
> the forum could just be messed up, I guess.

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Re: Karate teacher posts Youtube vid of his student stomping a man in DC in 1984
Posted by: Spacy ()
Date: September 01, 2009 12:24PM

TheMeeper Wrote:
> Spacy- there are several threads about this
> incident. Your comments weren't deleted, they're
> posted over in this other thread:
> http://www.fairfaxunderground.com/forum/read/40/23
> 0142/234830.html

Oops, I'm a moron. Thanks!

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Re: Karate teacher posts Youtube vid of his student stomping a man in DC in 1984
Posted by: Les ()
Date: September 01, 2009 03:56PM

He may not need the victim's cooperation since the tape of the incident is going to be evidence.

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